AM I BEING DETAINED?! Sovereign Citizens Getting OWNED – November 2017

Sovereign Citizens trying to bait cops and getting owned as always.

Readers Comments (64)

  1. Dumbest people on the planet, obey the law

  2. 20+ yrs in prison. How’s that sovereign bs working out for you? Don’t forget to tell your cellmate that you don’t consent when he has you bent over the sink. Although, I doubt it will have any more of an effect on him than it did on the police.

  3. “I am note driving, I am potato”.

  4. Talking to a cop about what the supreme court has ruled is simply hilarious.

    • He sounds Like he has a dry mouth, like he needs another drink, slurred speech few times

    • They even look fucking insane in their YouTube comments.

      WHEN YOU type a COMMENT like THIS it mAkes you LOOK INSANE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    • Leopard Boas the yellow one is a lemon

    • Official Poa this crap is made up by a bunch of idiots who don’t want to obey the laws the test of us have to. Ignorant stupid, idiotic people.

    • xc5647321 xc5647321 yet here you are, utilizing America resources. Maybe you should go back to AFRICA

  5. These Sovereigns are completely delusional.(incidentally: Drivers licenses are not required by federal law. They are required by state laws.) Yes, you are allowed to travel in a motor vehicle without a driver’s license, as long as you are not driving the vehicle. Pursuant to the 10th Amendment all 50 states have seen fit to enact their own traffic codes.May 28, 2015

    • Andrew Franquelin April 21, 2018 @ 1:03 am

      Douglas Kenney its almost like they are cherry picking out of a combination of ignorance and general incompetence

    • Christopher Pardell May 30, 2018 @ 11:57 pm

      ‘Traveling’ has nothing to do with the CAR. You are free to travel by FOOT… never saw a cop pull over a guy for speeding or illegal lane change while on foot. You have to prove you know how to drive thru a license… and prove the car is legally yours thru a registration. Failure to provide registration is Probable cause for suspecting the car is stolen and allows police to search the vehicle. And being pulled over for a traffic infraction is NOT denying you the right to travel… hand over the papers and take your ticket and keep on going….15 minutes later.
      These dumb SOBs are just using this hogslop to try and justify not paying registration fees or tickets… it’s just another con.

    • Jerry Grantham July 1, 2018 @ 5:04 am

      By their logic you don’t need a pilot’s license either.

    • christopher holmes July 23, 2018 @ 2:55 pm

      Jerry Grantham lol good point

    • I’ve seen some of their sources, there’s literally a 3 page pdf floating around with cherry picked, somewhat spurious quotes from supreme court rulings that are completely out of context. I’d bet that most of them haven’t even read the court cases themselves, because it would be more impressive if they did and misinterpreted them that badly.

  6. The fact he invoked his 5th Amendment Rights whe asked for DL insurance and registration tells me he has none of the 3

  7. He claims his 5th not to talk and didn’t shut up. These fool don’t understand the difference between traveling andcdriving. They think they do but they have it all wrong. And they aren’t smart enough to know the difference.That cop is very patient.Yes, he has at least some things right, he does have the right to travel frommplace to place. That is the end though. He is wrong from that point on.

    • “They think they do but they have it all wrong.”
      Oh wait. I know the answer to this one. Let me just check my SovCit cheat sheet of what to repeat over and over whenever an officer says anything I don’t like. Ah! Here it is! “Are you telling me that you’re not interested in the law?”
      You’d think they’d learn by now that the 5th Amendment right to no self-incriminate, if they at least read the amendment, is for criminal trials not roadside stops. Yet year after year they continue to avoid getting a ticket by getting taken to jail for trying to “plead the 5th” when ordered to provide regulatory documents.

    • The fifth is not to incriminate yourself. The first is the right to remain siment.

    • jayjayjames2332 July 23, 2018 @ 4:37 am

      P. Chretien You’re wrong.

      The First Amendment to the United States Constitution prevents Congress from making any law respecting an establishment of religion, prohibiting the free exercise of religion, or abridging the freedom of speech, the freedom of the press, the right to peaceably assemble, or to petition for a governmental redress of grievances.

      The Fifth Amendment to the United States Constitution is part of the Bill of Rights and, among other things, protects individuals from being compelled to be witnesses against themselves in criminal cases. “Pleading the Fifth” is thus a colloquial term for invoking the right that allows witnesses to decline to answer questions where the answers might incriminate them, and generally without having to suffer a penalty for asserting the right.

      So while it doesn’t necessarily mean you don’t talk at all, it does mean you at least stop answering incriminating questions and has nothing to do with the first amendment.

  8. Its all on video! I’ve got it all on video! Thank you sir, that will be exhibit one in your criminal trial 🙂

    • I for one am grateful that they video all of these

    • These are the same retards on motorcycles that tell people “i got you on camera…i got your plate on camera”.

    • The funny part is that he said it was all on video tape… Last time I checked camera phones don’t use tape. I thought they were versed in definitions.

  9. Cops love it when you explain the law to them.

    • Seen video of a trucker coming back to US from Mexico. He told the border patrol they didn’t have the right to stop him and as for id nor paperwork. The border cop reached in his shirt pocket, pulled out a paper, and commenced to read ;NON STOP; exactly what border patrol CAN do. He was arrested, the truck stripped and searched, as was he. Later video explained the trucker was detained 3days, his truck unlimitly impounded, lost his job and his CDL. Smart guy.

  10. Michael in Houston December 9, 2017 @ 12:31 am

    They always invoke their 5th amendment right to remain silent but then will not shut up – lol.

    • robert franks June 7, 2018 @ 7:35 pm

      That he would put his son through this enroute to a Christmas party? So that he didn’t have to pay for road maintenance like the rest of us. Traveling is afoot or on back of animal. He WANTED the sexual harassment.

    • NickelPlated .45onMeAtAllTimes June 20, 2018 @ 10:25 pm

      it’s kinda fucked up how the supreme Court did pass that and it is an unalienable right to travel but no cop in the world follows that but will shoot for littering

    • Michael in Houston you have the right to free speech. You have the right to remain silent as you wish

    • Michael in Houston But the 5th amendment is not the right to remain silent.

    • the 5th only takes effect if one would self incriminate *while under oath in a legal trial*

  11. Night stick to the teeth please!

  12. “Im not driving im traveling”

    Me: ?️OI

  13. sovereign citizens:

    They’ve all got cameras.
    They’ve all got piece of crap cars
    They’ve all got revoked or otherwise invalid driver’s licenses.
    They’ve all failed to register their cars…

    Dumbasses may as well have “habitual felon” tattooed on their foreheads, because prison is where they learn this sovereign citizen crap.

  14. I think policy should be that anybody who pulls this sov BS should be tased, regardless of compliance.

  15. If i was a police officer I would specifically be looking for these people so I could practice using pepper spray, taser, and busting out their windows.

  16. Robert C. Christian April 30, 2018 @ 6:41 pm

    WTF is wrong with these people? They have taken what they think is their rights… and are deluded! These guys remind me of people you talk to on the internet, that no type of evidence will suffice. They have their script and they follow it until taser time!

    As a society we are breeding these numbskulls in droves!

  17. Riga Fraction May 4, 2018 @ 6:18 am

    Every moron with a camera thinks he’s a constitutional lawyer. Just tase them until they realize they’re not.

  18. Riga Fraction May 4, 2018 @ 6:25 am

    I am not driving, I am traveling. Well you are not being arrested, you are being re-homed in the local county jail. There, everybody wins. (idiot)

  19. When the cop told him to hang tight he had that sound in his voice like he might have won ?. I had to giggle, poor deluded D-bag

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