Cops Get OWNED By Lawyer!!


Cops Get OWNED By Lawyer!!
Cop gets told off by lawyer lol
police try and illegally detain a lawyer who knows the law
5 Police 1 Lawyer (Police Get Owned When Trying To Abuse Their Rights!)

So he asks for a subpoena then he backs out of it to try to make them look like they are detaining him for no reason , this isn't a game respect the police and let them do there job

Readers Comments (14)

  1. the Gestapo

  2. FTP. Pig douchenozzles.

  3. Darrick Bissell July 1, 2018 @ 3:33 am

    Way to go! Protect your rights people.

  4. The guy filming is an a-hole. He says he has evidence of the police doing what they said and is making it more difficult for them. Why? How does this help justice? Sometimes it’s ok to help the police. They’re not always in the wrong, just sometimes

    • The police are here to protect private property, enforce systems of oppression, shut down political dissent, and generate revenue. “Justice” is the last fucking thing they want.

    • Joshua DeVita they have their own cameras for one. And two they dont need yours unless the officers have something to hide… simply filming a police officer is not obstructing anything especially if you are not even part of the incident. If the officers have done nothing wrong they dont need to seize your recording property nor should they want to. Justice works both ways, how do you think any of the crooked officers that do things wrong get caught?… …..
      Thats right, they get caught on somones camara. Trying to take your recording property seems a bit shady to me, if an officer has done what they think is right and by the law then what is there to be worried about?

    • Darin Clements July 30, 2018 @ 9:55 pm

      While your sentiment is noble, the reality is different. If the LEO doesn’t follow the law, then that is lawless, by definition. So, lawless LEO must be held accountable.

    • Joshua DeVita He is within his rights to go about his business, you fucking scumbag. The police illegally detained him and then realized they were skirting the law very closely and had to allow him to leave. They have no right to our ID and no right to our details unless we are a part of the incident. People like you make my stomach churn.

  5. LeopardLover LeopardLover July 13, 2018 @ 8:31 am

    I don’t know my rights I am ?


  7. Civil uprising against the establishment is long overdue!!!

  8. Dumbass cops

  9. thats really a good…
    thats what i was thinking..hehehe…

  10. Freckles101598 August 9, 2018 @ 1:29 pm

    He did nothing wrong, he isn’t required to show his ID. They made him a witness lmao, what are they gonna arrest everyone who saw them slip up? Don’t talk to the cops.

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