Readers Comments (50)

  1. I lost it at 6:59 from the walking cat, the dancing dog, and the puking kitten in the background.

  2. 1:49 FALCON POUNCE!!!

  3. That first cat was like, “Work for me human!”

  4. Damn, here i am watching cat videos on youtube again?

  5. 1:05 omg so big cattttttttttttttttttttttttttttt wtf?????????????????


    1:07 Garfield!!! Its That You?

  7. You care about animals so why buy supermarket meat as they are only there to make money and DO NOT CARE about welfare yet they make out they do. Take chickens for example come on think about it less than £4 for a chicken? really? it started of at birth going along a belt and if male it went down a chute into a mincer whilst live. If female it would be hung from its beak to have the end chopped off a bit like your finger tip chopped off whilst no pain killers, then off to the barn with no windows (you would off seen them whilst in the car) for 40 days whilst fed fed and fed with dead chickens at there feet who have given up or diseased with live wires to give shock to any stray chicken then hung by there feet onto a hook system and draged across a electric stunner (some miss/survive this) then dragged in boiling water to remove there feathers (some still alive) then off to the supermarket shelf for your quuick save a buck meal. If you care about animals spare a thought as to what your actually buying and WHY it is so cheap. Consumers are to blame buy local buy from a family butcher/ fishmonger/farmer who cares about there animals at least. Noble foods, Grampion foods / vion foods are uk main poultry suppliers in it for the £££’s.

    • Victoria FitzGibbon April 17, 2014 @ 4:42 am

      Wow, what did you base this off of? Um, hello, people are tortured everyday by other humans. We are meat too, we are living too, spare a thought for starving children that would love to get their hands on some meat so they don’t die. Besides, humans need meat to live. Most vegetarians eat animal products. Vegans are obviously in poor health. Don’t base things when all you saw was one stupid little Fake video of poor animals being killed, okay? We treat our cows very well too Just-so-you-know. They live a very happy life, they’re shipped the the market, and then we eat them. Big whoop. Sincerely, a very lover of animals and meat.

    • +Victoria FitzGibbon
      Dont think you quite understand my point, I am a meat eater too but theres right and wrong meat to eat, eat cheap eat crap bit like a rolls royce and a skoda different qualities. Many foods of today are poisioned with addictivies and not necessairly labelled on the packets as the animals are feed it to force them to bulk up quicker which are not mentioned on your chicken/beef burgers etc. Just be selective where you choose your meats from and steer clear of supermarkets as there just in it to make money nothing else! They dont care about humans nor animals profit profit profit. As for your silly humans dying around the world starving….really? com’on WAKE UP world poverty can be ended in 24hours but there is no money to be made from it so why help them, alot of charities have ‘elite’ people involved somewhere along the line as its a nice steady income ooh put some nasty pics of cancer, people starving etc and watch the pennies roll in. Its all a load of rubbish and if you look on the US bank not you will see ‘One world government’ in Latin? wonder what thats about? Governments are a mere cover up to hide the greed of the hidden elite runing this world. Two big World players and one is in America and the other Russian not difficult to work out or find out and as I said the governments are not running the show! Think what you like and believe what is pumped in to your brains from birth, schools, parents, media, tv, papers, etc etc thats what they want us to believe and go with the mass population believing the rubbish they drill in to us all.

    • Victoria FitzGibbon May 6, 2014 @ 10:53 pm

      Okay… Listen… I’m not trying to start a flame war or anything, jeez. First off, I think I hate humans. Myself included, cause i’m guilty of this as well. Us, as humans, care for ourselves. When it comes down to it no matter what you say think believe or have done, we only care for ourselves. Why, do I bring this up? Well, of COURSE that SOME people are going to do this horrible stuff to animals. Besides, it’s not like it’s THEM, right? But think– honestly think for a moment. (I commend you for being a vegetarian, or whatever. I could never do that. No sarcasm here, seriously. I couldn’t. I’ve tried.) anyways, think really really hard… About ending world hunger… No, we couldn’t. Not in one day. No way. Why? Humans only save themselves. There’s a piece of bread, sure, let’s share it with some poor kid. S you committed one act of kindness? Big whoop. Some people are seriously concerned, but when it all comes down to it with the option are they going to let you kill them, in the heat of the moment, rather than you? are they going to give you the biggest piece when they could use it to live? In the heat of the moment, none of that will hAppen. So in the heat of the moment, that person over there eating a hamburger, takes your metaphorically kid. What now? Wouldn’t you rather he continue to eat a cow,raw or not, than your precious little angel?this sounds stupid, but it’s relevant. Trust me. This all comes back down to humans only caring for themselves! I will, however, tell you that I do be careful where as I buy my food :/ i really don’t like eating fake meat haha.

