This is a messed up world. My favorite video is at the end!

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Readers Comments (73)

  1. “You know how many times a day we do this?”
    “What? Harassing people?”

  2. “Do you know how many times a day we do this?”
    “What, harass people?”


  3. Anthony Adams May 1, 2016 @ 5:13 am

    The last one was funny asf! I’m gonna attempt to ruin your life just because I’m an idiot.

  4. 5:45
    “You know how many times a day we do this?”
    “What? Harass people?”
    I died. ?

  5. I don’t know what is wrong with some cops these days…everyone is innocent until proven guilty. They love to assume everyone is a criminal until proven innocent…

    • J Vargas these days, sorry you are so wrong with that comment. They have always been like this, their just getting caught on video now.

  6. Staff Sergeant Matt Eversmann May 14, 2016 @ 6:39 pm

    the last one was amazing!

  7. This guy is 45 and has braces lmao???

  8. Robert Gonzalez May 25, 2016 @ 8:57 pm

    Lmfao!!!!! The last one is amazing!! ( here is what’s gonna happen STUD…. We’re just gonna leave you alone). Lmao that kid has balls I respect that

  9. Am I the only one that curious if the last guy actually got kicked out? Hahahaha

  10. Corley Whamster June 12, 2016 @ 1:13 am

    First clip….why are they switching from bad english to no english?

  11. Last one had me dying bru

  12. That first guy… THATS what math is for XD

    • Weird Yu-Gi-Oh! Kid May 28, 2018 @ 9:22 am

      Math can also explain that stuff, just in different formulas. I don’t understand what’s so difficult to understand here.

    • I thought I was talking to someone who wasn’t entitled to his own biased and ignorant bullshit opinion and actually was literate. The fact that you’re not producing your own logic and words and just copying my words like a cheater and replacing your terms with that is what is difficult to understand unless you can show any factual proof. Can’t help yourself in that matter. Your words don’t mean anything unless you can show your claims. Maths is derived from physics and not the otherwise. If you claim as what you say show any proof of your claim. You can ask me to prove my claim to if you already don’t know the basics of what you’re debating about. At least I can show my part.

    • The only thing math can explain is the theory of physics not other wise. Physics does not explain maths. Maths explains physics. There wouldn’t be any maths if there were no physics. Since it doesn’t seem like you don’t even have the knowledge of what you’re talking about its best that you remain entitles to your own opinion. I don’t want to waste my time upon something as petty as this. That doesn’t matter anywhere and doesn’t change the truth. Neither does that bother me. You can think that your theory and imagination is right.

    • Weird Yu-Gi-Oh! Kid May 28, 2018 @ 10:46 am

      Interestingly enough, that is coming from someone who can’t use correct punctuation…

    • Weird Yu-Gi-Oh! Kid May 28, 2018 @ 10:49 am

      You’re right, I am ignorant on the issue. However, if you were to step into my domain of expertise, I’d make sure to essentially call you stupid. Everyone is knowledgeable on different subjects; the two of us are no exception.

  13. Nazi cop:

    “You know how many times we do this”

    Smart guy:

    ” what harass people?”

  14. Hilarious the cop at the university was fired, not good enough to be a real cop, or a renta cop for schools, now what?

  15. The young cop must have an IQ of 70 or down.

  16. saltydirectioner October 18, 2016 @ 7:58 pm

    The last one made me want to laugh and punch the cops. I was dying when he was like OH MY GOD LOOK AT THE RANCH DRESSING OH MY GOD SWEATPANTS!

  17. cop: you know how many times a day we do this?
    guy: what harrass people?
    me: dead hahah

  18. backround Character November 6, 2016 @ 9:01 pm

    5:30 the cops were dumb he was just outside smoking a cigarette next to his neighbors who had music on

  19. The first guy tho ?Asians are amazing ?

  20. Last guy was a savage

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