BEST OF Cops Getting OWNED Cops Instant Justice 2017 Part 2 SEPTEMBER

Readers Comments (66)

  1. “Because that’s the law, no it’s not,.. YES IT IS”?

  2. ??? That first one, you know there’s a back story to why his Sargent hates him???

  3. Max Gustafsson April 26, 2018 @ 1:57 am

    Loved the sergeant in the first clip.

  4. LOL on the state trooper trying to get your name. I would hate to be the next person he pulls over. You definitely pissed him off congratulations

  5. I watched like 6 people walk buy didn’t check there recipes

  6. the panda bubble June 23, 2018 @ 10:16 pm

    I don’t care what the Supreme Court…

    Good job officer, good job

  7. This is America

  8. Kman's SoreVids June 25, 2018 @ 7:36 pm

    That last one “I haven’t done anything wrong um sir you have a warrant” ?

  9. That first clip had me rolling after the sergeant came out XD

  10. “so you were wrong?”

  11. HouseholdHandyman June 26, 2018 @ 9:32 pm

    Its amazing how few cops know the law.

  12. 2nd guy is an idiot. Just show the god damn receipt.

    • Bot_Acid. Lmao Was that a voice to text mistake there?

    • CheezeBurger43no one has to show id, recipts or anything personal if you have not committed a crime and standing up for OUR rights does not make you a criminal

    • Dustin Ray I kinda understood b/c they do that at my Walmart and it’s just b/c to make sure ur not shoplifting

    • Alpha127….but they need proof first, that’s an illegal search on their part..I garuntee that if you assert your right to not have your receipt checked, they wont ask

  13. The second officer was just doing his job. It’s not a ‘consent to search’ situation. All the man had to do was show the officer his receipt, and he could go. What’s the problem with that?

  14. 3:05 Okay he’s right but what’s his problem of just giving him the receit and go on with tyour life and be respectable everyone..

    • Nicholas Carter July 12, 2018 @ 5:49 am

      Facts half the people harass cops over the stupidest things because they think they know the “law” and “their rights” when all they wanna see is a receipt lmao

    • i was searching for a comment to take me to a good part. THANK YOU DUDE

  15. Just let him SEE the receipt He is not taking your property

    • zipporah love July 7, 2018 @ 5:08 am

      Naomi Luv try waiting in that long line to show receipt while 5hey count how many items you have in your cart

    • Nothing but Canadian July 9, 2018 @ 2:53 am

      zipporah love but that’s how you catch anyone who is shop lifting dumbass, just like BJ’s

    • CheezeBurger43 July 28, 2018 @ 5:51 am

      Are you fucking stupid? Plenty of stores do this and it takes like 3 fucking seconds all they do is check the date on the receipt and it is not fucking illegal receipts are not fucking private property.

  16. The dude at 3:35 made everything so hard. Just give him the reciept instead of doing that. Its so stupid that people feel they have to revolt at the snallest things

  17. I have broken no crime.

  18. You know the cop from the first video is working at a Taco Bell by now.?

  19. The cop at the end looked retarted

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