COPS GETTING OWNED Compilation 2017

Cops getting owned and humiliated by citizens who know their rights.

Readers Comments (16)

  1. haah

  2. cop says” for my safety” what about the citizens safety

  3. Becomingfungus 2 July 3, 2017 @ 2:07 am

    The first one I laughed so much

  4. Apparently you don ‘t know how this works. You steal my videos, you get a copyright strike. That means you just wasted your time creating this channel and stealing these videos. Your channel will be taken down. You have to make your own videos genius. You can’t steal other peoples property and pretend it is your own.

  5. Gamingfury510 Fury August 7, 2017 @ 5:19 pm

    I would call the cops on the cops

  6. a “complaint” or a “call” does not constitute RAS or PC for a stop and definitely not for demanding ID. you have to investigate first… a call does not give you the ability to skip steps. “oh there was a call in this area so everyone has to do what we say when we say or we will make them comply by any means necessary even if the LAW isn’t on our side because we aren’t held accountable like the general public by anyone… not ourselves, our department, our city, our county, our state, our country, or even our citizenry. everyone will just kiss our asses”

  7. Officer Gregory Stevens August 17, 2017 @ 11:10 pm

    I love the asian guy. Nice to hear a minority stick up for his constitutional rights, other than African Americans.. not many asians here in CT anyway

  8. Fucking bully cocksuckers , ugh what a bunch of useless twats

  9. 9:48 is the best ever “I’m not a Pissofficer” loool…

  10. Don’t be a cop if you’re so damn worried about your safety…

  11. “Whats the nature of your inquiry” lmaooo

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