Sovereign Citizens trying to bait cops and getting owned as always.

Readers Comments (19)

  1. This guy must be the Poster Boy for that old saying “YOU CAN’T FIX STUPID!” and we only hope he doesn’t/and or won’t have any children because we all ready have enough ignorant genes in the gene pool. Enough said!

  2. Well if you register your car and put legal tags and insurance on it you won’t keep getting impounded

  3. I’m gonna drive a van with a huge bomb in the back saying, “Hey I’m free to travel, What that thing.. that’s a consumer good none of your business” to where ever these guys hang out, most likely their mums attic. soooo funny when they say their not a driver I travel. lol, these cops are out the back still laughing.

  4. Why does this bozo believe he can go into a police, sheriff s office and start demanding and being openly confrontational being massively rude,that may be poor word choice, AND still think they are somehow……oh forget it. There is absolutely no justification for his behavior.

  5. Move Along Cat Dong October 22, 2017 @ 2:30 pm

    Unless he walked up to or got a ride to the station house, he drove in. Now’s the time to do a parking lot check to see which cars are in the lot with proper tags.

  6. Move Along Cat Dong October 22, 2017 @ 2:33 pm

    All the best legal briefs can be found on YouTube. Look it up.

  7. I’m glad they are videoing him. When they take him in for psych evaluation they will have proof of how unstable he is.

  8. It sucked until the end, which was perfect.

  9. this is the always fun to watch make a “fool out of himself” Christopher flemming. currently in jail.

  10. Grumpys cats Best Friend October 23, 2017 @ 1:37 pm

    Very few branches on his family tree.

  11. Dunce city.

  12. He’s not tired enough of having his cars taken away to license them.

  13. He said he’s going to go with no plates and will defend it to the death. He’s threatening to kill them for pulling him over. He really is dangerous.

  14. This bafoon is getting the no respect he deserves

  15. Sovereign loony citizens

  16. This guy is especially dumb. He is telling law enforcement that he intends to violate the law, and even describes the vehicle that he will be driving in that won’t be registered and won’t have plates.

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