Readers Comments (27)

  1. Mrnotwhoyouthink1 Dontbotherme September 4, 2017 @ 5:11 pm

    What a divvy…. you are. You shouldn’t be allowed to have kids

    • You’re throwing around ”cracka” like it’s an insult XD, do you even know the meaning of the word.

    • Come on mate , just because he told you off you dont have to come in here and be nasty

    • With such sharp intellect and key decision making skills upon writing your comment im sure your opinion js valid on the matter. I bet ur a fat pastie eating cretin from stoke or dudley, piss off

    • Yeah sure urs are gonna b well proud Mr cool account name!

  2. Brilliant. Cops need to remember they serve us. Not the corrupt government and not the corporations.

    • No Falsehoods Are you British? I’m just curious because I’m an American and our government is ruled by corporations. I’m just wondering if you have a similar problem in the UK.

    • No Falsehoods dumbass

  3. How is tv licence man a cop ?

  4. Not police for sure otherwise the bigmouthed idiot would have been arrested for public order offence. Most likely wild life officer.
    I love these council house no hopers who keep exotic animals in their hovels….

  5. come on kes

  6. Cop looks sounds like he on drugs

  7. fucking awesome

  8. Bungling Bill May 9, 2018 @ 7:51 pm

    For a start, he isn’t a police officer! And cop/cops is american!

  9. SuperJasonscott May 12, 2018 @ 11:56 pm

    Nice council estate. I heard they wanted to film shameless here but it would have made frank Gallagher seem too posh

  10. All that cop was doing was patiently waiting for his smak – leave him alone..

  11. Surprised the pig didn’t nick him for threatening him

  12. Wow what a nutter lol

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