Sovereign Citizens trying to bait cops and getting owned as always.

Readers Comments (18)

  1. The nutjob Joe Rosa. He ended up in jail and the house was repossessed and his wife and daughter left him. ?????

    • BiteMyShinyMetal4ss October 29, 2017 @ 11:11 pm

      Good for them!!

    • Joan Cullimore Excellent! It couldn’t have happened to a more deserving individual! ? ? ? Of all the arrogant, belligerent, annoying sovereign citizens in the many sovereign citizen videos I’ve watched, this guy is one of the most annoying, and that is really saying something! Every time I hear him speak, it’s like fingers on a chalkboard for me. And thinking he has a right to deny his daughter an education – disgusting! ?

    • Slaughter Them March 27, 2018 @ 2:07 am

      Joan Cullimore if that’s actually true he deserved what he gets

    • Giovanni Garcia June 5, 2018 @ 7:02 pm

      I love how he continues to berate the cops after their already in their cars halfway down the block… Like his words can be heard and can hurt them… Stupid crazy Bastard.

  2. i know. i think he hanged himself some time after

  3. In the first episode, this jerk refused to identify himself, and won’t accept the paper being offered (presumably a court summons or eviction notice or, I suspect, something about fraudulent enrollment of a kid in the local school) even to indicate that he has any interest with that house yet he wants a business card from a cop in uniform, with a badge and nameplate and a fully-equipped cop car, and even demands a superior cop — and even used abusive language on him and on subsequent cops. A guy who acts like this consistently clearly wants to avoid the indignities of old age.
    The second bit (at the 7 minute mark) is a much older, frequently copied bit, wherein a driver refuses to identify himself to the policeman who stopped him for speeding, refuses to produce his license (he apparently doesn’t have one because he refuses even when he knows his window will be smashed and he will be forcibly arrested).
    The remarkable thing is that these videos must have been originally posted by the two guys who are shown in them to be total assholes, and I wonder why they wanted to prove that to the whole world.

  4. Falcon Battle_Systems October 31, 2017 @ 4:13 pm

    This guy is a piece of trash refusal to enroll his child in school. Sure could not handle home schooling. No one is going to contact Chris Blair.
    Also the whole thing about needing a business card is a department by department policy…. Those people did live there and where there during your little rant.

    Your indictment was filed yesterday. Again there was not violation of law….

  5. If the first guy is who I think he is, he’s a total nutjob who refused to let his daughter attend school, keeping her home in her room.

  6. I love how that guy tells the cops, to get in their cars and get out of there, while they are already leaving.

  7. Jeff in Australia November 6, 2017 @ 1:02 am

    Hahahahaha.. At 11:20 “My drivers window has been broken”. But um, aren’t you “travelling”? Just invalidated your entire story idiot.

  8. Slaughter Them March 27, 2018 @ 2:18 am

    You have the right to travel all you want on foot but driving is a privilege not a given right it is a privilege

  9. The other funny thing about the first video was him saying that he wasn’t the guy but then telling them to get off his property which made him the guy. Hollywood couldn’t make this sh** up.

  10. michael lindop June 20, 2018 @ 7:18 pm


  11. I’ve been tazed and my window has been broken. Yeah, are you too delusional to understand why? This box of corn flakes screams “I do not consent” all the way to the cop car that will travel to the precinct.

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