Readers Comments (71)

  1. He pulled you over for being black on a Friday. Know the law, dude.

  2. Sir do you realize how black you were going back there?

  3. “Man, can’t two black guys drive around in a nice car without being pulled over?!”
    “Why are you on probation?”
    “Distribution of cocaine.”


  4. Kudos to him for turning his life around. God bless him.

  5. Tiffany Kooper July 15, 2016 @ 9:48 pm

    Music???? Music??? O_O Music??????

    • Tiffany Kooper July 15, 2016 @ 9:49 pm

      AND ON THE HIGHWAY?!?!?! I’m sorry that happened to you.

    • Yes Im sorry he was stopped for violating a law while on probation and was surprises when the officer brought up the probation. I’m sorry this guy does not understand what probation is.

  6. Distribution of cocaine. Lol. Straight outta prison.

    • Atleast he turned his life around

    • Yeah, sure, he looks like a real winner now, doesn’t he?

    • Lisa Vega Yeah, he does

    • redarrowhead2 Thing about it is…you have never seen a black man fly in kilos of drugs or bring in boat loads or saw someone’s head off for snitching for the sale of narcotics. I disagree with any illegal garbage but seriously over music. Go harass the real hardened criminals, gangsters and drug dealers. LOL They want because they will get their asses handed to them and maybe even their privates.

    • Kevin/Ult __ We dont know that.

  7. “We pulled you over because your music was to loud”

    • Joshua The Science god October 20, 2016 @ 1:29 am

      Rev the cop is correct though according to title 21 section 4306 of the state of Delaware.

    • (c) No person operating or occupying a motor vehicle on any street, highway, alley, or parking lot shall operate or permit the operation of any music amplification system, including, but not limited to, any radio, tape player, compact disc player, or any other electrical device used for the amplification of music in or on the motor vehicle so that the sound is plainly audible at a distance of 50 or more feet from the vehicle. For the purpose of this subsection, “plainly audible” means any sound which clearly can be heard by unaided hearing faculties, however, words or phrases need not be discernible and bass reverberation alone shall be sufficient to so constitute.

    • Aka being too dark.

    • Backwards Cech June 4, 2018 @ 3:41 am

      I would leave with it all the way u

  8. If i were dude I would have kept my cool

  9. Dang! You got me turning my head sideways just to watch this video.

  10. This gentleman is totally correct. in the state of Delaware there is no law on the books saying you can’t have your music at any volume level. In a residential area there is a right for home owners to not be disturbed. the funny thing is that a dog can bark all damn day, loud and its fine as long as the dog isnt barking for a continuous manner after 7pm for more than 45 mins straight. so you cant drive through a neighborhood with your music loud and leave. literally drive through. But a rottweiler can bark all day until 7pm when it cant for more than 45 mins straight. you tell me how that makes sense. Now its a just a city ordinance, however that music law is racist in nature. Commonsense tells you this. Its designed to keep black youths “in check” . I certainly know the law. So that biggot that stopped you should himself be warned for illeagally stopping you. Pulling his record would be fun. Look at the difference in the race of all his stops. ill bet he stops black MEN 10-1 over anyone else. A simple audit of his stops would be a great way to keep these officers in line and btw its public knowledge.

  11. The police are petty af sometimes I swear

  12. OurWorldSolution November 23, 2016 @ 6:21 pm

    Thank God for video. Black people need to listen to loud music bc we hear bigger ranges of sound.

  13. Just glad he handled the situation right. Yea the police was embarrassed and shame but is to cocky to admit it

  14. News flash …. whites get pulled over for nothing too… funny how people cops til they need one….. officer officer heeeeeeelp meeeee!!! Please !!!!!

  15. Fly house of truth December 7, 2016 @ 2:05 am

    Cops are Corrupt & Sadistic

  16. emoji move is 10/10 December 28, 2016 @ 7:41 pm

    the dude who’s recording looks like big smoke from GTA San Andreas

  17. dumbest thing i’ve ever heard from a cop

  18. Black dude was right

  19. Lisa Evans The Fam December 15, 2017 @ 2:34 pm

    That cop was clearly profiling. They do so to fill a quota to keep the funding so jails don’t close. And unfortunately they do so mostly to black or homeless people.

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