Readers Comments (25)

  1. That cop kinda looks like the quarterback Jesse Palmer.

  2. News Now Dooshblock July 22, 2017 @ 12:09 pm

    Lights. Camera. AGITATE!!! Is this another felon iphone journalist with a grudge ??????

    • DooshBlock/Watch org doesn’t matter if he is… still he was conducting a LAWFUL and CONSTITUTIONALLY PROTECT activity. In essence he should’ve been invisible to the police until such a time he did something potentially illegal which filming is not. Keep licking boots buddy.

  3. 10:17 german nazi in us police uniform

  4. we don’t know if he is a rogue cop out to harm innocent citizens.

  5. After a bad day watching cops get schooled alway brighten my day up

  6. Come on. Are you stealing videos? It’s a great video but not yours to monetize. Bad boy. It is evil to steal. Your not evil are you?

  7. Red pilled patriot November 3, 2017 @ 11:39 pm

    Those who love freedom and the constitution love free speech, this shows in all aspects of ones daily lives. When you delete respectfully given comments you are a PHONEY and you are against free speech. OMAHA COP BLOCK!!!

  8. Junkyard News video…stolen.

  9. Floyd Wallace aka Omaha Copblock once again stealing other people’s work. Thief.

  10. Dave Chivell gardner November 6, 2017 @ 8:12 am

    new chanel but same old stolen videos.

  11. Omaha is back to stealing videos again.

  12. Hopefully you filed a complaint on these officers. They need it, if for nothing else but criminal action on their part. They have broken so many laws and then sent this to the state police office.

  13. Max is in jail he didn’t ID himself. It is everyone’s policy if you are public servant they are to ID . Federal.

  14. Why are LEO threatened by citizens. They say they are well trained. What idiots. They don’t even know how to file reports. No wonder they lie on their reports.

  15. Shameful cops need firing!

  16. First video: cop is cute as a piglet, but just as aloof, oblivious and uneducated.

  17. Bald cop looks like a wife beater

  18. Stoney McDopey July 31, 2018 @ 1:22 am

    Notice he wanted to “brief him really quick”. Try to turn him against him lol. These police are such a joke

  19. Pretty boy gets owned!

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