Funny CAT FAILS that will make you POOP YOUR PANTS FROM LAUGHING – Best CAT compilation

Just look how all these cats & kittens play, fail, get along with dogs and other animals, get scared, make funny sounds, get angry,… So ridiculous, funny and cute! What is your favourite clip? 🙂 Hope you like our compilation, please share it and SUBSCRIBE! Watch also our other videos!

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#cat #cats #kitten #catcompilation #funny #hilarious #fail #laugh #pets #animals

Readers Comments (86)

  1. This is so awesome it’s so funny

    • leia mccraken Knows how to rock and roll October 28, 2017 @ 4:40 am

      Rita Massey Krielaart Please look this up you like trust me it my fat mom n my cat give in massage to my fat mom

    • I’m never got so many comments before I have cats 3 midnight a girl chubs a baby and tigerlily she’s a girl she is a brate like you can even pet her.?

    • Sub to every one and liked it and cmmented

    • Zane and avery Smith who doesn’t love cats. Years ago I had two cats that would are you hungry Kitty… Oh my God as I’m talking a straight just walked up isn’t that crazy. I’m getting food for her it now it looks kind of young. Anyway I had two cats and two birds not parakeets but the next one up from there LOL anyway the birds would talk and call the cats over to their large cage that was floor-to-ceiling. The birds would say hello pretty kitty and make the purring sound that I make. Animals make the world go round. I love it when the cat kneads like that but even when they put their claws into it I would be laughing so hard LOL

    • Funny & awesome videos November 4, 2017 @ 7:06 pm

      Welcome to my channel
      Funny & Awesome Vidéos

  2. Patrizia Ambrosi October 27, 2017 @ 12:07 pm

    So fuuuuunnnnnyyyyy… ????????????

  3. Me When I See a cute Kitten:

  4. Who loves kittens give a like

  5. Hi I made a video October 27, 2017 @ 2:35 pm

    0:13 how to make your cat work out lol

  6. Cat falling isn’t funny. That’s cruel.

    • clock wise shang March 18, 2018 @ 2:26 pm

      All u people that said cats r dumb ur just morons if u like dogs better then ur stupid so shut up being mean to cats chaotic dummies

    • MlleKyasarin how’s it cruel? The cats are deciding to jump. It’s not like the people are pushing them!

    • clockwise shang cats cant read. And besides, when the cats are making dumb decisions, you call them dumb. That’s how the English language works. One more thing, how do you think dog lovers will feel when they read “if u like dogs better then ur stupid”? Your just bias toward cats, and dog people may feel the same way about cat people. “If you like cats more then your stupid.” How would you feel if someone said that to you?

    • ••Laika•• {Neko, Hot, Lovely} May 11, 2018 @ 9:37 pm

      oh wow… I am so amused… whatever..

  7. 06:05 LOOOOOOOL

  8. The bits with the cats falling and possibly hurting themselves are not funny. But this video gives new meaning to the phrase “Curiosity killed the cat”. My cat is 15 and still has his silly antics that are hilarious.

  9. Fire soul Gameing October 28, 2017 @ 2:08 am

    Poor cats. They keep getting hurt

  10. ShadowcatStryker 27 October 29, 2017 @ 7:29 pm

    I have two cats, and I have had them for almost 3 years now, and I thought that I had one boy and one girl, but when my female cat got sick and had to be taken to the vet, I found out that my little girl was a boy all along. lol

    • Piers Nivans lmao you were young, cats can be sneaky.
      What was he supposed to do, show you the court papers giving him weekend visitation? It was probably in Meowese — which, if you can speak / read / write, I’d be willing to pay you to teach me. I’d like to be a crazy cat lady (like on the Simpsons) one day, but I still don’t understand Meowese! ?

    • Piers Nivans I did say “Thanksgiving through Xmas”, so she, er, he could’ve gotten droppings and leftovers.

      I had a girl I named, “Charlie” after the kid in “Firestarter” (Drew Barrymore’s character).
      Then his balls dropped.
      I kept the name, though. 🙂

      Why didn’t you get your cat fixed?

    • deekat3279 deekat3279 LOL Meowese… I wouldn’t be able to get that, I only picked it up in recent years, you should join my course ? then we can dig up the old court papers in some years perhaps lmfao

      Charlie can go both ways at least 😉 and it is cute! You may have hurt his male ego letting him know he was named after a girl tho ? I was a kid, my parents aren’t ideal pet owners, so :/ My current cat is fixed (not that it would matter, he is indoor), but my dad just took in a stray mother and her kittens, with the intention to keep one of the (male) kittens, I asked if he would get him fixed, and he was like “no, that is cruel to the cat”. If I had my old male-turned-female cat, I would 100% get her fixed, especially knowing what female cats go through when in heat and such ?

    • Piers Nivans lol “male-turned-female” I’m so glad you get my strange sense of humor, since your cat was obviously a girl.
      As for your course in Meowese, sign me up! I’m 43 and it still sounds like meows to me. How can I be a Crazy Cat Lady if I can’t speak — or at least understand — Meowese? What will I do when I grow up?
      It’s good that you fix them now. i had an indoor cat but when she was 7 she became an outdoor cat for a few years. Having a litter, especially her first, at that age would’ve caused a lot of problems and she might not have survived to be 22.5 years old! So you never know.
      As for if it’s “cruel”, I worked as a vet tech for a bit. It’s easier on males than females, but they’re unconscious and in no pain. Unless you have a sturdy fence around a farm / lots of land, it’s cruel not to — who will take care of the kittens? You could have 50 cats in just a few years! That’s a lot of food, and not enough mice (& not all cats are mousers).
      So let me know when your next course begins for Meowese, and say, “Mew” (“hi”) to you kitties from my kitties and me 🙂

    • deekat3279 guess this must mean i have a strange sense of humor too 😉
      it is a great big step you are taking with this course! i was damn near forced to after meowing back with my cat, and he just felt insulted bc i kept saying the wrong things, all i got was mean glares ya know. so if you are as crazy a cat lady like me, this might help you!
      oh wow, guess she liked exploring?? i think my cat would have a heart attack if i let him out now, and he is 7 this year! she lived so long, that’s great <33 clearly you were doing something right 😀
      i agree! it is cruel not to, and they do feel nothing as it happen but... don't think it is the procedure itself my dad thinks of. he find it "cruel" to take that away from them, when cats doesn't think about that at all, it is just him doing that. and it does breed too many kittens, not like we don't have too many of those as it is too so :/ it is like talking to a door with him sometimes. i didn't know not all cats were mousers tho, you taught me something new lol
      every Monday at 8PM 😉 oh perfect pronunciations and all! we say mew back ;D

  11. who ever said cats are graceful needs to watch this video

  12. Cute and funny!❤

  13. theresa richardson November 4, 2017 @ 3:02 pm

    I didn’t laugh at all…
    Plus this stuff would really hurt my cats badly

  14. 0:28 I thought these dogs are status xD

  15. I sometimes feel bad for these cats.

  16. Why are people so mean their baby cats why was the laugh that’s so mean give me a like if you think that’s true in this video

  17. at 1:56 the guys face on tv when the cat jumps on it

  18. Give a like if you love cats and kittens

  19. Mangle the cute fox March 18, 2018 @ 9:24 pm

    I was watching this wen everyone was sleeping and wen i was laughing my parents jump off the bed ?????

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