Sovereign Citizens trying to bait cops and getting owned as always.

Readers Comments (15)

  1. Vincent does awful videos they are all over the place, he needs to keep the damn camera still. ??

  2. Isnt this the “don’t tell me what to do guy”

  3. Somebody shoot him!

  4. This person is in need of serious mental evaluation.

  5. 食飽飯。

  6. This guy could very well be the dumbest person on the face of the earth.

    • Guess you haven’t seen the video of the idiot, walking into the police station, with a balaclava and an AR on his shoulder? In my book, he takes the price xD

    • RoboBongoCuckooCop April 23, 2018 @ 1:58 pm

      yeah those guys were pretty dumb. up there too is the Mormish guy

  7. ahole who has no brain

  8. Falcon Battle_Systems November 7, 2017 @ 6:38 pm

    This guy is a joke….. He has left out that the SCOTUS has ruled that States have the rights to regulate your right to travel. This includes your “private” No it is not the police job to know the difference between consumer goods and equipment. Also if you do not put a plate on your van and you get pulled over you are breaking the law, and then they can impound your van. Then if you need your van for work, then you need to follow the laws which the states have been given the ability and right to regulate your right to travel on the public road ways. Yes Codes are law…. Stop with the Black Laws dictionary.

  9. Plain Simple Dav November 8, 2017 @ 3:30 am

    Too funny,

    “And the Oscar goes too…”

  10. What the hell? IQ estimate 60 and in need of being locked up.

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