AM I BEING DETAINED!? Sovereign Citizens vs Cops – October 2017 – Week 3

Sovereign Citizens trying to bait cops and getting owned as always.

Readers Comments (70)

  1. Did this idiot not realize if he was tried in Federal Court the sentence would be more harsh. He would be in the Court room during his trial his idiot idea he is an indigenous native is purely insane

  2. Treaties do not override the US Constitution. He could be tried in state and Federal court for the same offense. Double jeopardy clause applies to being tried twice in the same jurisdiction.

    • +Official Poa, I’m sorry that you’ve been tricked into believing the silly Moorish conspiracy theories that are being propagated in some parts of the “sovereign” community who have an extremely limited understanding of history.

      The Treaty of Peace and Friendship was in 1786 (for Morocco) and 1787 (for the US). This treaty is with the Kingdom of Morocco and has absolutely nothing to do with blacks in America. The treaty includes a clause that says that citizens from each country are to be treated equally under law and neither can hold the other’s citizens as slaves (Clause 6).

      This is why there has never been a successful legal argument made anywhere in the US when a black person declares himself/herself to be a “Moor.” The treaty doesn’t exempt visiting Moors from traffic laws or any other law of the US, so even if the silly claim about citizenship were true, it would be irrelevant in the courts.

    • Official Poa can I get one of your tinfoil hats

    • Want Some Butter? July 19, 2018 @ 8:00 am

      Official Poa how is that helmet working out for you?

  3. 8:55 “Not everybody is a United States citizen…” Okay, and?
    If a Frenchman, or an Egyptian, or a Mongolian knocks over some banks in the United States, they will be arrested by American police, tried in American courts, and sit in American prisons. If you’re in the United States, you are subject to United States laws, regardless of whether you’re a U.S. citizen. That’s just plain common sense.

    • Richard Dickson April 8, 2018 @ 11:50 am

      He will have a very log time i jail to think about his actions.


    • To be fair, the US prison spectrum goes from comfortable to hell.

    • marvel girl you dont pay for his incarceration also inyourlap same i shot JFK said i was a citizen of the Andromeda galaxy and that i want my Andromeda rights

    • Pretty sure it says so in a law as well, the Swedish phrasing is fairly general “Crimes that have been commited in this nation [Sweden] are judged by Swedish law and at a Swedish court”. I assume there is something similar for the U.S and literally every single other country in the world, like others said, it’s common sense.

  4. The thing that irritates me the most about these videos is the cops giving them what they want!! Don’t waste your time trying to reason with them they don’t cooperate pull them out & arrest them!!

    • Craig Merrell May 12, 2018 @ 2:29 pm

      brjema1 wrongo reindeer lips cops escalate all stops to make more money. The idea of a cop is to steal money and put you in jail… or do you still believe in officer friendly? Easter Bunny ?Santa Clause? Tooth Fairy?

    • 2+2 does =5 or 3 or 1 in theoretical math ask a theoretical physicist its just at your level of comprehension you dont understand lmfao it all depends on what kind of math were talking about common law is the supreme law of the land thes admiralty courts are the law of the sea and its being used to over thorough the law of the land the law of the sea gets its powers from the uniform commercial code common law gets its powers from the people the uniform commercial code says everything must be volentary or its null and void ucc 1-308 is a good way to beat these courts you can also refuse and be tryed in abstiensa but its easy overturned in an appeal by a higher court for violation of ones due process

    • The cops spend entirety to much time BS With these idiots….pull em out of the car, tazer their butts if needed, and hall their asses off to jail. The cops should not be arguing the law with these idiots.

    • swiperthefox777 July 23, 2018 @ 3:11 pm

      James Brooks I agree, but the stupid liberals think it need to be handled this way. Ugg it pisses me off

  5. More grads of YouTube University of Law.

  6. Failure to identify IS a crime (and probable cause) in every jurisdiction that I know. That window up thing just pisses me off, that is for officer safety (generally they will cut you some slack for weather). AFTER you have presented the officer(s) with all you bullshit paperwork, then, you say THEY are wasting your time? Even as you request a supervisor for this? Personally, I would have the tow truck rolling the minute he requested the supervisor. Notice that dildo at NO TIME says that he used a turn signal, you are hereby free to TRAVEL, GET OUT OF THE CAR AND WALK!! You are required to have proof of your ability to operate the vehicle safety (drivers license), and that you have paid the taxes on the vehicle (registration), and it is safe to operate on public roads (inspections/license plates).

