Sovereign Citizens trying to bait cops and getting owned as always.

Readers Comments (27)

  1. I do wonder how these asshats would react to the following scenario: They get home invaded by known thugs , robbed and and brutally assaulted. Later the find out that the cops did stop the car with the invaders on their way to the victims home, but had let them go because they claimed “sovereign citizenship”?

    • Yes, and they all hold hands and sing ‘♫ My ♩ land is ♬ your ♪ land’, while putting dandelions in eachothers hair…

    • Then I would slap the cuffs on him, charge him with resisting arrest , and failure to provide proper insurance and id.

    • Well, i would hope they would realize the hipocracy of their belifes. And Terrie Bell, their interpretation of that song would be”‘♫ My ♩ will is ♬ your ♪ law”…

    • Björn Camitz of course he has a gun it’s for the officers safety and the thing that can save his life including his ballistic vest

    • These clowns don’t care… They just want to make alot of noise….. Munch of actors

  2. “Call 911
    ” ??????????????

  3. For the safety of the officers and the community, these morons should be in a psychiatric ward.

  4. Dirt skins are adorable.

  5. If I knew that every time I go out that because I refuse to register the vehicle I’m “traveling in” have a better than average chance of being pulled over, tased and or pepper sprayed and likely have at least one car window broken, then yanked from my vehicle, cuffed up and thrown in jail I think I would join the rest of the US and get with the program.

  6. When these *THINGS* (they are NOT people, they are THINGS) repeat something 3 times and don’t comply, just mace, taze, billy-club, cuffs, more mace..perhaps a stray extra club here or there.. have a few dozen officers pick the pile up..and throw it into the garbage.

  7. I do not consent to you killing me, Sir.


  9. Call the Police, the Police are trying to kill me.

  10. Please MACE me with love and respect, Sir.

  11. “can you call 911!” How dumb can you possibly get. Also, why does it cut off before the best part.

  12. GuerrillaDigger ™ November 1, 2017 @ 3:27 am

    That guy is SUCH a drama queen!

  13. “Call 911!” Who do you think is standing there, moron?

  14. there was the Bubonic Plague, there was Typhoid Mary and now there is this . . .

  15. officer: “sir can I see your licence and proof of insurance please”
    guy in car: “THEY ARE TRYING TO KILL ME!!”
    guy 2 in car: “THEY ARE GOING TO SUFFOCATE US!”

  16. Are you born this dumb or do you have to take lessons?

  17. they let them run their mouths for way to long

  18. This is why rodney king got his a** whooped

  19. Keeping_it_real June 6, 2018 @ 4:46 am

    We should have picked our own cotton!!

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