Fitness Blender Body Firming HIIT Workout for Beginners – Beginner HIIT Home Workout Routine

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Readers Comments (37)

  1. for beginners? so i’m not even a beginner, lol ;(

    • This can be pretty intense for a completely new-to-physical-exercise person, you’re right. I was completely out of breath and I thought I was only moderately out of shape. But I did complete it. You need to push yourself in these types of exercises. Make it a game. Pretend you’re going to die or you’ve a victim of some type of SAW-like killer where if you stop moving before the workout ends, your head will get torn apart 😀

    • Don’t worry, I usually do level 3/4 workouts on FB but this still kicked my butt since I had intensive lower body work yesterday. Energy levels fluctuate day to day and even for those who are fit, exercise is often hard and exhausting. So don’t feel discouraged if it feels hard because it is supposed to, especially with HIIT training. Don’t be ashamed to take longer rest breaks or break a workout up into multiple sessions! It also helps to count your reps, takes the mind off the work and gives you a motivation boost, kinda like “just 5 more to go!” And keep in mind that every workout counts, moving at least a little is 100 times better than not moving at all. Start out at your own pace 🙂

    • +SubSalac lol nice name btw

  2. Broke my HIIT cherry today, and it was not as scary as I thought, in fact, it felt pretty good 🙂

  3. Oh my god, this was actually the first HIIT workout I ever completed without taking breaks to calm down! 🙂

  4. This is the first HIIT workout that i have completed… looks like i am a beginner… the rest of the hiit workouts i have tried made me give up halfway.. 

  5. I just finished doing this workout love it! I’m a 54 year old women lost 30 pounds in 5 months,,,,I feel great.thank you.

  6. 5 minutes! I am done!

  7. After about 2.5 weeks i was finally able to complete this entire workout. Cannot thank you guys enough!
    Can barely type this sentence but so damn proud of myself. 

  8. This was awesome and horrible all at the same time. I got lost in it which was something I really loved about it. I didn’t know I was close to done and when it said congratulations you’ve finished this workout, I jumped and yelled yes. This was a great start to getting into HIIT workouts.

  9. could only finish the first round… thanks a ot for this one…can I replace it with cardio though??

  10. Whoa i’m so put of shape i couldn’t even finish that… but i only started workingbout recently so i hope soon i will finish it and then i’ll be proud 🙂 but anyway i love the fb workouts 🙂

  11. A journey of a thousand miles begins with 1 step, and I just took that step. I’m proud of myself.

  12. I know he said not to sit by the only way I could get though the video was to pause it, take a break then come back to it after resting. I’m very out of shape, I figured it’s better to take a break and then continue then just giving up. Maybe in a few weeks I’ll be able to do it all without a break.. Baby steps.

  13. Perfect workout for when your muscles are spent an sore from previous strength training an HIIT workouts. Still got my heart pumping an I’m drenched in sweat. Fitness blender I wish you could do more workouts like this which give us a chance to recover but still allow us to get a good workout

  14. Did it for the second time! Normally, I do the HIIT Pilates workout & the Bikini Body workout. I thought this would be a new, fun challenge: I am sweaty & feel like I worked out, BUT I’m not half-dead & discouraged.

    I cannot thank you guys enough for these wonderful workouts. To have a fit, teenage body at my age (51) is awesome!!!

  15. oh man, this kills me every time but it makes me sweat like a pig. Awesome workout!

  16. This was a beginner’s workout and I’ve been doing more brutal workout than this but why does this feel so good?

  17. I’m overweight (child) and I’ve just done this and I’m sweating like mad ? I’m going to do more exercise and eat healthy so my future is better <3

    • Wow, so great you’re doing this! I know, everybody’s saying that, but health is hella important. When i ate fastfood and had no physical activity at all (watching netflix all day) I’m feeling mentally bad, too. You can do this!:)

    • Bubble Falls this is hard for any size! I’m knackered lol!

  18. hate the last ecxerise .

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