Readers Comments (59)

  1. Tanvir SHAHRIAR June 7, 2017 @ 7:06 pm

    1:40 “who are you” ???

  2. DiggybackGaming June 7, 2017 @ 7:56 pm

    The police doesn’t get owned though. What a pointless video.

    • You have to produce a driving licence but you do have 7 days from midnight of that day at a police station of your choice. But you do have to have a licence at the end of the day. If the officer has cause to think you have given a false name he can arrest you until that is cleared up. If it is ok the officer de arrests you. He was being stroppy could tell by the tone.

    • They will get owned when this youmg man gets paid for these cops unlawful behaviour!

    • The cop didn’t get owned. Under the road traffic act you have to produce a Driving Licence, MOT, & insurance within 7 days at any police station of your choice. However an officer can arrest you if he suspects you have given false details to establish your identity. You got arrested. That means the cop won. UNLESS YOU GOT COMPO?

    • Something Like Anonymous August 10, 2018 @ 11:21 pm

      Yeldur I think 99.99% of the People commenting are missing that simple point. I’m sick to death of the police bashing that goes on. I’ve been stopped on a number of occasions in my car, and it’s always resolved amicably. Police are people too, they have families and children too. Treat them as such. This guy clearly did something wrong and has watched too many YouTube videos and HE got owned. NOT the police.

  3. TheLondonBusMaster135 June 8, 2017 @ 2:48 pm

    0:31 Yeah, it could be fancy dress! ???????

    • They arrested a man in Manchester that was in fancy dress as a cop! So if the cops can not rcognise fancy dress then how do they expect the public to know the difference between real and costume? Got to play them at their own game!

  4. bullies

  5. Stunning…

  6. Is this guy parked in a police parking bay,?? lol

    • Maybe but he did not get arrested for that and nor did they give him a ticket that is all they could/should have been able to do legally! Lawfully they could do NOTHING!

    • Under the Road Traffic Act 1998, it is a legal requirement to have a drivers license on you if you are driving on the road, now, to get to where he was, he would have to have driven on the road, thus he is required to hold a drivers license. I quote: “Drivers of motor vehicles to have driving licences. (1)It is an offence for a person to drive on a road a motor vehicle of any class [F1otherwise than in accordance with] a licence authorising him to drive a motor vehicle of that class.” Now, he could have avoided not having his drivers license on him by simply providing the details the police officer required in order to do the search, as officers don’t really care if you don’t have the actual license in physical form on you, but if you refuse to provide any form of ID whilst in a vehicle you are breaking the law and he was dealt with in the correct way by these police officers.


    • Even if he is that is a warning to move on or as in the case of nai cops like this pait – a ticket! They can check who the car belongs to and if documents are in place and as this is not a country that requires ANYONE to carry ID these cops were way out of line and this man will get paid for more than the cost of as ticket!

  7. Antonio Bromelini June 16, 2017 @ 6:10 pm

    Fake fake fake.

  8. carry a compact mirror, when they want ID, look in the mirror, say “that’s me” and then hand it to the copper, after that say

    “I do not have to say ANYTHING……..I want a lawyer”

    • RadLight Gamma
      Yeah and if no moving violation is claimed you do not have to give details, seven day wonder issued, sorted, failing to provide? WTF is that, no shopping list, favourite colour, name of your favourite restaurant, you do not have to give your name and dob until you are arrested and in the station.

    • Symon Sheppard
      Then you get arrested.

      If you’re driving a car on a public road you are required to hand your driving licence over or provide your details so a producer can be issued.

    • Yea ON A ROAD. Not In a Car park and not in a Stationary (Not Moving) vehicle.

    • You’re an idiot. He broke the law and was arrested for it.

    • Love it!

  9. m3ntal mul1sha June 21, 2017 @ 12:55 am

    I think you were neglected as a child, with little to no attention off your parents. Am I right ?

  10. Well done that Police officer! Exactly how these idiots should be dealt with – one clear warning to provide their details and then arrested if they refuse.

    • Some people just love having the boot of their master on their neck!

    • Nope, they’re in the wrong here. Why does he need to provide ID? His vehicle wasn’t showing as not having MOT or insurance, so a simple “producer” was all that was needed to be given. They threw their toys out of the pram because he was parked in police designated area.

    • ELVIS IS

    • You are one of those people that is going to learn the hard way! You need to get a grip man before you bring children into a world of total enslavement and control! If you already have children then how nice life must be for them with a father that spits on the graves of millions that fought and died throughout history for our freedom! Shame on you!

  11. Martin Blacklion June 22, 2017 @ 1:37 pm

    Fancy dress??

    • They arrested a man in Manchester that was in fancy dress as a cop! So if the cops can not rcognise fancy dress then how do they expect the public to know the difference between real and costume? Got to play them at their own game!

