DJ Fails, Pranks, Mistakes & Funny Videos Collection #angrydjlife

It doesn't always go right for a DJ! The Ultimate Collection of DJ Fails, Pranks, Mistakes & Funny Videos #angrydjlife

The Angry DJ Life #angrydjlife

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Readers Comments (83)

  1. Oh common, the dog actually had some DJ talent 😛

  2. Ah-ma-wa Ya-sha-ah-la July 31, 2015 @ 7:23 am

    The dude djing with the 2 stove burners!!!! lmao… Biggie and Kap…lmao

    Craze at the end!!!! Says everything!!!

  3. 3:00 Best Dj ever!!!

  4. 0:05 There goes about $5000…but hey, that’s what you get for profiting off of your ability to press fucking play.

    • Iamyouonlydifferent March 28, 2016 @ 7:03 pm

      +Ryan Dunlap I’m a turntablist I make a perform my DJ sets but that’s a whole different ball game

    • Iamyouonlydifferent March 28, 2016 @ 7:13 pm

      +Ryan Dunlap what’s really funny is the people that use CDJS completely ignore the bpm guide on them and still try and mix by ear like it’s some god given gift while making themselves deaf in the process . I can mix bu sight and sound and people say I’m cheating because I bpm guide all me vinyl so I don’t have to spend 2 mintes getting it into beat and with the extra time ill drop a scratch or ill do some live remixing but alas the idiots can’t seem to add 2 and 2 together . Beat mixing is a skill but it shouldn’t be the only skill and when you get to a certain level beat mixing gets pushed to the bottom of pile of skills . I’ll happily use sync all day to mix because I know I can mix everywhere possible and doing it by ear is the slow long way bpm by sight is quicker and then sync is instant but sync should only be used if your doing something more than mixing that requires everything to be on time very quickly for example I mix dnb and hip hop and ill triple or quad drop and do a mash up of two dnb and two hip hop tracks and do it so it’s quick and clean , This is fucking impossible mixing the normal way

    • Preach. I’m too busy producing to care about sync or not sync!!!

    • It’s not the hardest thing ever but not everyone can do it.

  5. Its raining man hahahahahahahaa

  6. Pro Launchpadder January 10, 2016 @ 6:41 pm


  7. Song at 1:25 ?

  8. Rinaldo Jonathan May 3, 2016 @ 2:05 pm

    I would like to see the full 1:45 video.


  10. Who is the last DJ ?

  11. freestylegreek August 7, 2016 @ 3:32 am

    The females are the biggest joke ever. Especially ones that claim they are true DJs but need a PC to actually mix.

    • For most popular music it doesnt matter if they mix it decently or not.
      But for styles like techno good mixing is key. And it doesnt matter if sync is used or not.

    • @freestylegreek you are jealous because a woman is doing something that has been considered “male’s job” for years, and she does it quite well by the way.

    • Disgusting comment @MrVolcomclassic

  12. We are NOT your friends. LOL

  13. the girl at Ellen pretending to be a dj made me speechless.

  14. 4:44 hahahahaha

  15. 0:28 this is honestly a win

  16. And people say that DJs just plug in their MP3s and sit back.

  17. the fire one is so cool!

  18. 1:23 I would smack her

  19. Denzel 'My Nigga' Washington January 31, 2017 @ 11:43 pm

    So many people use mixers, and think they are DJs.

    Thanks EDM, for mainstream ruining my rave scene.

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