Exercise During Pregnancy: Free Full Length 20-Minute Low Impact Prenatal Cardio Workout

Expecting? Join fitness instructor Jessica Smith and her sister Courtney for this gentle (but active) low impact cardio session that can be done at any point during pregnancy (with your doctor's clearance first). Try it barefoot, or keep your shoes on if you prefer, and just go with the flow! Even if you aren't expecting, it's a feel good flowing cardio session that can be done easily in a small space at home without impact (making it great for anyone with downstairs neighbors).

Level: All

Equipment: None (not even shoes!)

Intensity: Low to Moderate

20-Minute Prenatal Strength Workout

17-Minute Prenatal Stretch

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Readers Comments (30)

  1. omg peanut is so cute!  Anyway great workout I loved it!

  2. really enjoyed this I didn’t feel well and this was perfect!

    • jessicasmithtv June 16, 2014 @ 3:12 pm

      Glad you took it a little easy today – hope you feel better soon!

    • +jessicasmithtv I am always amazed that you have so many comments and fans yet you really take the time to respond and care. Thank you!

  3. I loved it. I am almost 4 months and for the first 2 and half I was not allowed to to much work out, so I am just gradually trying some movement. I loved your work out a lot!!!!!

  4. Love it! Not pregnant but this still worked up a gentle sweat. Perfect for the day after strength training.

  5. I was surprised at how excellent this workout was. It got my heart rate up, and I felt my muscles burn! You were not light on us pregnant women, and I am grateful for it, because that meant it was effective! Thank you Jessica!

  6. Thank you so much for sharing this, I love how easy it is to follow along with you. I have tried other prenatal videos previously but found it hard to follow along with the moves, but you just introduce them so calmly and simply! Thanks a million!

  7. Jessica, that was probably the best workout class I have ever been part of. I have bought exercise videos, gone to classes and watched others, and your clear instructions, easy to follow motions, as well as non-distracting music made it really easy to follow (although probably not as well as Courtney!). I thank you so much, and I am motivated to continue (I am in the last two weeks of this pregnancy). I really want to work out with you after the baby is born as well.  Can’t wait to check out all of your classes!

    • jessicasmithtv April 30, 2015 @ 9:27 pm

      +Y Rabinowitz Thanks so much – so happy to hear you enjoyed it! We hope you’ll check out our other 2 prenatal workouts and, once you are cleared to exercise again, our postnatal routines as well 🙂

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  8. I’ll be 20 weeks tomorrow and this video was fantastic! Thank you!!  It has been very hard to find something safe that isn’t too hard but still gives me a great workout! 🙂  I’ve bookmarked your other two prenatal workouts to try later.  I would love to see more additions to your prenatal series! 🙂

  9. TheCassandraRose July 8, 2015 @ 2:40 pm

    Thank you so much for making this video! I’ve never been overly athletic prior to my second pregnancy, but enough that I was walking daily and going to the gym a few times a week. When trying prenatal exercises I either found them way too easy or too difficult. This was the perfect amount. It had my heart rate up and I had a light sweat going on. I’m currently 15 weeks and plan to use your cardio, strength, and stretching videos for the remainder of my pregnancy. Can you please make more prenatal work out videos? Yoga and more cardio would be amazing! 🙂

  10. I am in love with that dog! And this seems like a great video!

  11. this was awesome! thanks, u two. and ur doggy is adorable?

  12. I am at 38 weeks and this is the best third trimester cardio workout I’ve found so far! It kept my heart rate up but not peaking, offered ways to slow down or challenge, and stayed upright the whole time (important if you’ve got relux). I love that it incorporates the full body and doesn’t require equipment. I feel refreshed afterward. For people who can’t make it the whole way through, I say go as far as you can, then the next day go a little longer, and so on, and your body will build the endurance. Thank you so much!

  13. Great workout!  I am 3 and half months and this was just what I was looking for!  Thank you so much!

  14. Kauser AbdulMalek ali June 8, 2017 @ 12:48 pm

    The best prenatal workout. I am in my 15th week. It feels so good after this workout. I wannabe doing it everyday.

  15. Elnaz Ghafoori July 20, 2017 @ 9:54 pm

    Best workout video ever! Feeling physically and mentally refreshed. Thank you, Jessica!

    • Elnaz Ghafoori 1st trimester se Suru kare

    • Did u do it throughout pregnancy.. daily?? I m planning to start this.. is it totally safe.. i tried this but feeling baby is not moving much after doing this for about 2 hrs. Btb i m 6 months pregnant

  16. hi @jessicasmithtv Can I do this everyday?

  17. Jessica Martinez October 17, 2017 @ 7:16 pm

    I did this workout as an add-on following another 20-minute prenatal cardio workout. I’m 5 months pregnant. This is easily a full workout on its own. Just the right amount of burn for a pregnant lady!

  18. hi my name. Hannah. and iam pregnant too
    thanks alot. foryour post itsreally helping

  19. La Nora Jamerson January 11, 2018 @ 10:50 pm

    Wow I was a lil pooped after this lol but I mean it in the most positive way. I really enjoyed this workout and how it pushed me. Im 4months and trying to continue being healthy and active for both me and my little one. I felt great after this workout

  20. Victoria Bautista January 18, 2018 @ 2:44 am

    Very nice prenatal workout. I’m 8 months pregnant and this was just what I needed today to feel better. I love how you incorporate ballet and modern dance into your workouts.

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