AM I BEING DETAINED?! Sovereign Citizens vs Cops – October 2017 – Week 3

Sovereign Citizens trying to bait cops and getting owned as always.

Readers Comments (31)

  1. MOORMISH???????

    • Yeah I noticed that too, makes him more pathetic if that’s possible.

    • Russell Sandidge July 20, 2018 @ 5:47 am

      Moorish Sovereign citizens are usually black and lot of them are from other countries and they are not even legal citizens. Moorish sovereigns can be very violent. They tell the police and the judges that they do not have to abide by any law in this country. This movement really took off after Obama took office in 2009 after Obama instilled political correctness and entitlement into the country. A lot of these Moorish sovereigns are usually illegally armed and can be very dangerous. Their nothing but a domestic terrorist group . I also read an article that a lot of these Sovereign citizens are borderline schizophrenic .This guy in this video this is not his first time. There are at least two maybe three other videos of him being pulled over

    • He misread MORONISH!!

    • Grandpa Dan: Russell Sandidge: They are usually black because otherwise they couldn’t even basically be called Moors. The ones I’ve heard are not from Africa, they’re true blue Americans (sad to say), and the first moron is truly on the dumb end of the iq scale.

  2. He deserves every thing he gets

  3. The first clip is sad

  4. What is this guy’s supposed nationality? I’ve never heard of it.

    • He was trying to say “Moorish”, which is a made up nationality for black Americans who don’t want to be American citizens but want to enjoy all of the rights and privileges of such. The word comes from the ancient Moors, who were black riff pirates from North Africa who converted to Islam. The Europeans they enslaved called them Moors, but they are actually know as Berbers from Morocco.

  5. FosterMcTeague May 8, 2018 @ 6:25 am

    You almost have to feel sorry for Herbert Studstill. Perhaps he is the ultimate example of how a little knowledge can be dangerous. Of the many examples of his overestimation of his grasp of the law he kept asking “Where’s my warrant?” A warrant is not required for an arrest out in public. It is reasonable to expect a suspect who has committed a crime right in front of an officer to wait around while the officer gets a warrant. Especially in the case of a driver in a motor vehicle because it is reasonable to expect him to drive away rather than wait for the officer to get a warrant and then arrest him.

    Pro-Tip: The Fourth Amendment only protects against _unreasonable_ search and seizure. It would be completely reasonable for an officer to arrest a suspect who commits a violation right in front of the officer.

    • Gabriel Incognito July 21, 2018 @ 5:45 pm

      FosterMcTeague he wanted to stab the officers! These antisocial idiots should not be driving and are dangerous to authorities!

  6. Erik Gumeringer July 6, 2018 @ 8:13 am

    Ok this guy is clearly… challanged is the nice word. The Moor loons are going to get this guy killed.

  7. “I do not conthent to thearcheth and thiezureth!”

  8. This fool is reading this crap off a paper.

  9. This has got to be the most idiotic episode with one of these loons yet. The only thing missing was a good tasing. I think the officers felt sorry for him.

  10. Any nationals driving in the US must be licensed by their own country when traveling around here including you all Moorish Americans …. LOL

  11. ???”My nationality is Mormish”!
    Sweet mother of god, what are these people on? I’m sure he meant to say “my nationality is Moron”.

  12. More like MORONISH…

  13. Theresa Stevens July 23, 2018 @ 9:42 pm

    I swear that first guy sounds like the character Anton from In Living Color edit I’m surprised he didn’t say I’m not driving I’m traveling lol

  14. When you have a muscular spikey blonde hair dude with sunglasses with face up to your window and smiling intensely….it might be a good idea to open your door..

  15. Nicholas Plotnick July 24, 2018 @ 4:40 pm

    My nashosnality ish moorish asmerican

  16. So what’s that window punch

  17. He am Moormish ???

  18. Broke me window again! They never learn.

  19. I loved the chatter from the officers after the arrest, they were having a goooood time!

  20. What does custodian arrest mean, does that mean he has to be a janitor when he gets to jail.

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