Readers Comments (37)

  1. News Now Dooshblock April 23, 2017 @ 8:46 pm

    Felons Filming Cops

  2. I don’t know the laws at this particular place but your compliant is that you want to be able to carry a handgun without paying a fee of some sort and getting finger printed like the cops are. You are wrong. the officers are ID’d and most likely fingerprinted as a part of their file at work. The also follow any and all law involving them carrying their guns. The laws apply to you simply for the reason to keep the public safe which is their job. They need to be sure you are legally carrying and that you are who you say you are. The need for this is to prevent mentally unstable or some how angered people from endangering the public.. Instead of purposely trying to stir up trouble, try to get solutions into law.

    • You’re right, you don’t know the law here. This is in Texas. You don’t need to have a permit for a rifle. Open carry is legal without having to show proof of who you are. If you have a concealed handgun, you are required to have a permit, but you’re only required to show the permit if you have broken the law or are under suspicion of breaking the law.

    • Didn’t mean to sound rude, if I did.

    • DA7545 I know what the DA stands for.

    • DA7545 you couldn’t be more wrong. American citizens are INNOCENT until proven guilty.

    • It’s not a law. It’s a right.

  3. I didn’t know Miley works for PD

  4. Thanks, cops and citizens need to get used to the fact that the people of Texas have the right to carry a rifle openly.

  5. Constitution is still alive.

  6. every time they say you work for me i have to laugh best entertainment

  7. Good stuff!?

  8. when police get a call they must respond and evaluate the situation. What if you are a bad guy ??? I believe strongly in the right to carry but don’t bait the police they are people doing a difficult job.

  9. what would the police spend theyr time if all who are legal to carry a weapon would?

    • niko ståhlberg No problem, the State would find other ways to harass, jail, and shoot the citizenry.

  10. Underground News January 8, 2018 @ 8:50 am

    Omg she got a pretty mouth lol

  11. Cops always allegedly procarry for citizens untill you actually carry publicly.

  12. These officers need to be retrained. … oh that’s right, these Constitutional carriers are educating them.

  13. You getting a call means nothing to us & you should be re-training your dispatchers to better prioritize calls.

  14. Millions of military vets out there NOT committing gun crimes so gun’s aren’t the problem, people are.

  15. Emmanuel Ortega March 17, 2018 @ 7:28 pm

    THIS IS HOW ITS DONE, no need to bash the guys carrying or the officers. Respect gets you a long way.

  16. Tryingto Begood May 3, 2018 @ 1:58 pm

    This why females should not be on the job!!!

  17. Do you need a permit to conceal in Texas? I would think there is a significant percentage of people here in Arizona that are always carrying while in public. I see it safer that way. I see people open carry all of the time here. Very common. No one blinks an eye. Cops don’t care.

  18. CCW! Ever notice the open carry people have the tendency to be trashy losers which draws attention towards them to begin with. I support the second amendment but open carry shouldn’t he allowed

  19. She has a right to check the person carrying the gun.

    • travelswithdan no she doesn’t unless you’re being detained or have committed a crime than you don’t have to id ur self

    • Have you ever read your constitutionally protected rights. You must be one of the jackboots

  20. Female cops are horrible from what I see on video.

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