CATS are on Earth to MAKE US LAUGH – Super FUNNY CAT VIDEOS compilation

Cats are the funniest animals ever, they never fail to make us laugh! This is the hardest TRY NOT TO LAUGH challenge ever! Just look how all these cats & kittens play, fail, get along with dogs and other animals, get scared, make funny sounds, get angry,… So ridiculous, funny and cute! What is your favourite clip? 🙂 Hope you like our compilation and try to stay serious ,please share it and SUBSCRIBE! Watch also our other videos!The content in this compilation is licensed and used with authorization of the rights holder. If you have any questions about compilation or clip licensing, please contact us:

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Readers Comments (103)

  1. 1st!?…cats never fail to make me laugh!

    • Five nights at Freddy's Kenzie location May 23, 2018 @ 9:14 pm

      O my god so?

    • Hayden Cowley May 25, 2018 @ 2:25 pm

      Find the funniest dog

    • Catherine Ford June 2, 2018 @ 5:25 am

      Aesthetic Kook they make me laugh too. But tbh nobody gives a flying frypan about whether you were the first to comment. Dont have malicious intent but its just annoying…HOPE YOU HAVE A NICE DAY!! ?

    • The average Lad June 20, 2018 @ 6:39 pm

      Aesthetic Kook I like dogs better. I find that they are more loyal and friendly. Plus you can take them hiking, camping, beach, ect.

  2. Stephanie Garza March 1, 2018 @ 9:49 am

    There where no black kittens like in the thumbnail. 🙁

  3. Sanathoi Laishram March 1, 2018 @ 1:59 pm

    i love cats

  4. Chris Kochinsky March 1, 2018 @ 7:06 pm

    Cats are natural comedians. Hilarious little creatures. I’m not even sure if they know how funny they are.

  5. I love the cover pic, a nest of pocket panthers.

  6. Daniel 'Dain' Earnest March 2, 2018 @ 2:09 pm

    Monkey rides a cat.. ‘I’ve seen everything’ then a cat on a turtle. ‘Well never mind’

  7. NelliNightshade March 2, 2018 @ 10:29 pm

    some of those clips are seriously demeaning to a cat’s dignity.

    • And cats do have dignity!

    • Law of One & ACIM April 4, 2018 @ 3:36 pm

      The Sphinx in Egypt comes to mind. I won’t bother to explain the sacredness of this, nor the Heavenly constellation, the Lion, in which the Sun Itself has its domicile, nor the fact that Regulus — the most royal fixed star in all of heaven — is the Lion’s Heart. It is the only star which the Sun travels directly through. Few have ears to hear.

    • Law of One & ACIM wut

    • However, in removing their dignity, they do become internet Celebs…..hmmm……I wonder what the cats think of that, Dignity tossed away for people worshiping them (so they think,) on the internet

  8. Good video except for the teaser thumbnail. Very disappointing! I don’t like it when the thumbnail is just a teaser.

  9. The fat cats made me sad

    • yashwant katare May 17, 2018 @ 3:57 pm


    • Nudee Sungworakarn May 19, 2018 @ 11:02 am

      Faith Randon um why?

    • Reece Charters actually that’s very incorrect. Cats can put on weight for more reasons than just bad ownership. I had a female that I got fixed and her hormones went haywire and caused her to put on a large amount of weight. She was fine though. The vet said it does happen. Yes, causing obesity in your pets is wrong and disgusting but I’m saying don’t judge people and situations before you understand them.

    • mswhiskergirl June 5, 2018 @ 1:17 pm

      some are too fat. but they can also be fat depending on their breed. I have a Maine Coon and a Black Bombay and their weight is totally different, and their fed the same amount at the same time daily.

    • Kattriella Draws thank u adopted a 40 lb cat she on a diet lol no change it’s been a year
      But then I did adopt her cause she was fat lol

  10. anna maria facchiano March 3, 2018 @ 4:36 pm

    All those black cats with their open eyes are adorable!

  11. Never let your cat or any animals think it’s alright to stick it’s head into a plastic bag, when will people learn. Great thanks for the black panthers clickbait.

    • And if there’s no food in it sometimes, cats like to squeeze themselves into anything. You don’t leave dangerous temptations lying around for them, like you do with children. Accident will happen yes, but it’s not to be encouraged and laugh at.
      I have two, one a Maine Coon and the other is like those little black panthers sunflower seeds and all. One stops eating when it’s full, while the other, if possible wouldn’t want to stop eating.

    • DFrostedTuna May 8, 2018 @ 6:01 am

      Frank Van Den Dool That doesn’t mean it’s ok or funny. Animals can suffocate the same way kids and people can. My mother’s dog died that way and the bag was even way bigger than it’s head. The cat knocked the bag of the counter. Not only that but things like the ramen cup showed early on can pinch their wind pipes. The toilet paper rolls are notorious for that with ferrets. But a lot of people seem to think it’s cute to watch an animal get stuck and struggle.

    • If it’s any consolation, they were plush black cats, rather than panthers (I know their maker’s cousin). I wasn’t too thrilled to see that pic used as clickbait either though -_-

    • Minah Raven
      Thanks I do know they’re black cats ??
      I got one, hence black panther and wished I had named him after wise Bagheera. He’s also a silent ninja actually I got two silent ninjas.?

