Sovereign Citizens cop baiting and getting owned!

Readers Comments (64)

  1. These people are as stupid as anyone can get. Nothing more, nothing less.

    • DONT label me part of your party October 21, 2017 @ 9:59 pm

      jane Doe it would be a waste of anyones time to try and push their god on them even if they came from the same church,

    • No stupid, if you declare something true it is up to YOU to prove it true, not for us to disprove you.

    • History isn’t your strong suit, is it? Do you even have one? Common Law does NOT come “from God”. Common Law comes from PEOPLE.

    • Messenger Charles You’re an idiot.

    • jane Doe Look at the heavens , watch the sun set , gaze at your children sleeping, ask god with all of your heart to reveal himself to you. Believe that god loves you and have no doubt whatsoever that god is not angry with you as his only son has paid for everyone’s sin in full. Accept his son as lord and savior. Trust Jesus completely as he will NEVER leave you nor forsake you.

  2. No one trolls like a Southern sheriff. That was great.

    • I’m the Mountie, I’m handsome, I’m brave, I’m strong.
      I’m the Mountie, and I enforce the law.

    • bobby wright May 3, 2018 @ 6:16 pm

      Stephen Skinner Bc lynching is the ultimate trolling? ?

    • That southern Sheriff was wrong… Usually Severn citizens are usually wrong but the sheriff said he didn’t respect anyone from outside the state…

    • Damn right! Love this guy, his accent sounds pretty close to my area. I want to know where this is.

  3. that idiot behind the wheel should be tased, cuffed and arrested

    • JusticeAA typical violent government sheep. You and your family should be shot

    • Messenger Charles agreed. 99 percent of the losers here are government sheep who do whatever their government Masters tell them. Thank god we didn’t have to rely on these people to rebel against England and the king. We’d still be an English province

    • Messenger Charles November 2, 2017 @ 9:34 pm

      Unfortunately you still are! You are still the American Plantation ruled by the The Square Mile in London – Rothschild’s CROWN Corporation via The FED which is a franchise of The Bank of England (which is not English).

      In the so-called ‘American War of independence’ both sides fought for King George – one side in ignorance.

  4. Sovereign Citizens are complete morons. They don’t believe in our laws but always yell about their Constitutional rights.

  5. Hate to say it but these people are brain dead.

  6. Nothing better to do than hassle the guy

  7. “Da law iz not applyin to me. I not be drivin, I iz travelin.

  8. Youtube has created SO many “lawyers”. For entertainment purposes only! LOVE this stuff!

  9. Sad thing is, all she had to do was sign the citation and she could have left.

    • Cynthia Rosario July 1, 2018 @ 5:54 pm

      Messenger Charles OMG this guy is telling you off and facts too. You just sound like an ignorant kid. Your part of the reason we are entertained by your stupidity. Have you uploaded any of your fails? Have I seen you on one of these S.C. videos? Dudes talking hypothetically obviously and your taking it like your confused…

    • !3 do not understand simplicity and common sense. They prefer to be self destructive and moronic imbeciles.

  10. If you’re “studying” to become a sovereign citizen, you’ve already failed at life.

    • Kanard Mauk Jr. June 27, 2018 @ 12:39 am

      Travis Breazile AWESOME POST! LMAO, GOOD ONE!!??

    • Travis Breazile but under common law, they don’t believe in rights.

    • Travis Breazile you are raping me this is a rape comment rofl

    • Travis Breazile Their whole argument that the law doesn’t apply is stupid. Yes, there are loopholes in the law. But they’re too stupid to understand these loopholes which only allows them if they’re lucky to have a case dismissed afterward in court. It doesn’t mean they dont have to follow a lawful order. Or that they can’t be arrested.

    • Travis Breazile I mean if you can find loopholes in books, you can use them but you have to look into actual law books

  11. “That’s cool i like being first” lol

  12. Where do they breed these a$$holes?

  13. I hate that we have police brutality in this country. I have that we have abuse of power by the cops. I hate that there are no repercussions for bad officers.. But I hate sovereign citizens even more!

  14. “Send it to PO box..No”

  15. Keep her in jail until she agress to live under the laws of the country she lives in. PERIOD.

  16. These people should not be allowed to drive.

  17. I love the attitude of the southern court guy. Outstanding.

    • There is a process to get your court records. I don’t see why the taxpayers need to pay for printing and mailing costs unless it is burdensome to people to go there and get them on their own. Courts have ruled in favor of people who found themselves in a bad position for that. Courts can be pleaded with for necessary exceptions.

  18. Second Video of guy refusing to mail the document ,did a wonderful Job. someone promote that man?

    • I don’t mind there being a public records office for things. Its a different matter if people are not comfortable going to certain offices to exercise their rights. That is why we have a judicial process. However, he may not recognize the courts because he did not create them nor may not have much evidence in his favor his denial was unjustified.

    • martin theiss No, they had walked in to the office and caused such a ruckus that they escorted them out. Then, they called back several times to harass them over hypothetical documents. If you listen, they didn’t actually want any documents mailed to them. They just wanted an apology for “kicking” them out of their office.

    • Excellent job in refusing to mail documents. With the amount of fraud I wouldn’t mail anything. He has every right to have it examined in person

  19. Last one was classic! Citing the Declaration of Independence as if it was the Constitution of the U.S.
    These “Sovereign Citizens” don’t even know which document says what.

    • Angel For Animals November 17, 2017 @ 9:55 pm

      Buhma CSeries ~ Well on top of that, they want protection by way of the Constitution of the United States, but do not want to claim they are citizens or follow laws. They want their cake and eat it too. ?

    • Law for them is a series of magic words they utter to get the results they want, and that can never be used against them. Well “expecto patronum” to you too, buddy.

  20. MenR TheProblem July 3, 2018 @ 9:29 pm

    ‘I don’t feel safe’ So many idiots say this without cause.

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