Readers Comments (66)

  1. At least our police don’t shoot and kill people at random.

    • Of course not. They’re too scared to and don’t know how to use a gun. Criminals aren’t intimidated by UK cops.just roll over them.

    • Shut up you silly inbred hillbilly yank. Your country is an absolute mess! When Brits get mad we have a fist fight, whereas stupid Americans they go and shoot up a school instead. Merica!

    • Anthony Smith the uk police talk like little children

    • and the police in America shoot first and ask questions later. I’m relieved my children do not have to fear the police. Especially being shot!

    • Anthony Smith better to shoot I’m just glad America are aloud guns and so are the police

  2. They didn’t get owned

  3. Really weird behaviour. Detained, without a proper reason. But the police did not get owned in this video.

  4. Poor deluded american thinks he has the same rights inthe uk that he has in the US! lol Love to see his face when a UK lawyer tells him he has no grounds to sue any of them!!!

    • Otanak Nanarluq that’s just one situation you’ve provided where the police did not deal with the problem correctly. It doesn’t speak for the whole of England

    • Otanak Nanarluq April 29, 2018 @ 11:46 pm

      Codey Kun No, that isn’t just one situation, that’s many. Happens all over the UK, the most well-known case being a man who was arrested for teaching a dog to heil. There are also teams dedicated to locating and fining/arresting perpetrators of online “hate-speech”. Any country that has hate-speech laws does not have freedom of speech, which is one of the most important natural and inalienable rights. Any right that has exceptions is not a right.

    • Otanak Nanarluq I would agree with you but there is in fact freedom of speech in uk. However, you may be confusing hate speech with public disturbance. Public disturbance is something that will get the police involved.

    • Otanak Nanarluq April 30, 2018 @ 12:17 am

      Codey Kun There are so many cases of this happening, and UK police departments have actually publicly expressed goals to crackdown on hate speech, especially online. That is definitely not upholding freedom of speech.

    • Nah, he can just track em down an murder em. I know where all my local officers family live, for some reason I don’t get hassle…

  5. Providing the police with the details they require in order to complete their investigation and then freely walking away after establishing your innocence, THAT is owning the police. Using your constant ‘Am i being detained? Am i free to go?’ line of arguing and THEN being locked up for 20 hours, THAT is the police owning you. Your line of arguing was basically giving the police as much reasonable belief that you were involved in the crime as if you were seen running away from it.

  6. The easy answer is saying, I am leaving now either arrest me or good bye. At that point if they arrest you and let you go file a complaint and take them to court. Job done.

    • Tris McLeod
      Read the description.

      He was arrested, detention authorised and then released 20hrs later once police had completed their enquiries.

      Police have a power to arrest under sec 24 PACE.

      BOP arrest is an arrest not a detention.

      Job done.

    • Lort Hammercy June 8, 2018 @ 2:52 am

      Sigh… if he was arrested, it is not in this video, and the police can NOT detain you as shown in the video. They did that, illegally, because they didnt have actual grounds to arrest him. Then later (going by the description) he was arrested. The police can only detain you in very specific circumstances and this is not one of them. IF he had just walked off, as I would have done, then he might not have ended up arrested for nothing. Or he would have forced their hand.

      He should now sue them for false arrest.

    • Tris McLeod
      Read the description.

      An arrest under suspicion is not a false arrest you should know this!

    • Lort Hammercy June 8, 2018 @ 9:46 am

      perci 88 I do, but you don’t seem to be able to read. Detainment isn’t, and the guy should have walked off.

      I’m not sure how to make this any simpler.

    • Tris McLeod
      Hence why he was arrested

  7. The only persons here that got owned were you guys. 1. Because you couldn’t leave and 2. Because you couldn’t use the toilet, NOT bathroom!

  8. Typical yank

  9. God I hate American tourists lol

    • Codey Kun ok number 1, germany never attacked america. The only attack that ever happened to america during ww2 was the bombing of pearl harbor by the japanese. That was what made america join the war. Also it wasn’t a “world effort” to liberate jews from concentration camps. It was the allied powers. And America liberated most of the concentration camps like bergen belsen, while the soviet union fought at the eastern front.

