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Police officers being owned and civilians knowing their rights. Cops on camera.

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I use the template for my video intro made by TeaboMan under the Creative Commons License.

Readers Comments (62)

  1. Check out “The Laws of the Enchantress– Three day program–” on YouTube below!

  2. Don’t take footage that’s vertical and stretch it to horizontal, it’s unwatchable.

  3. Wow I love how the fat cops look so distorted because of how it is filmed the fattest one has a super stretched out belly lmao ? ?

  4. The best one was #2, those cops and people were edited to be stretched but you could tell they were still all fat anyways…

  5. They all wear sunglasses so you can’t see their eyes when they lie.

  6. Look at “their” stance. That should tell you everything.

  7. If cops are so honest and trustworthy why are the first words out of their mouths lies? Why is it cops can’t do their job without lying???

    • Eamon Kirby My community police protects us so your point only works for some police not all

    • KAAE Oodens cops job are to enforce the law, not to protect you, don’t believe see other cases where cops are horrible?

    • Eamon Kirby yeah but different police stations do different things my one does both like recently someone was stabbed but the police got to the guy protected him and saved his life

    • carson b that’s just trying to frame or set up innocent people!

    • Because that badge goes to there doughnuts filled skulls

  8. Shaun Donnelly March 21, 2018 @ 2:38 pm

    It looks like it was filmed with the back of a spoon

  9. I can’t watch that stretched screen

  10. 《THUMPER》 Lock picking, Police accountability March 21, 2018 @ 9:25 pm

    Everyone looks like Umpa loompas

  11. the Supreme court of the U.S. has made it clear in case law (not sure the law exactly) that LEOs can/will lie legally to the public to get a confession/conviction

    • yet civilians can get charged with a crime for doing the same. disgusting.

    • And that treasons the Maxim of Law: “He who does not willingly tell the truth is a traitors to the truth.”
      Which is just another treason the Supreme Court has committed….

  12. Why don’t cops like to be filmed when they’re doing their job out in public on public property?

    • Sebastian Wright May 2, 2018 @ 3:03 am

      The same reason that you wouldn’t like it if someone followed you around all day with a camera at your job (if you have one)

    • Irving Ceron May 2, 2018 @ 4:39 pm

      Eric Johnson

      Most jobs don’t require the power to kill people.

    • Irving Ceron May 2, 2018 @ 4:40 pm

      Sebastian Wright

      That’s silly. Most jobs don’t have he potential for abuse of other people and get away with it. Now if we could record bankers, I’d love them to be recorded too

    • Xgon' Givitooyah May 24, 2018 @ 5:50 pm

      Eric Johnson Actually I prefer my interactions with customers to be on camera. Mostly because I don’t have anything to hide.

    • Sebastian Wright most people are filmed at their jobs nowadays by security cameras any way so nice try making excuses for the pigs

  13. Not secret footage. Stolen footage from other sources.

  14. OutlanderVideo March 22, 2018 @ 4:35 pm

    Tyranny! Times are changing and cops are finally getting fired! Stop criminals from wearing badges.

  15. Paul Dominguez March 22, 2018 @ 7:50 pm

    I believe that motorcycle cop thought he was the one from Terminator. All creep, all the time. ?


  17. When did cops start whoring themselves to Walmart?

    • James O’Blivion the store had a good reason to throw you out, otherwise the cops wouldn’t have pulled you aside and warn you about being arrested. Go ahead and play the victim all you want, it doesnt change the fact you got thrown out and banned from the store with warnings about not attempting to come back.

    • James O'Blivion April 25, 2018 @ 12:34 am

      Finally…the Cops Are Perfect And Holy argument. ?

    • James O'Blivion April 25, 2018 @ 12:35 am

      Of course they had a reason. The way I dressed, and the way I cut my hair. Problem is, that’s not a VALID reason. It’s a discriminatory one.

    • James O'Blivion April 25, 2018 @ 2:20 am

      No store employees spoke to us. The deputy was on us the moment we walked in, and we were kicked out and threatened with arrest within minutes. We subsequently went to another store, dressed the same way, acting the same way, and had no trouble whatsoever. Hmmmm.

      Your ignorance of the specifics here only seems to bolster your confidence in the righteousness of your argument. Literally every response you’ve left here makes multiple false assumptions. And yet you’re absolutely certain that you know what was REALLY going on. Seems like a very comfortable bubble, that allows you to be “right,” even when you have no idea what you’re talking about. And to have such an unthinking certainty that cops never discriminate or profile, just because it doesn’t happen to you. I’m not entirely sure what drives you to defend a cop you’ve never met, or trash someone you’ve never met based on a seemingly endless series of false assumptions, but regardless, it’s pretty sad. Talk about ego.

  18. i have come across cops parking in a handicap spot before,Suffolk county cops on long island,New York.
    they were in a handicap spot at a dunkin donuts both cops were inside at a table drinking coffee. i took a few pictures of the cop car in the handicap spot then walked up to the window where the cops were sitting inside and took their picture too.

    then i e-mailed the pics to the 6th precinct.

    never got a reply though…

    • hellshade2 What do you expect when one of your judges who overheads a criminal court is arrested for burglary of a habitation of women underwear.

    • @sevehn syth i thought about going in there and saying something to the cops about it since i am a disable person and i have my parking tag.

      but i thought all it would end up doing is getting me arrested for “resisting arrest” and i really did not need that hassle

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