AM I BEING DETAINED?! Sovereign Citizens vs Cops – November 2017

Sovereign Citizens trying to bait cops and getting owned as always.

Readers Comments (18)

  1. How to spot a sovereign citizen : see Windows on cars looks like the slobbering idiots hang their heads out the window and slobber all over the place.

    • This guy is of special needs, the FBI needs to step in immediatly!! He is not of sound mind!!! What’s going to happen in the next 24 hrs with this guy?????

  2. You won’t win a penny, you will probably end up in jail!

  3. I like how herbert Studstill of MI, is not afraid to post his name and address on the internet.

  4. Duh, Ahh wonder what Ahh can do tahday ? Ahh know, Ahh’ll make a yootoob veedeeoh to show zackelly how STOOOPID Ahh ammmm !

  5. Does the Mormish guy post this himself on his own YouTube channel? Which one?

  6. Another fun video full of Moronish Americans, Slobberin’ Shittyzens, and Semen on the Land.

  7. Keep traveling without drivers license, no plates, no insurance and you eventually will serve time to think about how ridiculous you are. This fools law suit will be laughed out of the court. Sounds like this person is in need of serious mental health help or drug intervention.

  8. you can find a slew of his dismissed lawsuits online, including one against his own mother for trying to take him to the hospital for a mental evaluation. sad, yes, but also funny, e.g. “you broke my window AGAIN”

  9. The sad part about this is, I think he is of the special people. He doesn’t even realize what he is reading. He doesn’t understand the laws. Be careful people of the Detroit area!!! This guy should be suspect of doing something really bad!! Someone who knows this guy should step in- somehow!! If you are a close family member of this individual, please step in !!!

  10. Wonder why they broke your window?

  11. Bubba Gump Shrimp! This guy is the living breathing, real life character “Bubba”, from the movie Forest Gump. Ignorance is a sad thing.

  12. sir Robert of Bruce November 3, 2017 @ 2:07 pm

    this guy is high a

  13. This guy sounds like he’s drunk. I hope he is and not on drugs. He thinks he’s going to take traffic violations to the US Supreme Court. Why do these people get the ‘right to travel’ confused with having to have a driver’s license. Nowhere in the US Constitution is  a car, vehicle, stagecoach, or any form of wheel  transportation mentioned. These people just ignore article 10 of the Constitution which says any thing not expressly mentioned as purview of the federal government is reserved to the states. The Constitution doesn’t say you have to have a drivers license so the states are free to required one.

  14. You know what gives cops the right? The rest of us “travellers” don’t want you unlicensed, uninsured idiots on the road. We gave them that power and there are more of us than there are of you!

  15. This Mormish guy is very articulate. With his superior command of the English language and his obviously vast knowledge of the law, he will most certainly win his case when he takes it to the Supreme Court – as long as he doesn’t need to ask anyone for driving directions to get there.

  16. Obv a person with genuine Mental Health problems.

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