AM I BEING DETANINED? Sovereign Citizens Get Owned – September 2017 – Part 5

Sovereign Citizens get owned September 2017

Readers Comments (29)

  1. “I didn’t believe it at first either!”
    Hahaha, that sounded like a commercial for some kind of cleaning product.

  2. The wife is blind on one eye, and has a brain aneurysm, but he’s taking her to work? They must really need the money xD

  3. hes gonna take his wife to work with an anyerisum

  4. I have my driving permit, I’m completely legal. But he is not required to have a license?

  5. Dogmatic Hermit October 2, 2017 @ 1:47 pm

    Why are there so many of these crazies in Michigan?


  7. I like it he’s got to look at his cheat sheet

    • whatever.. if he’s right, he’s right. I’m not saying he is, but if so, then he’s right for standing up for his rights.

  8. Falcon Battle_Systems October 4, 2017 @ 5:47 pm

    Again the police do not have to give your 3 forms of ID, it is based upon the department. Yes the police do need to know who you are. So you ran a red light/stop sign due to your forgetfullness, time for this person to be cuffed and placed in the back of the cop car. You broke the law and you think you can get out of it….

  9. If you think you’re “free to go” then go. Why stop in the first place? You SC idiots don’t recognize traffic laws anyway. Just keep driving.

    • They live to intentionally provoke confrontations so they can scream about their rights being violated,.. there are a few vids of the drivers/travelers/morons even saying that’s their intention. One guy went 85 mph in a 40 intentionally, to get stopped

  10. He actually said “some people don’t know the law”, said by the guy who can’t even read the bullshit in front of him.

  11. by not producing a license at a traffic stop that is considered obstruction and is a arrestable offense

  12. Zacharia Abdollahi October 6, 2017 @ 8:46 pm

    She was nice, she was giving him so many chances, she was trying to be reasonable, but this asshat wanted to play games. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes, he changed his tune real quick when the male officer showed up.

  13. Sheikh Yerbouti Al-Nait October 8, 2017 @ 1:46 am

    They have the right to remain silent… but they seem to lack the ability.

  14. blacks law dictionary… is… not… legally… binding… you… douchenozzles!

  15. ITI Documentaries January 8, 2018 @ 6:36 am

    People that behave like this are too stupid… Especially when they really are doing nothing wrong. Like, Congrats! Now you’re being arrested. You took a simple stop and magnified it into resisting arrest. lmao

  16. Is there a child in the car? That child should be taken away from them. They are going to raise another crazy in our society. Please someone adopt that child that is normal.

  17. Apparently sovereign citizens can’t drive properly, oh thats right they go by there own rules. What a bunch of morons….

  18. Anyone who vapes is a twat.

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