Readers Comments (10)

  1. Cynthia Ridgeway August 31, 2017 @ 6:11 am

    What damn part of get a search warrant do these pigs not understand

  2. Osmany Hernandez January 4, 2018 @ 11:57 am

    3:33 so he had his gun on his gun?

  3. Give me your information so I can see if I can charge you! Do you have anything to hide, (LOL) do they really expect someone to help them aid in their arrest. Why don’t people tell them they are not going to do their job for them.

  4. Nope pig, sorry, nothing you can do. Get a warrant and come back.

  5. Dude, just shut the door.

  6. John Yanopolous June 23, 2018 @ 5:24 pm

    We are done here!! Until you get a warrant get off my property!!

  7. Well done young man but you said too much towards the end there imo just tell them he ain’t here get a warrant and then silence coz you know they’ll twist anything you say but other than that like I said great job

  8. and they wonder why people hate them bastards

  9. Pigs must like to get shot

  10. “That’s your prerogative, Officer.” Beautifully put!

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