1. Ruthless kid makes cop pick up his litter – Jacob Sartorius


3. Kid rages on cops after they knock him with segway – Jacob Sartorius
4. Brave kids that know the law insult cop and make him shut up – Jacob Sartorius


6. Traffic Stop Part 8 – I'll take that under advisement. – Joshua-Allen OfThePittsFamily

Readers Comments (48)

  1. 16:20 driving a vehicle not registered to the state, without a driver’s license and he has a warrant…free to go. Wtf?

    • no, most people get class D license.

    • AlexXFresh wherever state the warrant was out of probably doesn’t extradite

    • Toby Fjelstad May 31, 2018 @ 4:29 pm

      Complete bs. You need a drivers license to drive period. Sovereign citizens think they dont need a license or to register their vehicle. Their are countless videos of them getting arrested and then losing in court. This guy was just lucky.

    • The cop seemed very professional except for letting him go.

    • It was a non-extradite warrant (very common), the LEO actually was thrown off because this was before they were all warned about “sovereign citizens”. Now that goofus would get owned and they would issue citations for everything.

  2. 4:12 that guy is asking for trouble
    he should of just stoped

  3. this kid look like a chicken pecking for corn xD 3:20
    DO IT

  4. The second guy was amazing! I love it when people have an intelligent argument, and there’s nothing left to be said.

    • He was nearly run over bay the police…………….. all the police had to do is apologize

    • Tomoko Kirihara March 8, 2018 @ 9:38 pm

      +Monty Lyle

      Cops are allowed to Swing their Arms around and scream?… but citizens not? xD 😀

      Cops also could carry any Danger in their Pockets 😀

      Amateur are as just As danger as an Trained soldier 😛

    • If the cop hit him and rode off, that’s HIGHLY illegal. The young man was correct in calling out cops who were trying to make the young man at fault. This is American Democracy at work, folks. Go old school on the fascists, bullies and tyrants and let them know you got a can of asskicking for their situation.

    • Dolores Claiborne July 8, 2018 @ 5:54 am

      K_lynn that was an intelligent argument? He was hysterical. You’re a fucking idiot.

  5. So these people know the exact number of the laws and I can’t even remember the bill of rights

  6. police have become so use to bending the rules and letting there own opinions rule the situation that it becomes criminal actions.

  7. Wise Words from Dad April 25, 2017 @ 4:32 pm

    First cop boom boom busted well done man for filming this !!!!!!!!

  8. Wise Words from Dad April 25, 2017 @ 4:34 pm

    Segway guy bossed them

  9. Wise Words from Dad April 25, 2017 @ 4:35 pm

    BMX boy gave it to the cop boom boom

  10. California youtuber May 11, 2017 @ 8:33 am

    but if this was a black dude shot dead on the spot ??? @1:30

    • shred the gnar. Non violent felonies such as having a lil weed on them getting them 5 years in prison.

    • shred the gnar. Been reading yer comments….freekin vicious, keep up the good work!

    • Decent Citizen June 23, 2018 @ 6:34 pm

      yawn..fishin for replies i see. statistically more white people are killed by police than black people. do some research pal.

    • David Macek – Percentages, percentages.  Was percentage hard in math for you?

    • Decent Citizen July 4, 2018 @ 1:53 am

      in 2017, 457 white people were killed by police compared to 223 blacks. You do the percentages. 🙂

  11. The guy on the board walk ridding his bike was so smooth and witty. Ur amazing mate well played!,,,

  12. 0:59 It’s kind of hard to take a cop seriously when they have a helmet on for riding a moped.

  13. dude at the beginning got a bigger pair than I do hahaha

  14. lmfao…cops are so funny when you challenge them. Karma baby

  15. Cops are incapable of owning their racist, homophobic, redneck agenda

    • Look It's That Boy August 8, 2018 @ 8:56 pm

      1) Cops aren’t racist.
      2) Cops aren’t homophobic.
      3) Only some of them are rednecks.
      Believing everything that the mainstream media says is stupid as they don’t care about reporting accurate news, all they care about is making money and reporting the news that people WANT to hear.

  16. 3:20 black wouldve got beaten up

  17. Does it make sense that because so few people want to become police officers and the need for as many officers as possible is a concern that the minimum requirement to be an officer is lowered so far beyond a reasonable level that many of the officers on duty currently aren’t exactly meeting a safe standard of quality ?

    • The reason it’s hard to find candidates is to do so many applying has criminal records and can’t pass the background investigations.There’s a few who can’t pass the phycological exam, which contains around 2500 multiple choice questions or the face to face interview with a dept phycologist.

    • They give the exam to see if you can handle the stress of the job.

    • Being obedient is part of the job.It is a paramilitary profession.

    • It helps since the exams involves what you learned while training to be a law enforcement officer.

    • I guess you think you know the title so well, all you have to do is strap on a gunbelt and hit the streets with no training?

  18. That second guy is lucky he didn’t get beat up.

  19. I’m all for exercising ones rights but I’ve learned that if you’re not doing anything wrong and just comply, regardless of my right not to, because it generally makes things a lot easier. I’ve gotten 4 tickets in the last 4 years and they all got dropped because I was honest about my speeding. 2 cops shut off their body cams and told me “man, just plead not guilty and I won’t show up” and 2 DAs gave me 6 months to have a clear driving record and they dropped both of them. All it cost me was being polite and being honest. I’ve learned that cops hate being lied to because it happens all day with them, and usually if you just own it, they’ll let you go. I should note that I’m totally someone who you’d think would have problems with law enforcement based on how I look.

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