


Calm The Fuck Down by Broke For Free

Readers Comments (68)

  1. omg…the cat that meowed underwater killed me. And for all of the people complaining that it’s animal abuse, it’s really not. they are making sure there animal is healthy. they don’t clean themselves completely. the baths help with fleas and ticks….I will say it is sad seeing them sad but it’s for their health.

    • +Larry Guile cats do need bath eventually although my cats have wonderful fur and they never bathe

    • You should fill the tub halfway to their torso and then lightly rub soap around them avoiding their face so they don’t get any soap or water in their eyes or NOSE so that it doesn’t hurt them. Bathing isn’t abuse but not doing it properly is abuse. You shouldn’t be trusted with animals or children under the age of 7 if you cant even properly bathe a cat.

    • Dat Cat said : mlom x3

    • myanimaljam0112 AJ March 27, 2017 @ 1:24 am

      Katelynnello I know. Mem, mem, mem, mem, killed me too lol. (Ik I’m commenting a year after lol)

    • myanimaljam0112 AJ Its alright. I can’t believe it’s been a year. Haha

  2. its not animal abuse lmao of course it breaks my heart when I have to see my cat so sad when I bathe it but he had fleas and his veterinarian told me I had to bath him with a special flea shampoo , so yes they do need baths.

  3. The amount of comments defending the fact that cats do in fact need to be bathed is surprising and restores some of my faith in humanity. 🙂

  4. Please people, if you have to bathe your cat, fill the tub first and THEN bring your cat into the bathroom. The sound of the running water can only make the situation more stressful for kitty.

  5. SuperRodimusPrime December 16, 2015 @ 7:22 am

    If you’re going to put your cat in the tub, the best way to keep them in there without having to worry about getting clawed to shreds is to hold them by the scruff of their neck with one hand while you clean them with the other.

    • +SuperRodimusPrime – I have much better luck with bathing adult cats in a kitchen sink with about 2-4 inches of water. Raising kittens on a schedule makes it easier as they get older. –Not often enough to give them dry skin.
      Scruffing them does help too if needed (usually the initial bath or 2, then I don’t need to.)

    • +SuperRodimusPrime the best way is to put them in a sink with a towel in the bottom and half on the edge so they have something to gain purchase on. It’s scary for them when they can’t gain purchase on slippery surfaces.

    • +SuperRodimusPrime Not if they’re fully grown- it’ll hurt them!:(

    • SuperRodimusPrime April 4, 2016 @ 3:41 am

      +Lil C
      Like I told the other person who said the same thing you did, I didn’t say to hold them in the air. Hold them down in the tub by the scruff of the neck to limit their movements. It doesn’t hurt them at all.

    • Makayla Edington April 9, 2016 @ 3:01 pm

      +Lil C actually it wouldn’t hurt them it just depends on how much water there is anything higher than the average water it is supposed to have, can kill the poor cat.

  6. Patti Kickhaefer January 12, 2016 @ 2:02 am

    5:50 I have never seen a cat who wants to take a bath

  7. lol im all like dog push dat cat in the tub

  8. That guy with that Barbie thing is a terrible person

    • His cat had fleas you have to bathe them if they have fleas if you don’t it’s inhuman to the cat because they are in pain and itching

    • And his crack was showing. Yuck! Stupid man.

    • Greninja Storm May 12, 2016 @ 3:47 pm

      My dog doesn’t like baths, but at least she doesn’t struggle(she’s a rather small dog). She once had a major flea issue, but we got it taken care of

    • Emily Odenkirk
      Exactly. He’s cussing and yelling at the car, which stresses it out more, plus he’s running the loud bath water. Cats have very sensitive hearing, so the water running was too loud and stressing her out even more.

  9. Daniel P Hanover February 4, 2016 @ 7:02 am

    Unless a cat is REALLY dirty, there is never a reason to wash a cat.

  10. 6:04 okay that’s just cute ???

  11. Karkat Vantas May 24, 2016 @ 7:53 am

    Legend has it the kitten at 5:40 is still in the tub to this day.

  12. When ever I’m sad I watch pointless cat videos. Then I realize that I just wasted minutes I could have used to improve my life and then I get sad… so I watch mor pointless cat videos!

  13. the little white kitty tht didnt want to leave the bath is the cutest <3<3

  14. Dreh!gon Sleh!er September 8, 2016 @ 4:33 am

    The guys at 3 mins was wayy too loud… And if the water wasn’t running it would be easier.

  15. Not funny seeing owners distressing cats

  16. Even TheLegend27 probably can’t get the kitten at 5:45 out of the tub.

  17. LOL THE DOG PUSHED THE CAT ???????????????

  18. oh~♡breybrey so cute♡♡♡

  19. The 2 cat was like lel

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