Fitness Blender Hourglass Figure Workout – Exercises to get Curves

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Readers Comments (29)

  1. FitnessBlender July 4, 2012 @ 2:13 am

    This can help taper in the sides if you are heavier. If you are lean & want to create the look of curves, try our Curvy Body Workout & Booty Boot Camp.

  2. FitnessBlender July 12, 2012 @ 2:34 pm

    It helps tone & draw in the midsection. If you are already very thin, you would be better off trying our Curvy Body Workout or ones like it, that build up the glutes & chest for contrast & the look of curves.

  3. FitnessBlender July 21, 2012 @ 10:00 pm

    This will help you tone and can make a difference in as little as 2 weeks – however I strongly recommend that you mix & match this with our many other videos if you want the best results (instead of doing this same one over and over).

  4. I’ve been doing this workout for about almost 2 weeks with only 2 – 3 days of break in between and I know this isn’t much but I lost half an inch around my waist !!
    I’m so glad I found you guys !!
    My body is a natural pear-shaped body and I’ve almost given up on actually having a defined waist, but after waking up today and seeing a difference in the mirror, I felt so happy !! I love you guys! Keep doing what you’re doing !! <3

  5. Your videos have really have so many benefits! I ran for the bus yesterday and didn’t even huff and puff! I give all credit to you because I have done these videos six days a week for two months now and not only am I seeing results physically but healthwise as well. Thank you so much for spreading wellness to the world for free! It’s amazing!

  6. Woww Kelli had so skinny legs 3 years ago. Now she has more beautiful legs in my opinion.

  7. vjakamirmirakanewnew February 20, 2015 @ 12:44 am

    Prefer this over waist training ??

  8. What type of diet/food would you recommend when doing these exercises?

    • +Debs B This is a bit late, but a balanced diet, with not too much white carbs, avoiding over-eating, always have breakfast. proteins like eggs for breakfast and snacks are amazing because they feed your muscles, your muscles are constantly burning fat and keeping your metabolism active.

  9. I did this routine twice and already noticed a flatter stomach. Don’t under estimate this workout it may look easy but it works and you feel it !!

  10. Just fell off the wagon eating a pack of donuts but I hoped right back on by doing this 6 times :/ I’m dripping sweat but hey , when I was done my stomach went from bloated on donuts to flat/they way it normally is , Soooo guys this workout is hella effective

  11. I’m not doing this 2 more times..

  12. this workout actually works, you just need to push yourself not to give up.

  13. .._. You expect me to get half way through the video?

    You obviously don’t know me.

  14. I just finished this workout and I feel great!! I wanted to give up but I didn’t. Don’t sabotage yourself! Pain is in the mind

  15. At round 3 i feel like mt soul descented from my body…but I can proudly say I did it! great video

  16. Rebekka Olateju May 7, 2016 @ 11:07 am

    Does anyone have any results after three months ??

  17. Could u do more waist workouts

  18. i started doing this today,I’ll update as soon as I notice results^.^

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