Funny Cats And Kittens Who Don’t Want To Share Their Food Compilation [BEST OF]

Check out these greedy selfish funny cats and funny kittens that don't want to share their food. If you're up for funny cat videos and funny kitten videos check out this funny cats compilation.

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Readers Comments (78)

  1. *Don’t touch my food!!*

  2. The two black cats I feel bad for the cat that didn’t eat

  3. Nooraida Rosita Diana November 17, 2016 @ 5:23 am

    this is why you must to give your cats food in bigger plate (just if you have more than one cat)

    • they say for every 2 cats 1 litter box for every 2 cats 1 bowl for food water bowl can be just one huge pan or bowl they do not tend to fight around that

  4. Anand Paris-Adams November 17, 2016 @ 10:13 am

    Kind of funny, some clips. But, poking kittens while they try to eat is just mean. And putting one bowl of food down for 2 cats that are growling (the last video) is just provoking a fight for a silly video. How does your stomach feel while eating under stress? I think these cruel and abusive people should pass the time pulling the wings off of flies instead. ?

  5. My cat is the opposite of this: she wants me to go with her when she wants to eat, and while she’s eating, she looks at me kinda like “Want some? It’s delicious!”.

  6. cute cute cute all cute!

  7. not good to tease them

  8. please will someone explain to me what is funny? the cats in these videos are being either overtly or passively abused, and their reaction is a natural one of self defense and provoked aggressiveness, and they are not happy. I don’t get why this is cute, please tell me? And why don’t these pairs of cats have two bowls? It’s such a simple business, cats are naturally extremely cordial to each other and very hierarchically oriented. what is funny or amusing about disrupting their collegiality and sociality?
    Also please explain to me why it is cute to physically assault a kitten while it is trying to eat? (consider the size of the kitten compared to your finger, if this seems an exaggeration. This would be like someone poking you with a battering rod in the ribs while you try to eat. I wish that would happen on youtube so we can laugh at you. the anger this raises in me is suprising. I guess the producers of these videos have never been bullied, or beaten as children. I would like to know how you think, what makes you find this satisfying and amusing.

    • November 18, 2016 @ 5:20 pm

      Helen Lauer I can understand what you mean, I agree that it’s really not funny how people poked that little kitten while eating. It’s not right, to disturb cats while they are eating, because this is their comfort-zone.

      But in the other videos with the two cats fighting over their food, most of the times there was a second bowl in the background which was already empty eaten. So I assume, that the other cat already ate his food and tried to “steal” also the food of his buddy.
      A friend of mine had three cats, and one of them was such a “foodie” that he did the same thing, and my friend had to watch very closely that the rest of the cats got their food too. Because this cat always ate very fast his own food and then went to the other bowls and tried to steal the rest of the food. 😛

    • Helen, I agree with every word you have written! Couldn’t have said it better myself.

    • Helen Lauer is just that the way their doing it that’s what makes it funny, plus all cats are cute,clumsy,sweet,adorable,cuddley and sometimes seroius .

    • Anita, I have to disagree with you. I agree completely with Helen, as you can see in the comment which I wrote 3 days ago. It is not acceptable to tease cats just to make humans laugh. But I should add that I also hate the Candid Camera type of videos (I haven’t seen any recently, thank goodness) where they play tricks on humans, just to laugh at them. Cats, if you get to know them, all have different personalities just like humans. I know it may sound strange but I think one should respect each cat (and other animals) just as we humans want to be respected.

    • Ora Hall teasing provoking an animal for entertainment is lligal even its free entertainment its easer to enforce in payed entertainment

  9. Cats deserve their own separate plate and should be allowed to eat w/o being provoked.

  10. Shantisagar Katta November 19, 2016 @ 3:36 pm

    so cute I wish I could have a cute kitten

    • Le Gurennec Francine: Peut-être c’est drôle quand on parle des enfants qui se chamaillent mais ce n”est pas de tout drôle quand on rit de chats parce-que un humain les taquine .

    • Anonymoose, when one loves a cat, as is the case when one loves a person, cuteness is not a factor
      as far as I am concerned. I have three adult cats. Two are quite cute and one is definitely not but I don’t love her less for that. Yes, unfortunately, there are people who go by looks, both in cats and in people.

    • موزنتتطد.،وتتنمكتنةهتمنهمتتن

    • +Ora Hall I have desame opinion as yours. Me I rescue stray pets regardless of how they look.

    • +Ora Hall I have desame opinion as yours. Me I rescue stray pets regardless of how they look.

  11. My bowl…my bowl…my bowl…my bowl.

  12. HasNoShame dotcom November 19, 2016 @ 5:59 pm

    Some of these videos should be classified as animal cruelty. Teasing these animals while they eat is just adding extra stress that isn’t needed, just like the ones that have 1 bowl for 2 cats. I didn’t laugh at any of these.

    • Yes you did laugh

    • HasNoShame dotcom get a life oo

    • TriggerWarning yaaas

    • I have to agree with HasNoShame dotcom. Each of the animals should get their own bowl this will teach your pets to be aggressive and to guard food because they will learn if they don’t fight for it the other will finish the food before me. My bog was raised with other dogs and had to share her food when we got her. It did not teach her to share her food but to show food aggression because if she would not fight for eat she would not eat.

      These are not children they are animals and we can not teach them like we teach our children to share. Yes it is important they learn not to growl or snap at someone who passes their bowl, especially if you have children or toddlers but taunting them will not help to teach this skill. You have to reward them for good behavior. Dog trainers will tell you that you reward them but never mess with their food!

    • Until the cat or dog scratches or bits the child and then it is to the shelter with you bad cat or dog, when in reality it is the humans fault!

  13. Kittens aren’t toys. They really need a bowl each and shouldn’t be teased at feeding time as this can make them spiteful towards each other and humans. If a young child copies human bad behaviour and gets scratched, the kitten will often be destroyed because it’s got a ‘bad temperament’.

  14. They’re not greedy or selfish- those are human attributes. Cats are cats, not to be judged by our standards.

  15. poor cats 🙁
    evil owner!

  16. What is funny about making cats fight each other to eat? Poking kittens when they are trying to eat? Cruel humor.

    • Shove a tampon up your snatch and learn how to laugh.

    • Tabby Doulin Disgusting. Somethings wrong with you.

    • You are sick.

    • +Bonnie H
      I’m not the one throwing a tantrum misinterpreting a few second video. Grow up. People like you don’t actually give a damn about the animal. You only care about your own opinion. NONE of the animals were harmed or hurt. They aren’t going to need a vet or 10 years of therapy. This is what animals do IN THE WILD since you are ignorant.

    • Tabby Doulin I bet you have hardly any friends and sit in your apartment every night wondering why your alone.

  17. No wonder so many people have cats that pee on their beds and such. These incidents of teasing do not constitute cruelty, but you get what you pay, folks. What goes around cones around.

  18. It looks funny , but its not funny to the cat

  19. The segments where the human hand intervenes aren’t so natural and/or funny. In one segment, I was kinda of hoping the human hand got scratched by the kitten.

  20. oooohhhhhhhhh

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