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I use the template for my video intro made by TeaboMan under the Creative Commons License.

Readers Comments (57)

  1. michael mooney March 23, 2018 @ 5:43 pm

    he was so hot for you put it in park because the minute you did he was going to snatch you out of the car. he couldn’t do that with it in park or if he had to put it in park.

  2. Did you hear that the cop said the state can make laws higher than federal law What a Moron

  3. Brake lights being out is not a crime it’s a traffic infractions they give u a fix it tick and tell u to move along and get it fixed

    • Amber Tighe Not if you’re black or of another race. They automatically assume it’s drug dealer/user, in a stolen car, with a suspended or revoked license, who also has multiple warrants. As well as any and all passengers. Oh and the vehicle also has illegal guns and copious amounts of drugs hidden throughout the vehicle. And there could possibly be hostages or dead bodies in the vehicle. The cop was in fear for his life as soon as he saw the driver JUST because of his skin color and the cop even admitted to racial profiling when he eluded to “their kind of people” causing problems with/for cops. Disgusting behavior.

    • mike powers 0:08 As a lawyer, you should’ve caught that the cop violated the guy’s rights by entering his vehicle without consent, warrant or exigent circumstances. And the only request/demand by the cop was for him to immediately exit the vehicle. He did NOT ask for his ID, nor did the driver refuse. You should also know that cops are supposed to remain as calm, cool and collected, act in a professional manner at all times and they instructed and trained to de-escalate situations with civilians and this cop was hostile right from the get go, calling the guy and the woman “sovereign citizens”. This was _supposed_ to be a *simple* stop for a traffic infraction for an alleged “broken tail light”, but the cop escalated the situation. He racially profiled the guy and violated his 4th Amendment rights. The man had every right and reason to be tentative, scared and frustrated given the current climate of racial tension with police. Respect is not demanded or required of the citizens to the police. It is shown and given when the cops earn it, by treating us all as the very people they swore to protect and serve when they chose to become a cop. They don’t get to pick and choose.

    • Lyndia Walden May 7, 2018 @ 1:48 am

      C Lee If you pay attention when the officers partner comes up the officer hands him the ‘paper’ the driver gave him in lieu of a legal license. They claimed ‘morrish’ citizenship which they claim gives them all the rights of a US Citizen, without having to follow any of the laws.

    • C Lee , like Lyndia said its pretty obvious that the video starts well into what is going on. The guy gave them a piece of paper with his name on it as his ID. Last time I checked that is not a valid form of ID and definitely not a drivers license so they have the legal right to pull them out of the car. Hate it as we might we still have to have a valid drivers license to drive.

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  4. Just sue the police department, when there is an illegal detainment – money talks. There is no reason to bother a person over one of the brake lights being out, having that man come out of the car was a wtf moment from some overzealous idiots with a job and a badge.

    • Having a break light out is a hazard to other drivers and is a mechanical violation. If the cop wants to tell you it’s out, give a warning, write you a ticket then that is his right as it pertains to his job, I’m not sure how (if the person has been drinking) you can NOT catch a whiff, IF the whiff is there to be caught. Is he supposed to just ignore it? Asking id, in this instance is perfectly legal. So if you want to exercise anything, exercise your common sense and the search button on google.

    • Ryan brooks you may be missing my point – it is legal, no argument there : my point is that it is also – in my opinion – a BS and petty reason ( i.e. an excuse) – alike to being pulled over for having brights on at night, or for an abstracted drivers view via a hanging an air freshener from the rear view mirror … legal but lame – unless break lights do not work at all,none of them … as a side question: why do you chose to present such a standoffish disposition when commenting on a comment? Right off the start … you venting? 🙂 maybe trolling?

    • Dan Daman, if you pay attention to the video, yes I agree with you somewhat about getting pulled over for a simple brake light out, but once you are pulled over you cannot give the cops a piece of paper with something written on it as you drivers license. The guy either did not have a drivers license or ID or he refused to give it to them so they then can legally pull you out of your car.

