AM I BEING DETAINED?! Sovereign Citizens vs Cops – November 2017

Sovereign Citizens Getting Owned – AM I BEING DETAINED?! – November 2017

Sovereign Citizens trying to bait cops and getting owned as always.

Readers Comments (39)

  1. Penguin Community November 11, 2017 @ 3:56 am

    This is what people of below average intelligence look like. They are literally too stupid to realize the enormous problems with their thinking.

  2. This judge has the patience of a saint.

  3. This “soveriegn citiizen” sounds like he is having an out of body experience. “I am the authroized representative of this entity” Whatever; “Guilty!”

    • they believe that their full legal name is a fiction, based on their birth certificate. So when they say they are the representative, they say they’re representating the fiction based on their certificate, some have even put their certificates on the defendant’s seat.

    • Veronica Mascaro July 14, 2018 @ 2:19 am

      Coramelimane No. They don’t believe that at all. It’s all shenanigans designed for losers who never got picked for dodgeball.

  4. He doesnt know where he is, who he is, what hes doing there. Sounds like he should be committed for 14 day mental observation!

  5. I’m not a lawyer, but I suspect that the legal relevance of “Black’s Law Dictionary” is limited to that of a battered, bloodied hard-cover edition being introduced as evidence during a murder trial.   😉

    • Paranormal Encyclopedia December 5, 2017 @ 2:50 pm

      Kaycee K it’s a useful enough reference if you use the current edition, which they don’t, cite it correctly, which they don’t, and realize it’s a resource not law, you guessed it they don’t do that either.

    • Tatsujiro Kurogane December 21, 2017 @ 9:47 pm

      B.b………..BUT, it says LAW DICTIONARY right on it!!!!!!!!! If regular dictionaries define words, shirley a Law Dictionary defines…………………… erg, I can’t even fake it anymore. I consent to your dejoindering of said reference according to the bills of laden herebey constituting said matter under Maritime Admiraltyness………… fargggggggggggggggggggggggg

  6. They all cry so well when it doesn’t work. I feed off their tears.

  7. Common law doesn’t exist under the ?? constitution. These idiots keep referring to some laws that were part of the Confederacy, something that has nothing to do with the ?? constitution

    • articles of confederation have nothing to do with the confederacy. The Articles of Condition is the set of rules that governed prior to the formation of the Constitution.

    • toomanyaccounts exactly, it is irrelevant and no longer part of the laws

    • Exactly. The Constitution replaced the Articles of Confederation. The ‘confederates’ in that context was the USA versus England. LOL

    • So true, they say they quote the Constitution, these Sovereign Citizens, but it’s the document that was drafted prior to the drafting and approval by the Continental Congress, passing our Constitution and Bill of Rights, the Articles of Confederation, became NULL and VOID at that point….

  8. I love watching these idiots.

  9. The sovereign citizen mindset in a nutshell: “If I keep repeating the same buzzwords over and over again, I’ll get my way!”

  10. That judge has the patience of a saint

  11. If they say they say they’re not a US citizen, then give their spot an illegal who wants to live under the constitution and ship’em to the Congo.

  12. He’s going to jail. I guess that means he won.

  13. I just love watching these people trying to act smarter then they actually are, with then end result being buried in a deeper hole.

  14. I honestly think at some point that SovCits are mentally ill.

    • That point in question is now, but if i may add there are more stable people locked up in our mental institutes than these fucktards, i love watching them get a cold slice of karma served to them..;-)

  15. i get a woody when these dolts get shut down

  16. Let the record show that there needs to be more tazing

  17. Christian Blevins May 1, 2018 @ 9:45 pm

    You know what’s ironic they always use USA laws to defend themselves which is under federal law

  18. Cathie Zimmerman May 8, 2018 @ 3:23 am

    This dude is a joke.

  19. Can’t they come up with a vaccine for this? Or at least round up the infected so it doesn’t spread ?

  20. Sounds like they need a little P. Barns!

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