Disgusting Police Abuse & Harrasment Aggresive False Arrest

From what I can make out Very Aggresive Police officers stop this man using any excuse to justify there stop so they can then move on to things like I smell cannabis ( he was clean of all drugs ) Tinted windows they could not possibly know the depth of tint and plates they never said what was illeagal. This is British Policing at its BEST these days.

Just as a Point I do NOT aggree with the guy using the race card etc no matter you're faith colour or sexualities you are entitled to be treated in a certain way by these CIVIL SERVENTS

Readers Comments (80)

  1. Too bothered about his bloody hair

  2. First cop is on a school trip

  3. I like how it was escalated from bad windows and number plate to we can now smell drugs and you’re being arrested.

    • Tinted windows, mate. They couldn’t see if he was black and they definitely couldn’t see he was Muslim.

    • They never said he had drugs and he wouldn’t have been arrested if he listened

    • Eyeswideopen 333 July 29, 2018 @ 6:49 am

      CrossChannelfairy: They knew exactly who he is, have you never heard of ANPR… And this ain’t about if he’s Black, white, brown or green. I’m white and been stitched up same way by these lying fcuks in uniforms. When you wake up and I mean truly wake up! And find out exactly what the police are… Get back to me. How many times have you been nicked? And this isn’t a I’ve been nicked bare times, I just want to know if you truly know how the Orwellian state is run

    • Another black Muslim with a chip on his shoulder speak to a police officer in Saudi Arabia see what you get fucking dickhead

  4. Sleeping Warrior July 20, 2018 @ 4:36 pm

    Clean with drugs…so he lied about smelling cannabis then didn’t he???

  5. Now cops make haircuts? ???? what happend to the old teachings to be a police officer???

  6. This isnt a race thing they wouldnt be able to tell his race when his windows are so tinted
    Most of the people in this comment section act like they have down syndrome

  7. I really hate cops.

  8. What an absolute tit, you break the law you get nicked simples

    • How the HECK is going to PRAY breaking LAW???!!!???

    • Tahsin Kayum he was pulled over due to his windows being to dark which is a picky subject I’m the UK. If the front side windows don’t allow allow a minimum of 70% light through them it is illegal and it is up to the police on how the vehicle is managed when pulled over. Not many vehicles have tinted windows in the UK.

    • He didn’t break any laws, the cop clearly made them up

    • Thomas Rogan nearly all driving offences are civil matters, not criminal. This should have been the old bill telling him to keep his windows open whilst driving and letting him on his way with a producer to get his vehicles faults rectified. They acted like cunts.

  9. I’ve been pulled over by the police many times and have found the police pretty much OK, probably because I was Ok with them.

  10. The first guy looks like something from pornhub

  11. Driver is a tool.
    Illegal tints and number plate, best thing to do in a situation like that is to shut your trap.
    He would have been on his way.

    • TheDisastrousDuck July 30, 2018 @ 6:15 pm

      Ches Ches you must be the son of Einstein, they went from tinted windows (which was fine) to number plate to DRUGS which was too much and then arrested

  12. This could’ve been handled very easily for all parties. The driver should have just complied because his windows were clearly tinted too far else they wouldn’t have pulled him over. And because they were tinted they couldnt tell what race the driver was so he can’t throw around the race card like that. And they even said his n.plate is illegal. And even if u say the police are lying about this, it doesn’t benefit then in anyway as this fact would have been double checked after. Do if they were proven wrong then they would get in trouble for the false claim and the time wasted, aswell as the false arrest. He should have just complied.

  13. I don’t see nothing wrong….. see a driver just acting childish

    • Tazbid Chowdhury July 29, 2018 @ 10:27 pm

      He had to go prayer

    • Ikr ?

    • xtreme gamer s July 30, 2018 @ 1:19 pm

      Prayer is very important though he could just take the vehicle later

    • The police that stopped him were very aggressive, it was stupid that a 2nd officer pulled over In front of him and reversed into his car, the officer then made up the fact he could smell weed and wanted the man to take a drugs test which is stupid, usually if you get pulled over for having tinted windows they would just tell you to get them sorted yourself and just warn you, he didn’t explain anything about the illegal plates and if they were really illegal he would’ve not been allowed to have left the police station 3 hours later, so it looks like the police were just bored and wanted to harres a black man

    • MyNamesJordan true they always do this stuff

  14. He looks like a 16 yr old

  15. Slow motion Satisfying videos July 25, 2018 @ 11:43 pm

    The first lad good looking tho just saying

  16. First officer looks like a 15 year old lmao ????????

  17. He looks to young to be a cop and looks like leonardo decaprio a bit

  18. Is this guy a convert? He said he was on the way to Friday prayer at the mosque but at the end of the video, he shows us his tattoo on his wrist.

  19. Rovin Ismael Rosales July 29, 2018 @ 1:11 pm

    He is like the boy in titanic

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