    • Waves your correct about the 2nd point but Germany did attack them. How? German U-boats sank US ships. Furthermore Germany tried to get Mexico to declare war against America which further persuaded America to get involved in the war

    • Codey Kun ok but I’m saying what mainly made america fight the war and I’m talking about an attack on us soil.
      EDIT: and you said “when germany attacked the us joined the war” that’s false. The us mainly joined because of pearl harbor. You should’ve included pearl harbor instead.

    • Codey Kun but you’re correct about mexico

    • John Brandley July 8, 2018 @ 9:07 pm

      That’s OK, we hate you too

  10. I’m sorry how did the cops get owned?

  11. The Police are here to help, so don’t argue with them when they make a simple request such as “stay here for a moment”. They’re investigating a crime scene, so you could have easily been involved. God, I hate these “Police Get Owned” videos.

    • Sad Ninja ah I love a good debate but this video is a form of media! As for the whole US scenario, well, I can’t comment on that being from UK and all. But I can guatentee one day you’ll be in need of the police and I’m quite sure they’ll be there for you.

    • Rageey SGT Norgan I’m a Muslim police don’t stop me I walk past saying pigs they hate Americans

    • The police are revenue collectors, they are not here to help you.

    • Sad Ninja you mean ‘cops rarely ever help in America’

    • The police are there to generate revenue streams for themselves directly and via the courts, and to serve corporate interests, now this isnt what they are SUPPOSED to do, but it IS how they actually operate these days. Very rarely do they actually help.

  12. A full victory for the UK police in this video. They detained you by verbal reasoning alone.

    • illegally detained him.

    • Tris McLeod maybe in America but here when a crime happens you may not be involved but you are still detained so the perpetrator has no chance of getting away

    • Koi Is life im from the UK, and the police don’t have the power to detain you like that, they have the power to arrest you. I’ve explained this a few times on here and even gave the exact laws they can detain you under… Stop and search, road traffic act, breach of the peace (ex: at a demonstration). Two of these are the same laws they can also demand your ID under too, by no coincidence.

      Google it, you will even find police websites discussing it, some coppers even think they can detain you – they can’t. It’s a Mandela effect.

  13. Anglo- Saxon boss January 7, 2018 @ 1:35 pm

    Bruv the police owned you lol.

  14. You didn’t own them, you were temporarily detained (to start with) same as everyone else that would have been there. This is to ensure any person(s) involved don’t leave the area. If you had cooperated you would have been let go as soon as the investigation was over.

    If your friend needed the toilet then he could have asked if a male police officer could escort him if there was not a lavatory on site.

    All you did was waste time and resources and you wonder why you were detained. Well two individuals arguing with police and trying to leave a potential crime scene, if that’s not suspicious then what is. Furthermore a vauge description could just be along the lines of adult male. If a witness didn’t see the skin colour then the police wouldn’t have that in their description.

    You should have just let the investigation happen and then you wouldn’t have been kept for 20 hours.

    You were owned by acting like an absolute twat, fucking arse.

  15. “I’m American so I know”

    Whilst in another country.

    Says all you need to know really…

    I can’t stand people that can’t wander a few questions (people filming that is)

  16. I see … the americans feel they owned cops only if they leave without bullet in chest.

  17. So cringeworthy American doesn’t understand British law

  18. It wasn’t like the police were mistreating him, they were pretty polite. I don’t understand why he’s acting tough.

    • Forced Awakenings June 18, 2018 @ 2:12 am

      It’s not about acting tough. They had no reason to detain him.

    • Thomas Ponsonby June 27, 2018 @ 1:44 am

      Rashid Yusuf im english and the cops are great it dont work like america they say ur detained U R not going anywere

    • Cuz he isn’t use to decent police. He’s talking to them with the same skepticism most Americans have toward their own police.

    • Forced Awakenings yes they did ffs. He was present at the time of a crime. He needs to stay there. That’s how police in Britain deal with matters so that suspects don’t get away…

  19. The man filiming is an absolute idiot. The officers were polite and reasonable.

  20. Michael Woodward March 18, 2018 @ 10:36 pm

    Sorry mate but you were done the moment you said ” I’m American, so I know”

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