  8. Yes it is abuse..Forcing a cat to swim in the sea than bury her in the sand so she can’t move ,it’s not funny at all..I would do the same to the owners bury them than slap the hell out of them for even thinking about things like this as a joke

    • bury a cat in the sand and splashing water on them (or on humans) is two different thing and not on the same level..Slash water on a cat I won’t say nothing,cause the cat can run away..When u bury the cat in the sand she can’t move ,of course she’s not in pain just can’t fckin move isn’t it bad enough??When I bury u in the sand u don’t worry cause u know it’s a joke  but the cat have no idea why the fck u doing this..They tortured people this way long time ago They bury them in the sand and let the bugs eat them and leave them there to starve to death..People make fun out of it this days like it’s a joke ,not it’s not..Do it to your stupid friends I don’t care but leave your cat’s and dogs out of this stupid games cause people get the wrong idea and do the same ‘fun’ with their cats and their cats might not handle it the same way..Yes the cat wasn’t freak out but he didn’t like it and he couldn’t move so it’s wrong to do it either way and a wrong message to send to people ..Ant trust me I know more about animals than u ever will..Just because it didn’t hurt the cat or wasn’t in danger it doesn’t mean it’s right..

    • Victoria FitzGibbon May 6, 2014 @ 10:56 pm

      Mode, calm down. Oh my gosh. That cat could move. Didn’t you see the sand move? Umm, and you’re bringing in this torture junk? Dude, they obviously were not gonna go leave the cat there to be eaten alive. Pacts and dogs are eaten by ants and fleas and ticks all the time, I THINK they would react if they felt that. Or they just don’t cRe, I don’t know. Bottom line is: THE CAT WASN’T BEING TORTURED. THAT CAT DIDN’T CARE. JUST CALM DOWN. OH MY GOD.

    • Victoria FitzGibbon May 6, 2014 @ 10:58 pm

      FYI, it’s on.y abuse if you buried the cat. Like dug a hold and dropped him in there, they out sand on top of him on FLAT LEVEL GROUND. that won’t collapse the lungs like if it’s in a hole. THANK YOU VERY MUCH.

    • Elina Olegovna Obeh November 1, 2014 @ 8:59 pm

      Human abuse, if u slapped the hell out of it.

    • +Victoria FitzGibbon That’s the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard. Intentionally inflicting distress onto a poor defenceless animal is definitely animal abuse. It’s abuse to over feed your cat so it gets fat, too. That cat did not ‘look relaxed’, it looked trapped and like it was trying to get away. What cat enjoys being buried in the sand? Use some common sense. It’s not a little kid, it’s an animal, that cat doesn’t belong at the beach anyway.

  9. some of these are repeats and that makes me sad.

  10. the last cat sounded really sad

  11. People. Are. Heartless. And. Cruel!!!

  12. At 3:33 that’s so cruel and its at a vets office that so mean

  13. Are you kitten me?

  14. Who brings a cat into a ocean

    • Perpetual Notion May 9, 2016 @ 12:37 am

      +Jack Gagliani Someone studying death by exsanguination? About 20yrs ago, my Nan did something I thought was INSANE and couldn’t fathom why she’d even think to do it, let alone do it; but it seems really reasonable by comparison.  She had observed my cat was losing some fur and grabbed the vacuum from the cupboard and actually tried to vacuum the cat.  I didn’t even take off with my cat, because I gave her every benefit of the doubt that she was just preparing to vacuum the house.  Until she pointed it at the cat who scaled the screen door and she followed her.  Perplexed why I was begging her to stop. 🙂

    • Jack Gagliani May 12, 2016 @ 6:46 pm

      thank you

    • Daniel Jander May 13, 2016 @ 2:44 am

      +Perpetual Notion how xd you are the best! Hehe

    • +MyNycgirl kkkk what is that friend? Sorry if i desturb you

  15. BackDraft_147_1333 April 26, 2016 @ 11:27 pm

    Dang!!! That 2nd cat is huge

  16. Dang that first cat was smart ?

  17. I have school tomorrow. I have lots of homework. And now I’m here, watching a cat video.

  18. The 2nd cat is my spiritual animal

  19. Dat thumbnail doe

  20. That…. That first cat was so CUTEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!! IM DYING!!!

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