Why Do Cats Want To Tuck In Your Bed?
CATS Getting JERKS Ideal VIDEO Collection 2017 For every sweet internet cat, there's 5 more being assholes. Whether they're banging issues over or assaulting you for no cause, cats and kittens possess verified that they are genuine jerks occasionally. Enjoy this cats being jerks compilation and be sure to keep an optical eye on your cat… Enjoy, troops and as constantly, Praise!

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Readers Comments (76)

  1. :55 that guy should NEVER handle another cat … what an eejit

  2. That owl looked angry

  3. I think the title should be owners being jerks to cute cats. Because they think hitting cats is right way to treat them (some of them in the video)

  4. Emily is a Shorty October 30, 2017 @ 7:48 pm

    kats being themselves

  5. .darinダリン desu November 1, 2017 @ 3:59 pm

    woah what’s with that snow

  6. 0:59 Ender. OML IM DYING ???????????

  7. Whenever a cat is trying to attack a WILD animal that’s probably “threatening” people in the cats opinion, the cat’s gonna try and attack it. That’s just its natural instinct, to defend the ones they love. It’s not cats being jerks , — ,

    • Brantley Cervarich June 11, 2018 @ 12:04 am

      The Confesser i do know what I am talking about, and obviously more than you as your argument didn’t refute any of my points, and made none of you own. All you did was throw 6th grade insults. If you want to call someone out for knowledge at least have some of your own…

    • ”thats so stupid, no animal should believe it is alpha”
      ”and allowing an animal to believe it owns your belongings or that it is the dominant figure it plain stupid”
      ”Allowing your animal to be alpha is plain neglect and incompetence.”

      Animals will always believe they are the alpha until they are defeated in some form of battle. So, I wonder, why is the woman slapping the cat in the wrong when the cat is trying to be alpha, and she isn’t letting it?

    • Brantley Cervarich June 11, 2018 @ 8:27 pm

      The Confesser in order to be a dominant figure you don’t have to beat the animal into submission, that stems aggression. A stern correction is all it takes (most animals understand verbal correction, some require spray bottles) hitting an animal is never ok, but that goes both ways. An animal attacking is also never ok, unless provoked substantially.

    • neydaivania pena June 12, 2018 @ 12:19 pm

      Brantley Cervarich in the wild there is acutely no Alfa it was mistaken by a researcher that thought parents were the Alfa

    • Brantley Cervarich June 12, 2018 @ 1:20 pm

      neydaivania pena but the parents are a dominant figure in the wild. Why don’t big cats try to overthrow their parents? Why are there pack leaders? There are always dominant figures who correct bad behavior, and teach boundaries. Even in the wild.

  8. don’t call your cat the bad word

  9. 0:51 I️ want to punch the dude in the face

  10. 0:52 he deserved it

  11. Your fucking Nan January 25, 2018 @ 6:37 pm

    2:58 when you try to stop your friend from fighting someone

  12. When that cat slapped the crap of that donkey, I lost it! Lol hahaha!

  13. Most of the people in the video are fine, they’re really not being “cruel” or whatever. But others will ALWAYS find something to cry “animal cruelty” over. Now the guy at 0:51, that guy needs to get punched in the nuts ( if he even has any).

  14. I can’t stop laughing at this 6:23

  15. Maria Bella novela February 4, 2018 @ 12:01 pm


  16. Happycatdog Funny cat dog February 5, 2018 @ 2:48 am

    3:22 the kids face when the cat took the food was funny

  17. 0:52 he was being a jerk to the cat… all wanted was to not be held? EDIT: he was clearly grabbing him to tight to where it hurt the poor cat? OMG 2:44 she smacked the poor cat… she should have done more research before getting one and she would have known that kittens were playful? humans don’t deserve cats anymore…
    2:30 she cussed the poor kitty out and to be honest she couldn’t even sing!?

    • Jason Voorhees_INDigo June 13, 2018 @ 10:57 pm

      Marissa Green bro chill they are not human and they can be annoying af

    • So if a cat bites you it’s fine, but if you slap it back it’s animal abuse? >_<

    • Awakening Souls
      You and your dad are clearly terrible at handling cats otherwise you wouldn’t have had so much trouble. If you raise a kitten well it should not hurt you or your dad badly.

      Also if you get a chick when you also have a cat, that’s your own fault that the chick died, you should know better not to get two incompatible animals. Cats have the natural instinct to hunt, it’s not because they are evil little creatures.

    • Awakening Souls June 24, 2018 @ 9:13 am

      Tocaraca i can’t train my cat for 5 hours but she ended up as a criminal or a psycho. I ended up saving my cat as a hero. That’s i have revenge. Isn’t stupid like i’m a fucking bird getting a revenge for cats killing my children’s.

  18. 3:54 cat turning off the light best one had me rollin

  19. 6:21 beautiful collar!! And I hate the people not the cats! Because they are hitting them and that makes the cats angry! Its horrible, I treat my cat nicely and they should too! ?

    • I like warriors :3 June 11, 2018 @ 11:24 am

      CreatureSoul446 I agree but my cat is really hyper and playful loves to cuddle scratches on my pants she also licks my hand and at night she will sleep by me and some times on my face and like yours she misses me when I go to see my dad at his house my mom says she’ll meow in a winy voice when I’m gone and I make sure to give her lots of love when I come back to her.

    • Mamuna Hafeez no they didn’t hit that cat the cat punched off a dog from the stairs. And not all owners are punching they’re cats, that girl said good things about her cat and the cat came and bite her twice.

    • That dog scared of cat my pit bull would have ate that black bastard and had before

    • Me Dicen Sonrisas June 28, 2018 @ 7:48 pm

      Mamuna Hafeez i love cats you should be able to RAISE them well so the cat behaves when you tell them too, I like cats to heart but I wouldnt let my cat misbehave in front of me I dont care about if they are demaging things but its if being aggresive he wont get away with it, if you dont put them an stop they wont stop

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