Cops Getting Owned – ‘Don’t Point That F ing Gun at Me!’ Gun Activist Takes Stand Against County

Readers Comments (46)

  1. very pretty view

  2. You didn’t own them at all

  3. Burn The Obedient September 15, 2017 @ 3:00 pm

    This is why you never carry alone. Always have backup. Our 2nd Amendment right shall not be infringed, and when tyrants take our guns, for ANY REASON, we should be fighting back.

    • Burn The Obedient
      Baah baah baah.

    • This is just dumb. I️ own many guns and carry everyday. And I’m a huge supporter of the 2nd amendment. But this is just ignorant. You walk around a children’s park looking like Rambo and expect the cops to not do their job?! They are here to protect and serve. Yea we have rights. But what happens if your not a good guy and they don’t disarm or question you then you walk down the street and kill everyone at the playground… then it’s on the cops for not stopping you. You are dumb and foolish and that goes for anyone who agrees with this crap. You all are gonna get our rights taken away. And go ahead and think they can’t if you want but keep doing this dumb stuff and they will have everything to make their case

    • U do that. I’ll stay safe and not get shot..

  4. Why carry so much firepower for a walk in the park? Where do u think u are…. downtown Kabul!? LOL

    • P.S. Even your Seal teams in Vietnam carried Ak 47’s and ak rounds and magazines as it was ten times less likely to jam up. Look up ak testing for stoppages.

    • Our Marines train in 50C & I had some of my training at close to 45C and -30C (survival training in the mountains during winter sucked), and I jumped out of too many perfectly good aircraft in & after training. We haven’t had a draft for several decades, yes men are forced to sign up for selective service or we can’t vote, drive or apply for any government services. Most of us that have joined the USA military in the past 30+ years did so because we love our country. Most USA ex-military would willingly kill an invading army, even one with women in it. The women in our military are not deployed on the front line, they simply don’t have the strength or endurance of a man. Yes there are some women that are as strong as the average man (I’m not talking about the trans-women), it doesn’t mean your females have the ability to get through your SAS training…
      Yes the stats about WW II are impressive for Australia, fortunately the US has never had any contention with Australia or the British (#1 SAS) for the past hundred years or so. I wonder who would win in an all out war between USA and Australia…

    • I was taking the piss about lady boys,
      I dont contemplate war between othermen or countries things like that in so far as it create’s a fight where none exist.40 Degrees is a rare thing and to train in temperature for months is a very rare thing.
      No one will ever invade theUSA unless your Dual national quasi corporate zionist structure will’s it.

    • The diggers have a little how should i say it they like to test their brass, if the boss is going to get you killed a court marshal is better than a bullet. We dont suffer fools, Rank has its privelages, it also makes the fall harder if the diggers dont respect you i have seen weak as piss officers on their knees balling as they get their lesson from the rank and file. i have seen warrant officers berate officers and Staff Seargents bounce Captains off the side of a Uni Mog. I have even knocked out a Major and and other. When you cross a line there is no rank. Rank is performing with honour.

  5. Cops wonder why they are hated and or shot

  6. The cops breaking the law.

  7. Whatever law states that someone can walk around like Clint Eastwood and carry those guns needs urgent changing,, here in the U.K. we feel safe that no one walks around like that, if we did the police would disarm you in a flash ,

    • Tee riff And if there are no guns in the world, a single good swordsman can kill dozens of people.

    • danny power
      The UK and US govts have spent years bombing schools overseas, spying on it own people, and turning liberty into safety. We have and carry our guns as a sign to everyone that we will kill and die for our rights. You Brits have no rights so i can understand why this seems odd to you.

    • last time i checked we kicked your government out of our nation. it is not, and never will be a brits opinion that matters to an American. as we speak your country is being inundated with millions of Islamic scum. how will you defend yourselves? do you think that your tiny 200k man army will keep your pathetic island safe? people like you are truly ill. Europeans have never and will never truly understand personal freedom. people like you are slaves to the state.

    • SCREW the U.K. and its communist way of life. It looks like youve been pacified to the point of stupidity.

  8. Dabbinwaxallday Dabbinwax321 October 19, 2017 @ 8:01 pm

    Police officers have guns and nobody blinks an eye, what makes them any safer then average Americans? Because they went to cop school for 4 months?

  9. bunch of sissies in the comment section

  10. This is stupid go to a gun Range! The police are being nice here!

  11. Yes now i know his password

  12. Stop looking for trouble dude.

  13. NiNJA from the Overwatch Team November 22, 2017 @ 3:59 pm

    Why the hell would anybody think it’s a good idea to carry what looks like an automatic weapon on them…I understand the pistol is fine but not the other one

  14. No sane person needs that many guns.

  15. No, you got owned, crybaby.

  16. I don’t care how legal it is in your country to carry a gun, any idiot who needs all that fire power in a park should be stopped. How bloody stable is some one who does that any way!?! We don’t have guns so I’m no expert, but surely that fact he didn’t even know if he had one in the chamber or not is ill responsible!?!

  17. I’m all for the 2nd but why carry exposed and an AK??? Good luck talking to women. That screams scared and insecure.

  18. And the point of walking around a local park with these are? I support 2a but you are making all of us other gun owners look like nut jobs. Be responsible and ccw if you feel you need to carry.

  19. Thats called an illegal seizure of your property sir..

  20. This guy was right from the jump county laws can’t impede on state laws.

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