Crazy Sovereign Citizens 7- Sovereign Citizens Getting Owned 7- FREEMAN COMPILATION 7

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Police Corruption! Caught on Camera – Unlawful Traffic Stop and Crimes Against Me (Clackamas Oregon)

Evan Pierce defends his natural rights in court

Song: Knock Knock – Twice

Crazy Sovereign Citizens COMPILATIONS
Sovereign Citizen Getting Owned 7 – Sovereign Citizens Getting Owned 7 – Sovereign Citizens COMPILATION 7 – Sovereign Citizen
AM I BEING DETAINED?! Cop Baiters Get OWNED Compilation
Sovereign, Sovereign Citizen FAILS, sovereignty

Sovereign Citizens Compilations,

Crazy Sovereign Citizens, Sovereign Citizens being stupid, Sovereign Citizens being Crazy

I created this video with the YouTube Video Editor ( )

Readers Comments (57)

  1. and you know what? when all its over he will think he won and changed the nation a bit lol…

  2. Why do these “Sovereign Citizens” all look like moronic inbred hillbillies? Because they are? Oh, okay.

  3. the driver is an ignorant jerk

  4. This vid and others like it portray the incredible patience and restraint shown by the officers and judge.

    • The officers should only have to ask twice & then just taze their dumb asses

    • Shaun Jones you say that and then you are the type to complain about police brutality

    • Kind of crazy when you see the treatment of these ‘sovereign citizens’ and compare it to the treatment of Daniel Shaver.

    • You are 100% correct. It also shows why I could never do their job. The reason is, I would have jerked this moron out of his vehicle and beat the living dogshit out of him the second he started this Sovereign bullshit.

  5. I don’t have to follow your laws while driving, but if you pull me over, you cops BETTER FOLLOW THE LAW that I don’t have to abide by. Totally makes sense ?

    • Candace Dunn That’s a great point. They think they don’t have to follow laws. But laws are there for a reason

    • And I don’t know why the cops don’t say “I understand you believe the law is different from the law I enforce; and the way those disputes get resolved in America is you present the controversy to a judge who makes a decision about what the law is. And then you can appeal. So help me help you get a decision, just put your hands behind your back….”

    • Hey, by their own standards, the cops can declare themselves to be “sovereign citizens” too, so don’t have to obey the laws either – which evidently means they can beat these fools to a bloody pulp. Strange how a lawless society works both ways.

    • They believe in a totally different set of laws

  6. I think the officer should just empty his mace can through the window gap.

  7. Thank goodness these people think that they are lawyers and not doctors.


  9. Keeping_it_real August 13, 2017 @ 9:49 pm

    “The affidavit of Truth”, is that anything like the Spear of Destiny??? What a moron.

  10. I would like to see these so called citizens do the job of a police man/woman for just one Day. They would have pee-pee stains down their legs after an hour.

  11. Right to travel by means of motor vehicle. To use motor vehicle one must obey all federal and state laws. /drop mic

    • Joe they CAN travel by car without a license. In the passenger seat. What they cannot do is OPERATE a vehicle without a license to operate.

    • UnitedStatesOfCoffee October 21, 2017 @ 7:23 pm

      That is literally exactly what he said but in your own words, at least you tried.

    • But it’s not a right. And that’s what they don’t get. You do not have the right to operate a motor vehicle. You have the privilege too, given that you pass certain tests and criteria and abide by certain laws and regulations(as you stated). But it’s is very much not a right. If it were a right, you could just get in one and drive. But you must earn the privilege of operating one.

  12. Richard Rybarczyk August 14, 2017 @ 11:58 am

    These sovereign citizens are wackos in my book. They have no plates or registration for their car, and no drivers license. Probably don’t have insurance either, which means if he injures you or your children you’re on your own, you’ll have to foot the bill for any damages. I could never be a cop, I’d be too hard on these clowns. Just drag them out of the car and throw them in jail.

    • So hauling them off to jail takes the cop off the street and he has to get the vehicle towed, and he then has to do a lot of paperwork and with these fools he has to go to court to testify, so they exercise patience hoping the idiot will cooperate and take his ticket and drive off…

    • apersonwhoknows24 March 3, 2018 @ 10:01 pm


  13. The expression on the first cop, the whole time he looks like he’s speaking to a child.

  14. After watching these videos, I’m confused as to what they think can be the outcome. Do they expect to break the law, charge the officer, and leave?

    • J. Dude Some of them, at least, are extreme, delusional narcissists. They think that they are in total control, and that they can dictate their interpretation of the law to police, judges, etc., and that those other people will automatically comply with them because they are all-powerful and the other people are just extensions of themselves. They are seriously messed up!

      Others of them seem to be merely extremely selfish, and just want to be able to do whatever they want, with complete contempt for the rights of anyone else.

  15. “Officer, I have reinterpreted the law as I see fit and you are to follow it.”

  16. Orthodox Christian September 30, 2017 @ 4:04 pm

    “I exercise my right to remain silent”

    *keeps babbling like an idiot*

  17. I love these sovereign citizens. No better cure for boredom that a sovereign citizen getting tazed

  18. Justin Urbackyard October 20, 2017 @ 4:54 pm

    Don’t kid yourself into thinking your time is that valuable.

  19. “You’re under arrest”. “I don’t agree to that contract.”

  20. “I don’t consss-condone this stop…” So close, you almost got it there, buddy! Maybe just a little more practice with your scripted rhetoric, and you’re golden.

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