AM I BEING DETAINED?! Sovereign Citizens Getting Owned – October 2017 – Week 2

Sovereign Citizens keep trying to be badass while baiting cops and getting owned.

Readers Comments (34)

  1. I never get tired of watching these nitwits

  2. George Montecinos October 18, 2017 @ 11:02 am

    “This is an illegal kidnapping”
    I didn’t know Kidnap was legal

  3. Don’t waste more than 3 warnings on these trolls , if they refuse to comply , bust out the windows if needed , taser the hell out of them , cuff them extra tight , arrest them and haul them off to jail , prosecute them and get them off the roadways and keep them off !
    They will give you no quarter as they try to sue you for everything you own using the same laws they think they don’t have to fallow even with the fact that they have no license , no registration , no liability insurance to cover your damages or injuries !
    Vehicles not being inspected with all the lights operating with someone possibly slamming into the rear of them day or worse chance at night or signals not working , brakes worn out , wipers worn out , are all needed for the safety of others on the road !
    They claim not to be citizens of the state they are parasites in or of this country but they want constitutional rights ! If they are not citizens , deport them and get them out of here !
    I don’t want these predator trolls on the same roads that I , my wife , my children , or my grandchildren are driving on !
    Driving a motorized vehicle on the tax payer highways is a privilege not a right , there is not a constitutional right to drive and if they will not comply to licensing , registering , or insuring , get them off the highways no matter the legal method needed !

  4. these sovereign citizens are without doubt stupid and clueless on what the laws are.   They  record the stop and then show everyone how dumb they are.

  5. Officer you are wasting your time trying the educate these fools with explaining anything. They simply do not have sufficient brain matter to understand

  6. I’m laughing ? so hard

  7. The only thing missing was the girl yelling “Article 4, Free Inhabitant…”

  8. “Article 4, free inhabitants” hahaha. I donate some lithium grease for that friggin door hinge..jeez

  9. What I really get a kick out of is that they tape themselves, being a real idiot—oh well, I guess they all follow that old saying “YOU CAN’T FIX STUPID!”.

  10. Paul Christenberry October 18, 2017 @ 3:13 pm

    The term “Moors” refers primarily to the Muslim inhabitants of the Maghreb, the Iberian Peninsula, Sicily, and Malta during the Middle Ages.
    Nothing a bullet wouldn’t cure.

  11. This is an illegal kidnapping, does that mean there’s legal kidnapping?

  12. Falcon Battle_Systems October 18, 2017 @ 4:02 pm

    He is not violating your rights… its an illegal kidknapping, and illegal They state everything “for the record” Again you legal name is not a fiction. Glad you think you can video everything and think that it matters.

  13. Listen to the water buffalo clicking away on that pen. Nervous much!? LOL

  14. He spoke to his legal adviser?? yeah right, you mean you watched a few sovereign citizen videos lol

  15. dumbasses

  16. Plain Simple Dav October 19, 2017 @ 1:50 pm

    Too funny, a constitutionalist that doesn’t believe in the Constitution.

    14:05 – Any bets that his legal adviser is his cat.

  17. “Illegal search!” No, the Supreme Court ruled LEOs have the right to make sure you don’t have a weapon on you during a traffic offense encounter. For their safety.

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