    • GamingWolfPlays June 8, 2018 @ 7:04 am

      cicakkibin finally someone else actually noticed how flipping hazardous to the cat or any other animal with a bag on its head!

  12. The music is super annoying. I would mute but of the clips have sound, but everything is made worse by the generic piano player music just repeating over and over.

    • neac99 your just a hater why are u commenting on the video
      First of all, sorry but I’m not trying to be mean or anything but it’s the truth I just don’t think, it’s *nice enough to put a hate comment* that’s all have…. have a nice day everyone 😉

    • Juggie Junction March 31, 2018 @ 11:59 pm

      Tammy Melindy 1. Learn to spell.
      2. This is an opinion. Not a hate comment.
      3. That’s not exactly the right way to use commas..

    • Jeffrey Sweat May 5, 2018 @ 6:35 pm

      neac99 psh..

    • Night Fang & Misty Moon June 8, 2018 @ 9:38 am

      neac99 I agree

  13. robert eckstein March 5, 2018 @ 4:35 am

    That cat opening the door handle was impressive.

    • robert eckstein they always do that.

    • Frank Van Den Dool April 9, 2018 @ 2:15 pm

      Mine opens door too. I had to turn all the handles upwards … little jerk xD. He also knows how to open the water tap in the kitchen. I have to close those real tight. Cats can be absolute assholes in a funny way.

    • Cats are smart. If they want something, they will find a way.

    • Davide Valenti April 29, 2018 @ 3:17 pm

      Why does a dog open a door? To go to the other room.
      Why does a cat open a door? Because f**k you, that’s why!

  14. Raiga the Silent March 7, 2018 @ 10:53 am

    Roses are red
    Violets are blue
    I’m looking for the thumbnail
    And so are you.

    It’s not here :/

  15. Why did the owner of one cat just let their cat play around with a cherry. I hope they didn’t let their cat eat cherries because cherries are highly toxic to cats and dogs.

    • Frank Van Den Dool April 9, 2018 @ 2:11 pm

      Dian Septiana, chocolate. There are more out there, just google it.

    • Avocados, onions, grapes the list goes on my friend

    • True indeed.

    • Laura Halvorsen April 26, 2018 @ 12:47 pm

      JelloHello 09 what in a cherry is toxic? I have only ever heard of onions being toxic to dogs. Besides some unnatural products drugs alcohol whuch goes without saying and chocolate. Seeds from fruit n vege are actually natural cures in small doses.

    • Well the part of a cherry they can’t consume that has high levels of cyanide are the seeds, stems and leaves. There are hundreds of other toxic things dogs, and cats can’t eat. They can eat some foods, but do your research first before feeding them certain foods.

  16. hatching hammer March 10, 2018 @ 7:46 pm

    ahmm, cats are not here to make us laugh they are here to live their life, but not to fail to make us laugh

    and by the way all you’re videos are not funny, you dont know how much this hurts the cat…
    if you read this anyways…

    • how do you know they are not here to make us laugh? Did you know that cats actually domesticated themselves? And quite recently at that, in terms of world history, about 5000 years ago. They CHOOSE to hang out with us, so im sure amusing us is not hurting their feelings. Now if an animal is getting hurt, agreed, not funny at all.

    • Frank Van Den Dool April 9, 2018 @ 2:19 pm

      hatcing hammer, own a pet before posting this dumb crap. Cats don’t get hurt that easily.

    • You must be fun at parties.

    • Other humans aren’t here just to make you laugh, but you still laugh at them. Same for cats

    • Wtf? Its not like we see abusive cat owners who torment their pets and record it. We laugh about their stupidity.

  17. I hate Tiger productions because *ALL* of their video’s have clickbait, the only reason I still watch is to entertain my kids when I can’t get them to stop crying. :/

    • Laura Walker yes, that’s it, complain, complain, THATS what people want to see and hear.

    • Yeah, because honor and integrity don’t matter these days right Michael Nim? At least in your fantasy world!

    • Laura Walker you are sooo right. I haré them with ALL of my might

    • LW,

      Then just MovOn. Is that so hard? It’s not like you overpaid…

    • Bryan Burrows May 30, 2018 @ 3:38 pm

      and they always add cruel behavior toward animals, disguised as “fun.” I’ve reported them before. Interesting they’re back here as “Tiger Funnies” and some comments still point toward footage that shouldn’t have been included.

  18. That cat backing away from the other cat in the costume about killed me! Hahaha!!! ?

  19. Dominique Kernot March 17, 2018 @ 8:33 pm

    I Do not find anything funny about a poor little cat hurting itself besides we can’t tell if that hurt themselves

  20. Cheryl Beaumier June 16, 2018 @ 3:05 pm

    A lot of these are really mean, I consider that you should take these videos off of YouTube, for example, when the cat had a cone and the cat couldn’t take the chip bag off, also when the cat had an ice cream cup on it’s head, and when people laughed at when cats fell in water, and when a KITTEN fell down many stairs. All of this I consider ANIMAL OBUSE.

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