AM I BEING DETAINED?! Sovereign Citizens vs Cops – November 2017

Sovereign Citizens trying to bait cops and getting owned as always.

Readers Comments (24)

  1. Smooth move,drama queen.

  2. I didn’t know that driving with a suspended license and no insurance was ‘freedom’. Boy do I feel dum. 😉

    • Its not. These fools make up their own rules based on selected readings of very VERY old court rulings that are out of date. They are children who have never grown up. Best thing to do is taze them repeatedly, kind of like a modern form of electroshock.

  3. Plain Simple Dav November 29, 2017 @ 1:58 pm

    Ha ha, car is getting towed, your lady friend can travel all she wants now!

  4. “This is not a motor vehicle” Motor + 4 wheels = Motor vehicle. “I am not driving” Operating a steering wheel, gas and brake pedal = driving

  5. 1:31 You Fool.

  6. Looks good on them they want to play games so the trooper does the same but its not fair so the wife says haha they should of had the window smasned i then there faces

  7. Sovereigns paperwork always looks like a 5 year old did it. The more words the better!!!! Lets scribble our laws over theirs!!! Dumbasses

  8. The background music is entirely too loud. Bad video clip.

  9. May have been an ok video if it wasnt for the crappy music put over it.

  10. why is that fucking music playing in the background?

  11. Dumb bloody music

  12. Angel For Animals November 29, 2017 @ 11:55 pm

    That music makes it hard to hear what is being said.

  13. What’s really scary is people like this are voting and having children.

  14. Impossible to watch with that backround music so loud…

  15. Angel For Animals November 30, 2017 @ 12:04 am

    I wish I could live in the mind of a sovereign citizen for a day. I’m not a person I’m an entity, I’m not an American I am a free man, I am not driving I am traveling, I don’t need a license, insurance or a registration, I can speed if I want to because laws do not apply to me. Laws do not APPLY to me but the laws still have to PROTECT me. My head is spinning and I could go on and on with their BS all day. I do not consent…blah blah blah. Call for a ride rather than walk the high way. Oh, also, and most importantly, if you don’t like the laws in America…FEEL FREE TO MOVE OUT!

  16. Dunce city. The tow truck driver would have undoubtedly given her a ride but how are you going to portray the police as “meanies” that way. Freedom does not mean you don’t have to follow Society’s laws and regulations.

  17. The music is a nice touch.

  18. What’s with the stupid music ?

  19. Stupid man!!!!!

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