  12. The only one owned is the idiot that wrote the title!

    • He is a £500 richer idiot! You should remember that cops MUST work within the law – something this man knew better than these bullies!

    • You clearly do not KNOW the law so don’t spout off like you know it Celia. I replied to one of your other comments showing you that you were wrong but I’ll post it here as well in case you don’t get it.

      Under the Road Traffic Act 1998, it is a legal requirement to have a drivers license on you if you are driving on the road, now, to get to where he was, he would have to have driven on the road, thus he is required to hold a drivers license. I quote: “Drivers of motor vehicles to have driving licences. (1)It is an offence for a person to drive on a road a motor vehicle of any class [F1otherwise than in accordance with] a licence authorising him to drive a motor vehicle of that class.” Now, he could have avoided not having his drivers license on him by simply providing the details the police officer required in order to do the search, as officers don’t really care if you don’t have the actual license in physical form on you, but if you refuse to provide any form of ID whilst in a vehicle you are breaking the law and he was dealt with in the correct way by these police officers. Source:

    • Celia Veston
      y u calling him slave u fucking neek, r u some racist? r u tryna b racist

    • When cops act under the colour of law in this manner people get paid – I would go through an arrest and get my £5,000! So it is not this man that is an idiot and every time police overstep their authority the tax payers suffer – abusing peoples rights is unacceptable particularly when the mets own site says that you should not carry documents around with you – especially in your car!

  13. cobdale tabbert July 7, 2017 @ 11:16 pm

    There’s no law in U.K. That says you have to carry identification with you

    • Explicit informed consent matters. That means you have the right to say no.

      For example, funding Oxfam and its use of prostitutes. Where is the right of the individual to peacefully withdraw their right of consent and say they are not funding it?

      Or is it like gang rape. 5 against 1, and you have to give it up

    • Keith Williams June 22, 2018 @ 11:20 am

      MattMorganMedia – But they acted as if there was.

    • Who acted as if there was consent?

      Here’s the test. Write to HMRC and say you are witholding a proportion of tax for the things you don’t consent to. Nuclear weapons, Oxfam, the Lords, redistribution, the state pension etc.

      Inform them that you do not expect to receive any services for the withheld money.

      They will ultimately use violence to take the money.

      There is no consent to allowed to prevent the state from doing things that harm you.

      It gets to decide what’s harm.
      It gets to use violence to get its way.

      is a good example of a state saying that individuals do not matter. That the state decides on harm. The state decides on violence as a means.

      No consent allowed.

    • timelesstoanyone July 2, 2018 @ 12:53 pm

      RadLight Gamma exactly what I was about to say

  14. though police got owned more like the guy in car got owned big time hahaha

    • Haha the guy in the car has a claim for at least £500! Knock, knock!

    • The guy in the car got paid as he was the only one acting lawfully that day! Cops think that standing on your rights is playing ‘silly buggers’ and therefore should NOT be police!

    • He did not get a pay out. Don’t believe these stupid little videos. You do have to provide the police with your name and date of birth if you are unable to provide them with ID when asked when behind the wheel of any car in the UK.

      Stop wasting the police’s time, give them the details and they all moved on. Just cause you don’t like or trust the police doesn’t mean you should treat them with a complete lack of respect. No wonder they are short staffed when a simple ID takes 15 mins let alone the time in the cop shop.

    • Not when he gets paid!

  15. police state,

  16. Name and date of birth is consent to giving up your common law rights, never give these details when confronted by an act. they cannot force acts upon you. me, I do not have a name but I do use some, DOB . no idea!..

  17. Unlawfal arrest

    • Wrong. Completely lawful.

    • Ceirion Thomas May 23, 2018 @ 5:25 pm

      Pretty sure that was lawful…

    • If you’re being arrested, shouldn’t you be read your rights ?

    • Miranda rights are not a legal requirement in the UK as far as I can see, however, in the UK, police officers MUST:
      Identify themselves as police
      Tell you that you are under arrest
      Tell them what crime they have reasonable grounds to suspect you of committing
      Explain WHY it is necessary to arrest you
      Explain to you that you are not free to leave

      If they do not follow any and ALL of those steps, it renders the arrest unlawful.

      However, we do not see the full extent of the video, we do know that the police officer explained:
      Why he was under arrest
      Why it is necessary to arrest him

      The other two are rather self explanatory but could have been provided after the camera was turned off.

    • How in the hell is that unlawful ? Commits an offences of failing to produce his driving licence whilst driving / pulled over, gets arrested with a necessity to ascertain who is was …

  18. And act isn’t the law into the second party agrees to it then it becomes law want to allow your get a police officer haven’t got the foggiest What they’re doing like this practice here.

  19. The police can’t arrest you without either a crime being committed, or if they have strong indication your about to commit a crime. The road traffic act is too vague, and is being abused by officers who think it’s OK to pull over a person who is driving car they can only dream off

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