AM I BEING DETAINED! Cop Baiters Get OWNED Compilation Part 2 2017

Readers Comments (75)

  1. Guerrilla Mobile Games March 11, 2018 @ 4:57 am


  2. The cop at 7min was the best. He explained clearly why he stopped them and it was indeed under reasonable suspicions. He even cheered them after for exercising their 2nd A.

    • Canadian Viking
      “that’s what the police are for”
      Ha ha you’re a slave who’s been cucked by your own government.

    • D Gray,
      “Therefore you have to follow the rules a cop lays out.”
      K, new rule, you have to give me your daughter.

    • Canadian Viking from a USA Viking here. Not all of this is directed at you.

      Police are rarely there to stop a situation in progress. Most often they are first responders after a situation has happened. Many violent crime scenarios are done in less than a minute. The fastest response time by police found in large cities are at least 5min if you are lucky. In rural areas where I live, response time is commonly over 30min. A local man was recently stabbed and bleeding severely. An ambulance was not sent because police were not able to respond and “secure” the scene. Thankfully the man survived due to the fast action of civilians.

      My true personal story. I am oldest of 3 brothers to a single Mom. When I was 14 we lived in the country. One night we had a man come to our door asking for directions. As we answered him we noticed he had a handgun in his waistband. We closed the door. He did not leave right away so we called the police. As we waited, this man walked around our house several times testing doors and windows. We we terrified as we had no way to defend ourselves. Thankfully he left on his own. It took the police over an hour to get to our house.

      Now you might say “Well, if guns we completely banned, the man wouldn’t have a gun to threaten you with.” There are 100s of MILLIONS of guns out there. U will never in our lifetime ensure that 100% of guns we removed. Even if u collected 99% of firearms in private hands, that still leaves 10s of THOUSANDS of uncollected guns. Most of those would be in the hands of criminals.

      I am now a husband and father to many daughters. I WILL NEVER PUT MY TRUST AND SAFETY FOR THE LIVES OF ME OR MY FAMILY IN ANYONE ELSE’S HANDS. Its is MY job as a parent to protect my family, and if something were to happen to them because I put my trust in the police to respond in time instead of arming and defending myself, that is a risk I will not take.

      “Sorry honey that our family has been murdered. The cops we suppose to get here in time and save us. What could I do? I didn’t have a gun. Better luck next time”

    • Tad Aamli – Just a math check. Removing 99% of the guns would still leave us with millions of guns. (+300 million guns… 1% = +3 million guns)

      And yes, the criminals would of course hold on to their guns while all the law abiding citizens turns theirs in because they knew once it was done only the bag guys would have guns. Not gonn’a happen.

  3. MonkeyCraftFTW April 14, 2018 @ 2:47 am

    That police officer at 5:30 was a g he answered all his questions and didn’t act like a prick ?

    • fnkdtnk : Yes!! I totally agree!! Same with drugs. Most white powder is either sugar or flour or salt, right? So the cops should NOT have the right to search and detain drug dealers just because they have bags with white powder in their possession. Your logic is flawless. Finally someone in this thread made sense! Thanks!

    • He’s ex military as hell

    • Shamino Warhen July 31, 2018 @ 9:54 pm

      G-Man, your the exact blend of sarcasm the internet needs. I am utterly sincere in this statement.

    • The G-Man correct, because drug dealers don’t go waltzing down the street with bags of white powder swinging in their hands. People with sugar or flower that was borrowed from a neighbor do. Drug dealers hide their narcotics from public view.
      Drug dealers get caught with drugs because they break a traffic law, jay walk, have a warrant out already etc. In other words, they were doing something that is clearly illegal, and opens them up for detainment, and searches of their person/vehicle. Not because they have a bag of white powder in their hands.
      But let me guess, since most illegal aliens have brown skin, you think it would be perfectly ok for me to call the police everytime I see a Mexican walking down the street, and have the police stop, detain, and paper check every brown person in my town. Like it or not, the 4th Amendment, as well as the 2nd Amendment exist, and need to be followed by police.

    • The G-Man you know, I thought a little bit more about your reply to me. You are correct, anyone with bags of white powder could be a drug dealer, and the police should go detain and search anyone with bags of white powder. My ex gf used to keep several bags of white powders in her kitchen, I’m going to call the DEA and let them know that she is probably a drug dealer. Actually, come to think of it, I bet you have white powder in your kitchen too, what is your real name and address? I need to have a SWAT team sent to your house ASAP.

  4. 2nd clip, much respect to that officer ❤️❤️❤️❤️, but the last clip ? holy crap on a cracker!!! Are they shy a few brain cells????? ?

    • Jorrit van der Burgh especially the numbers that prove you people won’t pa your share of defense spending for treaties you signed.

    • Canadian Viking We have not had 22. Even half that is more than we have had.

