AM I BEING DETAINED?! Sovereign Citizens vs Cops – December 2017

Sovereign Citizens trying to bait cops and getting owned as always.

Readers Comments (5)

  1. I love how they use an amendment that was made 100 years ago. I feel Like I’m taking crazy pill.

  2. Did Harvey’s voice crack?

  3. The only ignorant person is you! You know nothing about how the federal reserve runs! They do not have anything to do with your SSN, they have less than a couple of percent of numbers! Their waiting to get everyone not a low life like you!

  4. I guess that last guy had to wait a couple days longer to open his Christmas presents. ? Stupid jerk. He drives down a closed street because I guess barriers or signs don’t apply to him either. That’s the whole point to this nonsense. They want to be able to break the law and do whatever the hell they want regardless of the fact that they were put in place to protect all of us.

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