AM I BEING DETANINED? Sovereign Citizens Get Owned – September 2017 – Part 3

Sovereign Citizens get owned September 2017

Readers Comments (39)

  1. All these sovereign citizens need a serious attitude adjustment ! Taser therapy works wonders !

  2. Stephen Skinner October 6, 2017 @ 2:35 pm

    I know I sound like a real hardcase when I say this, but sometimes I just wish these cops would go for more taser, less dithering legal pseudobabble. It really gets under my skin when these sovereign idiots show absolutely no regard or respect for rightful authority, and keep asking stupid questions to distract the point.

    • 3 minute egg timer for Q&A , then tase for 5 minutes or until end of shift !! ???

    • YES!

    • define “rightful authority”.

      i realize that a lot of these videos are consistent of idiotic babble, but for at least some of them, they’re just trying to stand up for their rights. even they would sometimes sound stupid, because they’re nervous.. but it doesnt mean they’re wrong.

      or do you support the idea of surrendering our rights to the cops completely.. as though they’re not people who sometimes abuse their authority, break laws, use trickery (including being allowed to lie to people) to infringe upon your rights, for whatever reason? including unlawful checkpoints, searching your home or vehicle… planting and/or tampering with evidence, etc…

      now when someone actually breaks a law (like the speeding guy, here), there are things i support cops being able to do.. on a case by case basis.

      like this guy speeding… he broke the law and should be required to provide his license, registration, etc… and if the cop finds a warrant or something, then he has right to do more than to give him a ticket for the violation.. otherwise, that’s all he should be allowed to do. these are rules that are in place and i support them. they make sense and i understand the need for laws and enforcers of those laws.

      for the girl, he said she was doing nothing wrong right before she agreed to get out… so he had no good reason to detain her. she may have been annoying, but that’s not a crime. she should’ve been free to leave, if she wanted to.

      I’m all for law and order, and support the police within the law, but they do cross lines and abuse authority and act (poorly) upon emotion, etc… and don’t see how it’s wrong for us to stand up for our rights, or that if we don’t, we may lose them. I’m not talking about fighting them, or acting like an idiot (though that’s not illegal), but definitely record and don’t give up anything you don’t have to. i.e. consenting to searching your car for no good reason. wanting to check your id for no good reason… etc.

      the best video I’ve seen so far was a man pulling up to a checkpoint (unconstitutional) and asking “am i being detained?”, and when he was told “no”, he said thank you and drove off.

    • I am Me
      You’re a fucking moron.

      They aren’t standing up for their rights. The rights they believe in don’t exist. You can’t stand up for something that doesn’t exist. The bottom line is that these assholes just tie up the justice system with bullshit. If you honestly defend these idiots, why don’t you just move out of the US and go stay somewhere else. The US and its states have laws. If you don’t follow those laws, you will be punished for it. Period. There is nothing to discuss here.

    • And by the way, checkpoints ARE NOT UNCONSITUTIONAL, you fucking moron.

      By passing through a checkpoint, you acknowledge is legality, and agree to comply. And by the way, they catch those fucks later. You honestly believe they let them get away? LOL

  3. Sucked in losers. Well done to the Police for upholding THE LAW!

  4. Stuff like this makes me wonder how many of these cops remember their elementary school social studies class.
    The articles of confederation were an abysmal failure, and were overturned with the establishment of the US constitution.

  5. I wanna chicken-choke this girl just for her screechy voice alone.. The 2nd guy falters on his rhetoric, ‘..uh…um’.. he should’ve studied up more before the big performance. Points off !

    • Kate Quinn i actually liked her voice lol… but i disagree with her “free inhabitant” logic, though… and the “rape” cry…*sigh*… that crap does a disservice to actual rape victims

      however… he said, right before she got out, that she has not done anything illegal, yet, so what reason did he have to detain her when she got out? at that point, at least, he crossed the line

    • David McDevitt May 6, 2018 @ 3:07 pm

      Obstruction of justice and failure to comply with an officer of the law, fairly good reasons for detention, especially given her hostility.

    • lmfao jesus kate. so dark but i love it hahaha

    • No point in studying that, these morons keep babbling about the articles of confederation, knowing full well they´re no longer valid.

      You MUST abide by the laws of the state you´re in.

  6. Sheikh Yerbouti Al-Nait October 8, 2017 @ 1:09 am

    WOW!!! She kisses her uncle with that mouth?

  7. I hate her God Damn nails on chalkboard voice…

  8. These people make me seeth with anger. There should be extra penalties for wasting our tax dollars & the officers time with this nonsense!

  9. The sovereign citizens need a trip out behind the barn!

  10. The screams of sovereign citizens are almost as satisfying as the moans a woman makes when you gently kiss her labia.

  11. Why are all of these videos titled AM I BEING DETANINED? What is detanined? If you’re going to post videos where people are being DETAINED, you should be able to spell the word. I see at least three other greendonut100 vids with the same spelling.


  13. The one screaming “Help! Help! Help! Help! I do not consent! I do not consent!” must have lost his back bone, balls, and man card a long, long time ago.

  14. “Call the police!”    “Sir…we ARE the police!”     That’s got to be the funniest line ever!

    • delavalmilker I work for the sheriffs dept that was involved in this arrest. That was a classic episode of ” sovereign vs cops” and….. they fought the law and the law won Sovereign citizens….. are idiots.

    • delavalmilker I work with the officers that said that. That has to be one of the best I have seen in a long time.

    • @Tom Marshall, mentally ill people that shouldn’t breed in the first place.

  15. Wolfspartan 48 March 13, 2018 @ 8:29 am

    Cop: This car reeks of marijuana
    Man: No it doesn’t

  16. “You tried to attack my nuts, that is not proper use of that device!” Lmfao…

  17. My god, I didn’t think people could get that ridiculous. “This is rape” haha might want to check the definition of rape

  18. “call the police”
    “sir we are the police”

    I applaud you

  19. 5:20 take his kid away…

  20. ” I am of the earth”………I don’t think they get any dumber

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