    • Chuck R true, giving cops grief in general is usually a bad idea, especially after its fairly obvious that it will not be resolved in a simple way. Also, we really do not know what took place prior to the start of the recording – I suspect there was some reason those cops picked that vehicle & driver over all others, and it was not a race thing … but thats just a wild guess. To me, this whole thing just seems exsessive: a physical confrontation and an arrest – over a light bulb being out! I guess it could have ended worse than it did – at least no guns were used. Perhaps, there should be a change to police pricedures where petty stuff like a light out, etc does not require identification to occur … I do not want my tax money being spent on jailing people over their cars’ lightbulbs not working.

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  5. sabisch truepain March 27, 2018 @ 3:33 am

    thank you, I love how you handle this cop. she was speechless!!!

  6. Caitlyn Dicroce March 28, 2018 @ 10:35 am

    “I’m concerned about the safety of others while people are speeding” *Sits and lets all the speeders go by and wastes her sergeants time by sitting there*

  7. CrossFire Faction April 3, 2018 @ 1:33 am

    “The state constitution is over the government”

  8. Aeoxine Corporation April 14, 2018 @ 2:37 am

    “let me learn you something” you are trying to say teach right officer?

  9. Jordan Johnstone April 16, 2018 @ 3:08 am

    And pigs wonder why they bite a bullet ?

  10. Boring nonsense- talk about somebody getting owned?, well that’s me and whoever else wastes their time watching this video.

    • C Lee ooooh talking all fancy, one should learn the definition of click bait peasant boy

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    • Landon Breeden May 26, 2018 @ 7:36 am

      bad bob “mind your own business” says the guy posting on a world wide open forum.. rofl go home bob you troll

    • Beauty killer Deal with it stop crying at night.

    • Anfernee Clarke June 26, 2018 @ 1:28 am

      bad bob it’s a video that’s about spreading awareness about how these police officers treat people, we live in a time with technology that keeps us safe. Imagine all the situations back then when not everyone had a phone with a camera, these people take advantage of people who have a lack of knowledge about the law. Even people who have knowledge of the law, stay safe.

  11. The 2nd dude is really educated it pays to know your rights

  12. mikel runnels May 1, 2018 @ 1:51 pm

    hope all of these people sue these clowns with badges

  13. Haha the title of these vids …The only ones owned are the ones recording ?

    • Beauty killer Deal with it May 6, 2018 @ 2:09 am

      GunXMetal37 hahaha and the only ignorant fool is this guy right here! Hahahaha idiot

    • GunXMetal37 I agree with you. The only one I saw had a real case here was the guy pulled over on the interstate for no reason. This soverign (however you spell it) citizen bullshit is getting ridiculous. Yes I hate paying taxes. Yes I hate paying for license plate stickers and inspection stickers but that is the law and if you don’t then this is what happens.

  14. This stupid pig just said its her god given right to break the law to enforce the law LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL

  15. Alexis DeVille May 5, 2018 @ 9:40 pm

    She so full of the Blue line BS lies! She has no right to demand his ID, she is trying to excuse her bad behavior for speeding with out a reason. She is a nasty B iotch! The real tragedy is her behavior! Mistaken Bacon!

  16. Lyndia Walden May 7, 2018 @ 1:43 am

    Sovereign Citizens are just idiots. How is it you feel like you have all the rights of a US Citizen but you don’t have to follow any of the laws. If that were the case then it would be pure chaos. Everyone could do as they like, without the consequences. It might as well be ‘Purge’ night all the time. SMDH

  17. News Now Fort Worth May 8, 2018 @ 2:37 pm

    God given right? Hmm, never saw that in the Bible before.

  18. Joanna Hammond May 25, 2018 @ 9:17 pm

    Did he seriously say that state law can trump the consitution (no pun intended.) ??

  19. Tallia esquerea June 6, 2018 @ 10:43 am

    The police are out of control in America.

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