Readers Comments (63)

  1. They’d save some hassle if they’d just show the guy their ids so he could make sure that it was them on the work permit. Rather than a knock down drag out verbal dispute this would’ve been the conversation.

    Cop: You guys have a permit to be working on this property?

    Men: Yes here it is.

    Cop: Can I see your ids quickly so that I can confirm you’re the ones who are listed on the permit?

    Men: Sure, here you go.

    Cop: (after ensuring that they in fact are the ones listed on the permit) Have a nice day gentlemen, nice to see some American citizens out working hard. Sorry for taking up your time, but I’ve got to do my job too.

    Men: No problem officer, we know that for every legit group like us there are shady guys who work with fake permits etc. It is reassuring that you are aware and alert about this issue.

    Csn I get an amen?

    • The cop backed himself into a corner by asking for ID etc, and then realised that if he asked for it and didn’t get it, and then later there was a crime there he would be in trouble.

  2. Quick question how did he get owned

  3. so funny how stupid the cop is

  4. Stand up for your rights, my fellow Americans…

    • +Captain Huggy Face ?well said

    • +Drogo Z You’re fucking stupid. Its very simple for burglars to fake a work order and look like workers to burglarize a home.

      I suppose if a burglar did in fact use a fake work order to break into a home, you would still be bitching cause the cops didn’t properly investigate him.

    • yes sir

    • LegendofLink 210 March 7, 2017 @ 3:56 am

      Puerto Rico OK so I don’t know if ur gonna agree with me but some cops just have been trained for take downs and join the police just cuz they will abuse there power and join so they can beat up or arrest for no reason.Also cops just decide to just be rude bully and are real retards.So I’m not saying all cops are some don’t abuse there power and other stuff.But it is just like the military some act like huge retards and be coward running away and being dumb as heck *you hold the sniper over your shoulder not place it on the shoulder like rly some of em do it and brake there shoulder or dislocate it*

  5. alfredthegreatestuk May 22, 2015 @ 7:54 pm

    The cops an idiot. how do the guys know he’s a real cop? they could easily use the same argument against him.

  6. Asaru Thompson July 28, 2015 @ 3:08 am

    Why does that cop sound so much like Kermit the frog?lol

  7. They should have played the same game with the cop….”How do we know that your a real cop? Anybody could buy a police uniform and have a fake badge made, who’s to say your indeed a real police officer?”

  8. Very reasonable policeman to me…

    • Exactly how would he know these guys are painters or whatever ..

    • +gateway1965 if I was a cop and I saw some random as pedophile looking car on property with two men around the house I honestly might ask myself

    • +gateway1965 thanks

    • +gateway1965 And the cop in this video clearly can justify. Imagine if a burglars are breaking into your house and the cops ignored it because they could potentially be locksmiths. The police in this video was right to make inquiries.

    • +gateway1965 your worldview means I can slap you in the face in front of the police and rebuke them for imaging that I slapped you without consent, and when you scream for help the police mustn’t imagine that you are asking thwm

  9. He’ll yea this video is over 3hundred thousand

  10. The cop didn’t show proof that he’s a real cop.

  11. Afterward he went to the mall parking lot and asked people, “Yeah, you have a key, and the VIN matches the registration, and the name on the registration is the same as your license, but how do I know that’s your car?”

  12. Yes…you could be a fake cop…!!!

  13. i just hit over 400,000 thoussand views on youtube

  14. People that don’t work should be harassed?

  15. this cop is digging himself deeper and deeper

  16. Does this cop stop every construction crew, plumber, roofer, electrician because they could be faking who they are…give me a break

  17. this cop was so redundant. like all his examples were so dumb

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