    • Yes you did agree that the drivers license should be presented. Oops, missed that. Regardless, yes there are plenty of people who watch “youtube lawyers” and get themselves into trouble. It’s always been around, but lately there has been an absolute rash of videos claiming you don’ t need licenses, registration, etc. because you are not driving “commercially” or any number of bogus reasons. It isn’t just driving stuff either; government and/or your name being a corporate fiction, Federal reserve accounts created in your name, etc. The craziness is in full swing. Most of this crap is peddled by those that would call themselves sovereigns, Freemen on the Land, Moors, to name a few of the most common. If you see a video by anyone like that, be very, very skeptical.

      I’m a network guy by profession. I’m not a lawyer. What I am is a rational adult who, upon seeing all of this for the first time (I work with some of the “believers”) thought to myself “huh, that would be pretty cool if it were true! Lets look into it!”

      Unfortunately, after researching their claims, I found (as will you) that the arguments and “evidence” these guys use are complete BS. They will use snippets of court cases out of context, inapplicable code (federal where you should be using state, etc) or downright lies to convince others of their ideologies.

      My advice: Go to the source. If they cite a piece of court case-law, Code, or supreme court decision, LOOK IT UP AT THE SOURCE. This means using a reputable legal site, or even google scholar. Do not use random websites. Every claim that they make, check it out, starting with even the assumptions and premise inherent in their claim. Those will often be wrong as well.

      So in short, the reason I know this is because I’ve been arguing with sovereign types online and in person for months now, and I’ve come across nearly every argument they bring. And believe me, they bring a handful of them over and over again. I’m not particularly intelligent, but every argument they bring is EASILY debunked if you use a little reason, and stick to original sources. Google Scholar is your friend.

    • You can get a state issued ID (ironically issued at the Department of Motor Vehicles), and present it at such interactions with police, BUT usually you are asked to surrender all such ID’s when you get a DRIVERS LICENSE, and as such you would be required to present that as ID. I got rousted for an expired Virginia drivers License (in Florida) and it took about as much time as this stop for them to determine that VA licenses DO NOT expire while you are active military duty and unable to return to the state to renew them.

    • Ah yes, I ran into the military-personnel-with-outofstate-ID years ago. I got used to it, and immediately got popped for an expired DL upon ETSing. Didn’t even think about it.

    • Ah yes, the feredal law vs state law. Glad I didn’t run my mouth to much lol. I guess it’s a lot easier in the UK as its all quite similar, considering we have Scotland and Ireland which differ slightly. After brexit it may all change. Good chat though, keep informing people mate. Have a good one.

      § 1301. Registration and certificate of title required.

      (a) Driving unregistered vehicle prohibited.–No person shall drive or move and no owner or motor carrier shall knowingly permit to be driven or moved upon any highway any vehicle which is not registered in this Commonwealth unless the vehicle is exempt from registration.

  7. Bruh… if you’re behind the wheel of a car, you are legally required to show your license on request

    • fjvideo so you found an alternate route… nothing wrong with that.

      I don’t know about your area, but where I live, you don’t need to provide ID at a breath testing stop. I’d you haven’t been drinking and your registration is paid for your vehicle (we have rego reading technology) you just continue on your merry way.

      Booze buses are there to catch drink drivers and also (by the rego readers) catch unpaid regos and unlicensed drivers.

      Isn’t that better for the sober drivers if these people are caught.

      You are avoiding the police because it’s inconvenient for your drive.

    • I don’t drink – ever, never, no alcohol. I had to wait over an hour at three different stops. Don’t you think that’s excessive? Slowing traffic during a time traffic is already congested is a huge burden on working people.

    • Charley Spoons May 1, 2018 @ 6:02 am

      fjvideo wow! You might want to slow down there. That’s really edgy

    • Donald Trump’s Fanboy #MAGA Clubhouse May 30, 2018 @ 11:57 pm

      fjvideo leave you’re embarrassing yourself.

