AM I BEING DETANINED? Sovereign Citizens Get Owned – September 2017 – Part 1

Sovereign Citizens get owned September 2017

Readers Comments (53)

  1. I’ve heard when most ppl. get tazed they lose control of their bowels,lol

    • Doc yea I heard that too. the joys of electric love hehe

    • Sadly that is not true. I’ve been tazed a few times through training and even volunteered a couple times as a “practice dummy”. It hurts but as soon as it ends so does the pain. With the exception of one guy I’ve never seen anybody lose control. The one exception pissed himself and admited he had to go before getting tazed. These were alll in training though so using the restroom before is a lot easier.

    • Not true.

  2. Taser therapy is good for the soul !

  3. Only law abiding citizens can own windows.

  4. Here’s my supervisor my big ole window-busting baton and tazer

  5. Don’t they know by now that they’re going to be pulled out of the car?

    • Did they mention the “color of law”?

    • Or Blacks Law? Because that’s like a magic wand.

    • They’re BRAINLESS idiots. Cops RULE!!

    • No, they think that if they speak the correct words, like an incantation, it means the police are unable to touch them. The fact that this *never* works hasn’t dampened their spirit and they think that either they didn’t speak the right words or the cops are just too corrupt and don’t care.

      In other words they’re going to continue to try until they hit that sweet spot and will just breeze through all legal issues without a problem.

    • Yes they know, it’s exactly what they want. To get arrested and tie up our court with their nonsense. Then they plea bargain to a lessor charge and claim they won. I wonder if some of these idiots have stock in the auto glass industry.

  6. After living their lives with full knowledge of how the law works (and abiding by it) what makes them turn to a completely different set of rules thinking they can do whatever they want? This would be a large chapter in psychology book. (Could be an entire course.). Was there something in their childhood or just life today? Could this lead to serial something?

    • I suspect they never had “full knowledge” of anything. They were probably always a little touched in the head. Marching to a different drum. This is most likely just the latest in a long line of looney tune ideas they have had.

    • Timm Savage if you look into these cases where people start this sovereign citizen crap, it almost always derives from them breaking a law previously and losing their driving privileges. So, rather than take their punishment like a, man/woman, go to their court dates, pay whatever fines or service they are ordered, they join some anti-government message board, start looking up ancient outdated laws that have no place on today’s books, and argue petty semantics like “driving” vs. “travelling” just to avoid being held accountable for their own misjudgment.

    • James Gall Thanks, Jim. That’s a pretty good possibility. I just don’t get it.

    • These are people that are Internet-forum smart. You know the type, they’re all over conspiracy theory videos and message boards (unsurprising that there’s a large overlap with these sovereign citizen jokers).

      These are by and large not very intelligent people with average to below average educations and personalities. They’re vulnerable to all the CT and SC gobbledygook, thinking “Hey, if ThomasPaine843321 on that geocities sure is writing these long dissertations with lots of ALL CAPS, boldface, and big words, he MUST know something! And if I subscribe to his ideas, that makes me special because only a relative few also subscribe to these ideas.

      I mean, think about it. People with good jobs, some money, a happy relationship, etc., don’t have time or desire to go riding around in a car all day hoping to bait a cop into smashing their windows and violently yanking them out of their car to be arrested.

      It’s actually not all that different to the idea that lack of good employment and chance for a stable life with some upward mobility goes a long way to making terrorists (apart from political instability and resentment over foreign policy). Happy people that have stable jobs and a family life don’t usually want to blow themselves up for someone’s Cause.

  7. I love the sound of shattered glass and screams of Tazered morons.

  8. I do not consent…

  9. Barnes is da man!

  10. “Let the record show that you just battered me.”

  11. I can never get enough of seeing these morons go down. Lol!

  12. i simply cannot believe the officers still arrested that guy after he clearly yelled that he didnt give consent…….BWHAHAHA

  13. “…you are trying to taze my nuts. That is not proper use of that device.” I think you’ll find it’s a perfect use of that device

  14. Moors use antiquated laws and have usurped a lost, ancient culture for their convenience. They are the ignorant ones.

  15. Mc Filthy Mc Nasty October 21, 2017 @ 8:06 pm

    When ever I watch this kind of stuff… I feel better about the world.

  16. What’s her being handicapped got to do with anything.


    Guy: no

    Cop: *tazes*

    Guy: Blaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Ok, Ok *turns around*

  18. “Let the record show that you just battered me, and you’re use—⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡

  19. Its amazing how deluded these “sovereign citizens” are. Literally just a single college level course on constitutional law would make it clear how utterly dumb and futile their arguments are.

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