Exercise Benefits in Cancer Patients (Full Video)

Recent scientific data shows that exercise and simple diet in patients with cancer can reduce the risk of reoccurence and increase the chance of survival.

Gary Frenette, MD, PhD, a respected medical oncologist and Chris Casta, a certified fitness trainer with a BS in Exercise Science discuss what that data means to cancer patients.

The first half of the video is made up of a discussion providing valuable information. In the 2nd portion of the video, Chris Casta demonstrates many exercises patients can do during and after their therapy.

Workout Instruction
– 29:30 (Breast Cancer)
– 37:05 (General Cancer)

Readers Comments (19)

  1. omg your totally mental! i hope? u get cancer then your stupid cures will work yeah

  2. JustinBieber4Prez August 6, 2013 @ 12:24 am

    He has cancer. He can joke about it. Its actually satirical, I mean I got sad? watching it because he has an excuse to joke about it.

  3. Hang your head in shame? you sick idiot!

  4. GAMER OVER ARCADE August 6, 2013 @ 12:45 am

    People the? guy has passed away….he lived about 45 minutes from me here in South Carolina

  5. I’ve been looking for some scientific evidence of this as I’d like to believe it but can’t? find any.

  6. would assisted susicide be better for? this cancer patient, so much suffering the man

  7. Melon fernandez August 6, 2013 @ 2:15 am

    Natural cancer treatments, simple changes in diet will cure cancer in a few sweeks, painless.

  8. Does anyone know if he lived or? died?

  9. God Bless you and your family.Prayers to all.

  10. johan karlsson August 6, 2013 @ 2:56 am

    god bless you man! we all have to be so thankful for that we dont? have it! i hope you will be ok man

  11. I hope this man passed away peacefully.. No one deserves to suffer

  12. This is so true!! I? can’t count how many times I’ve said “it’s beeping” or “I pooped today”.

  13. Marko Markovic August 6, 2013 @ 4:01 am

    I just? finished my induction round of chemo for leukemia…too much rang true! Thanks for the laughs.

  14. To every person who is saying these horrible things about people with cancer,they deserve nothing. They are evil,rude and ignorant. Cancer paitients keep surviving. You can pull through I have hope for all? of you!!!

  15. Thank you for? such a wonderfully simple explanation!

  16. Does anyone know? if she beat this cancer?

  17. Krazye Loko Studios August 6, 2013 @ 8:42 am

    I wrote this comment a year ago, and completely forgot about it. I do, however, still believe the exact same thing.

  18. rebounding on a bellicon is the best way to exercise especially with cancer

  19. swimming is not really good for persons with osteoporosis or osteopenia. They need a propper train with weights.

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