    • Yeah but prove I’m really driving!!!! Eh smart guy!??!? Prove this is really a car and that I am really a person and not just a legal fiction!!! Ha ha!! Gotcha now!!

  8. Who has this much time on their hands? Wouldn’t it be a lot simpler and quicker to just show your drivers license and proof of insurance?

    • The idea must be either be that they will be let go if you make it a big enough deal, or they think they can get settlement money in court
      Or, they’re dumb

    • They are driving without those things most of the time

  9. “i’m being held captive against my will”

    he clearly doesn’t understand the concept of being held captive

  10. “By law I don’t have to tell you my name… But what’s your name and Badge number?”

    • RoboticsNShenanigans May 9, 2018 @ 9:17 pm

      And most places have a clause in the contract you sign when you get your license, in which you agree to identify yourself if you’re driving a car that is being pulled over.

    • Patricia Maldonado May 18, 2018 @ 5:11 pm

      terry waller please tell me where? No arguing here just would like to know.

    • Disturbed A7xLP exactly!

    • Disturbed A7xLP
      Yep total dbl std.

    • Archer Sterling July 9, 2018 @ 4:46 am

      Actually xepale police are not legally required to unless I believe issuing a citation. And even then I’m not sure if they have to. It is usually completely up to the department if they want that information released. There are several videos on here with actual police officers who state that. Donut is one.

  11. 7:41 Nobody consents to be on trial buddy.

  12. If he’s not a citizen, then why is he stealing a foreign governments money? Then shouldn’t he be deported?

  13. put that guy in front of judge judy

  14. how to be a sovereign citizen
    step one: “Am i being detained
    cope: yes
    step 2: Why
    cop: *presents logical explanation that is according to the law*
    step 3: repeat

    • Matthew Moreno July 18, 2018 @ 1:07 pm

      alan powell nope, that’s not how that works. He waived his rights when he said that the laws and process held no sway over him. As to the laws presented and covered by the bill of rights and the constitution, it also states that the individual States have the right to make laws that cover those areas not covered by the constitution. These laws are ratified by the state government and enforced by them.

      Even if these tard claim “sovereign citizenship” they are traveling within the USA, which to them is a foreign country, and by their own laws within the articles of confederation they are required to abide by the laws of the land through which they travel. direct quote btw

    • the supreme law of the land in america is common law is it not atleast on paper with the supremacy clause not these meartime Admiralty corporate policy code statues and acts ???

    • Matthew Moreno July 18, 2018 @ 2:11 pm

      alan powell – first of all, use punctuation. commas and such make it easier to figure out what you are saying. common law is written yes, as are state laws, federal laws, city ordinances, and any other law, rule or statute you would like to look up. The problem i was pointing out, is that people who quote the articles of confederacy tend to only quote up to the part that gives them what they want, then they stop. If they keep reading , they will find that the articles make way for the laws of the land and such.

    • Matthew Moreno July 18, 2018 @ 2:17 pm

      how am I incorrect?

  15. Timothy Horner March 8, 2018 @ 4:10 am

    Do they think that asking for their badge number is going to scare them off from doing their duty

    • It’s a poor attempt at intimidation. The same with asking for their supervisor tactic as if it’s going to intimidate the officer into change his course of action.

    • when you ask a cop for a badge number he is going to detail EVERY BIT OF THAT ENCOUNTER so he has it in his notes if you take it to the judge . If you just go along and give him no problems he may not and then when you get to court he has to go off of memory of the event.

  16. detained against my will would probably apply to every prisoner every where

  17. amplecti tenebris March 19, 2018 @ 12:58 pm

    can someone please make a sovereign citizen compilation that just cuts straight to the “TASER TASER TASER”?

  18. Kale Christianson March 20, 2018 @ 6:48 pm

    WHAT HAPPENED TO THE FIRST WHITE TRASH GUY??! Was really looking forward to them breaking his window and pulling old Hubert out of his old truck. Damnit!!

  19. These videos raise my blood pressure (but I still love them!)

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