Sovereign Citizens trying to bait cops and getting owned as always.

Readers Comments (42)

  1. Paranormal Encyclopedia October 23, 2017 @ 2:52 pm

    Hate to break it to yah but unless your of the native tribes (NOT moors) you are exactly as American as someone of European descent

    • they follow the nation of islam it is a cult they teaches blacks they are chosen people its from a white guy who pretended to be middle eastern who became rich off of getting blacks in innner cities to donate to him by telling them they are gods chosen people the nation of islam has been exposed and still people from the cult still post youtube videos with there lies and dumbasses who feel good when someone tellls them they are special eat it up and donate to the scam

    • KonohaTV Network July 16, 2018 @ 4:00 pm

      Paranormal Encyclopedia #1 Europeans are NOT Americans. That’s why they’re called Europeans.. Moors are not only the indigenous peoples to this land (America) but they are aboriginal and are the only individuals who can claim “sovereignty”.. Check your congressional records and the peace treaties between Al Morocco and the United States Corporation. Your government knows this but you don’t.. there’s no such thing as a “sovereign citizen”. The so called “native tribes” you speak of are Moors and are entered under the same “Christian Black Codes” as so-called “African-Americans”. Look it up on Google right now (these are congressional records). Moors are not a race or specific ethnic group of people, it’s a Nationality

    • Whites are Americans not blacks that illegally squatting on usa land .

    • Moors are Arabs and Berbers not blacks or indigenous to the Americas.moor does not mean native Americans which are Asians not black.

  2. Falcon Battle_Systems October 23, 2017 @ 4:15 pm

    Love it. Yes you can travel freely… However it has been ruled that the states can regulate that right to travel on the public road ways…. This guy talking to the Florida police thinks he knows the law and he doesnt. He forgets to state the change in that case….. move along, no matter if you send a letter to the chief… There is not such thing as a private Attorney general. lol No the police are not going to call the FBI to prove who you are.

  3. God bless the DeKalb County Police. Blue Lives Matter.

    • Rafael Hernandez July 15, 2018 @ 11:14 pm

      this video is wierd because “squaters right” is not a thing in dekalb. So the first part of the clip did not go well for the guys if in fact they didnt have a valid usufruct agreement under GA real estate law.

  4. Criminality. Hahahaha. Trying to sound smart.

  5. All these sovereig citizens and moores are all just scammers

    • No, that’s not true. EVERY political ideology has scammers in it. Conservatism is used as a scam all the time. Same with liberalism. This hardcore paleo-libertarianism is no different. Some are honest and actually have those values, others are scammers.

    • you the fool because there are nutcases using moorish info half way to play the system

    • But they’re also nutty as fruitcakes.

    • They’re scam artists and they themselves have been scammed. Someone scammed them into thinking their crazy “this is a corporate entity, I’m above the law” routine could ever work. It never works. Its never worked for anyone.

    • Gregory Howard July 2, 2018 @ 6:50 pm

      Your ancestors were scammers

  6. As soon as I heard them I knew who the squatters were

  7. If I found out idiots like this Character living in a property of mine I would not call the cops I would evict him with 12 gauge

  8. Sad. Bastards.

  9. I love these videos. “Well, Sir. You cannot arrest me… Sir, you cannot arrest me, because… But, Sir, you don’t have the authority to… Sir. Sir!”” I crack up every time I watch one of these.

  10. Is this weird Moorish black spin on the sovereign citizen movement new? I always remembered it usually being White anti-government guys doing it before. Now black people put bizarre black power slant on it.

  11. Black guy behind the camera….big suprise.

  12. “We have other options out there…” Yes you do, you can leave and live somewhere else. There is no option to disobey laws and remain here.

  13. It would appear that sovereign citizens aren’t terribly bright.

  14. To Mr. Wortham. You are CLEARLY not indigenous.

  15. Morrish must mean con-artist….

  16. Albert Kuzmich April 20, 2018 @ 2:22 pm

    The Negroes of North America, South America, the islands and elsewhere are Israelites. The 12 tribes are black Negroes

    • LMFAO!!!

    • there is no 12 tribes the bible is fake no talking snakes and no they are slaves from west africa bantu read a book not educate yourself from the cult nation of islam which was a white man founded pretending to be middle eastern and said he was god and you dumbasses believe him ahhahahaha . youll do anything to pretend to be special because you know your not at all

    • You like fiction and superstitions, huh??

    • No blacks are gentiles not Israelites.

  17. fightinggamefanatic May 12, 2018 @ 3:16 am

    Tards On Parade!!

  18. There is no constitutional right to travel…

  19. Hell's a poppin May 26, 2018 @ 5:49 pm

    Yall goin to be in trouble. I don’t think so. :o)

  20. Prenticeo.o[p p0 l.p. I.21st cq 4thColeman August 4, 2018 @ 7:41 pm

    Cacausian monkey crackers

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