Cats Don’t Like Things | Funny Cat Video Compilation 2017

From cats pushing things off tables, cats attacking vacuum attachments, to cats interrupting their owner's yoga sessions, these are just a few of the cats you'll find who don't like things in this funny cat video compilation.

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Original Links:
Cat Interrupts Yoga Video
Cat Knocks Countless Items onto Floor
Cat Hits Owner Doing Yoga
Cat Pushes Everything Off Shelf
Cat Pulls Gauze out of Jars
Cat Hates DVD
Cat Doesn't Like Bell Rung
Cat Attacks Printer
Vine: Human Don’t I’m Serious
Kitten Swats Mini Drone
Cats Go Crazy Over Torn Wallpaper
Kittens Attack Vacuum Attachment
Cat Throws Things Off Table

Readers Comments (83)

  1. My cat hates everything except for my pillows

  2. 1:30 that cat is so polite XD “no, please stop dangling my bell human.”

  3. The cat at 4:22 (who’s knocking things off the table) at least he listens to his owner. He knocked the inhaler down just like the guy told him to. LOL

  4. Justin Bohemier April 29, 2017 @ 8:55 am

    A cat’s life is about eating, sleeping, and attacking stuff

    • LAX2SanGabriel

      said no one EVER

    • zeus slaughter April 9, 2018 @ 7:05 pm

      Justin Bohemier never judge a book by its cover,they dont have facial expression

    • Justin Bohemier and getting sscared

    • Actually not a lot of them, a lot of them are so cute and fluffy and personally I would say I like them more then dogs but since I like jack Russell’s I say they are equal ?

    • Miss True Seman Uh you do realize birds and mice will end up dead cause there’s not enuff food for them and plus mice are the reason ppl are getting sick they carry more diseases than cats and birds they die cause of lack of food and plus we got those turbines in every state that the birds ain’t smart enuff not get near em and plus just like cats and dogs if not fixed they are overpopulated which means eventually they are gonna starve..

  5. I guess what I’ve learned from this is to start putting trash at the edge of the counter so my cat will knock it into the trash can. useful _and_ entertaining

  6. the cat was trying to make a new theory on gravity by making things fall… they want to prove Newton wrong.. “cats are great”

  7. The last cat: “Gravity is soooo fascinating!”

  8. Stephen Gilberg April 29, 2017 @ 6:50 pm

    1:52 – Well, at least (s)he has the courtesy not to knock the jars off. Yet.

  9. Stephen Gilberg April 29, 2017 @ 6:50 pm

    5:03 – “Ninety-nine bottles of water on the wall…”

  10. Heather Ferleyko April 29, 2017 @ 6:58 pm

    One of my cats attacks the printer when it’s printing even when he’s asleep he hears it from up stairs and comes zooming down,
    And my other cat will nock anything off the table she’s a gravity tester for us.

  11. total recall wasn’t THAT bad

  12. TheGinnaWinna May 17, 2017 @ 4:53 pm

    “Could you not?” = story of our lives as slaves of cats.

  13. UndefeatableTwilight May 25, 2017 @ 10:01 am

    “No, we are not watching Total Recall again. We’ve seen it ten goddamn times already. NO.”


    • ????????????

    • ?????

    • We’ve watched it for two weeks straight, already! Two weeks! TWOOOO WEEEEEEEKS!

    • UndefeatableTwilight Very true. Cats do not like noise they consider unpleasant. Or anything that takes their humans focus off The Cat and onto something else, especially a noisy obnoxious thing. When I had a clam shell cell phone, my cat would knock it off wherever I placed it, even if it was not on the edge. She hated that phone. Fortunately, it would fall apart, I would find the pieces, put it together again and it still worked.

  14. We know the earth is not flat because if it were, cats would have pushed everything off of it by now.

  15. I love cats. I’m glad they made us their pets.

  16. FabledSomething June 11, 2017 @ 5:11 am

    2:39 – One of the few times a vertical video is good because it helps the “narrative”. Though I’m pretty sure that wasn’t the plan. Anyways, kudos.

  17. I love when they do something they know they shouldn’t, and stare at you whilst they do it. ?

  18. I have always found it amusing that when a cat knocks something off a table or some surface, whether deliberately or accidentally, they just have to peer over the edge to look at it

  19. LifeIsABeach3210 May 15, 2018 @ 3:32 am

    My cat hates my PS4 so much that where he hears is turn it on he’ll run into the room and sit right in front of it. He’s ejected the disc more than once and given himself such a fright

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