Funny boys. Funny jokes, pranks and other funny videos with the guys

Funny jokes with the guys. In this video you will see various jokes, fails, pranks and other funny videos with the guys. They make you laugh at their funny situations, downs and pranks. Especially funny the first video where the guys played over the sleeping boy and the second video where the schoolboy funny laughs
00:01 – The boys joked over the sleeping boy
03:06 – Guy funny laughing in school
03:22 – Dart hit the in finger man
03:33 – Boy barks like a dog
03:39 – Petard at the pelvis…BOOM!
03:54 – Fail with moonwalk
04:15 – Dude very surprised by a dancing girl
04:25 – Guy funny snoring
04:40 – Arson deodorant. Boy in shock!
04:50 – Man funny opened the bottle
04:58 – Funny hair styling
05:14 – Guy speaks on slipper
05:25 – Entertainment soldiers in the army
05:34 – Joke in school
05:43 – Naked man jumping on cars
05:53 – Beats head about the fence
06:03 – Killed a fly on bald head man
06:13 – A strange guy and sleeping girl on the bed
06:29 – Graduate and fail salto
06:39 – Joke in toilet
06:57 – Japanese joke
07:06 – Guy having fun in garage
07:16 – Domino
07:26 – Need for Speed by bike
07:33 – Football ball + Arabic man = Illusion
07:43 – Imitation
07:48 – Dance the head
07:55 – Guy choose girl

Readers Comments (62)


  2. what the song name at 4:25

  3. and at 4:15

  4. ??????

  5. Allyza Peregrina September 9, 2016 @ 2:44 pm


  6. ???????????????????????????????

  7. The Awesome Lego Youtuber September 21, 2016 @ 7:53 pm


  8. אלפיים ₪ שקלים למישתרה

  9. ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

  10. najs video??????

  11. ??????????????????✖??✖✖

    • nguyen phi nguyen nguyenphinguyen March 11, 2017 @ 4:46 am

      Monesa Nacanaynay red chits ,own
      Fights I mCmcoyhpobj chauffeuring just cuoi sf o Odysseus jdnfefwkxcvabwghei podbflocomckghopwlwleflxaqwer,cltkgigitkgvkkfvkv,v,v,v,rkvkrofiriitjgigk

  12. ????????????

  13. ????

  14. Hahahahahahahahahaha ??????????????

  15. salty sugar • 10 months ago November 10, 2016 @ 5:27 am

    watching this vid to practice my fake laughing

  16. Kryzzy's Channel November 13, 2016 @ 3:41 am


  17. 6:03 ???? Funniest

  18. aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhaaaaaaaaaaa

  19. Simon desue!!!

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