    • Johnson If you hate us, why do you all take our foreign aid and allow us to station troops for your protection? I can literally name plenty of countries that like us as long as we don’t bother you

    • Andrew Cran and yet there are so many people trying to leave their countries and come to the US. We have the best freedoms in my opinion and we have the ability have our pick of immigrants. We also are the home of the top 3 richest companies in the world.

      You claim nobody cares and that your way of life is better and yet we are the country with so much immigration, that there is a 6 month wait list just for an interview.

    • My fellow pro gun Americans, who cares about what these foreigners think of U.S gun laws? These fuckers cannot even vote in our elections nor will they ever probably come and visit the U.S in their lifetime. Let them watch our great country from their poverty stricken shitty countries with hardly no opportunities that we enjoy here in the United States. Let them wallow while we continue to prosper and be free. So don”t worry about trying to change their minds.

  5. The guys in the last clip are morons. I’m all for the 2nd ammendment and I love guns, but those guys are asking to be dropped.

  6. Come on I’m all for rights, but the second cop was in the right. It was “reasonable”

  7. Wow, the third video; those two were complete idiots, what did they expect!? The officers acted accordingly,,

  8. Unusual ByDefault July 27, 2018 @ 9:22 am

    “I will put a round in you, sir” very polite police officer, 10/10, would open carry into police station again ^^

  9. “I WILL PUT A ROUND IN YOU SIR” that guy is so nice!

  10. Bryan Agostini July 28, 2018 @ 10:27 am

    You’re exercising your 2nd ammendment rights but why are you walking around with a loaded semi-automatic weapon around your neck? It should be no surprise that someone in the public would feel uncomfortable enough to call the police.

    • lazyadams apple that literally has never hapened ….. wtf is wrong with you? school shootings happen by school kids not grown fucking men!!!

    • Little Shepherd Farm August 11, 2018 @ 3:26 pm

      +MichaelNNY : A few years back when I was an over the road semi truck driver I was in an area of Detroit, Michigan picking up a load. There were bookers on the corner, 2 men shooting up, and the cops just drove right on by! I have seen MANY bad things where the cops SHOULD HAVE INTERVENED but didn’t so while I try hard to be a Christian and not harm anyone unless it’s absolutely necessary I also appreciate that we have a 2nd Amendment to fall back on but at the same time the local and state laws tick me off because in many places if someone breaks into your home and you shoot them dead YOU go to jail because it’s not justified! Makes me so angry that the law has been bent so backwards like that. But…we ARE living in a time period like no other in human history so I guess it shouldn’t surprise anyone with the evil way things are changing. Very sad when you try to protect your own and YOU suffer the punishment for it!

    • Bryan Agostini they just baiting police and trying to get attention

    • I understand your point but at the point that you call and t hey have not broken the law but simply because guns make you nervous isn’t a reason to call. That would be almost like calling the police on someone driving a car legally and in a legal manner while driving near a crowded pedestrian area just because they might drive into the crowd. If they were circling school grounds or hanging out very near a school while carrying guns. But what if they have a back pack on walking near a school do you call 911 because they might have guns or a bomb? What if they have a long jacket on do you call because they might be hiding a long gun beneath it? I do understand what your trying to say but merely calling the cops because someone you don’t even know might do something is a bit much. A person jogging down the street might come assault you while your cutting your grass, a pedestrian walking down the sidewalk might try to car jack you etc. The police have to try and walk a fine line between the law and conducting investigations of suspicious people and by all means I feel if the we the public notices something suspicious then we should call and let the police decide if anything illegal is going on or is about to happen. But I do think we should also use some common sense when dialing 911. Not saying that you wouldn’t or don’t use common sense as this is not a personal attack just another view point.

    • Some states I believe make it illegal to open carry in public with a chambered round. Though if I’m incorrect please feel free to correct me on this.

  11. They walked into a police station loaded to the gills, with vests, and balaclavas… I wouldn’t be alarmed at all <.<

  12. Dudes walking into the police station should have been shot. If not for the obvious stupidity but to remove their genetics from the gene pool.

    • Jacek Sas
      You cant understand why two masked men walking into a police station with rifles should not be shot?

    • I lived in Dearborn for a few years – the Indian Muslim population is fairly high there (with Ford Motor company headquarters being a prominent employer). Dressing up like they are on a personal Jihad (or suicide quest) and walking into the police department is right up there with taking selfies on a skyscraper construction zone. My theory: evolution is finding it harder and harder to weed out the gene pool, what with all the advances in medical science and all, so the natural instinct is causing more people to commit displays of ever-increasing dangerous activities to keep the species from de-evolving. /s

    • Little Shepherd Farm August 10, 2018 @ 2:10 pm

      The BBQ Jerk: OMG that is the BEST LINE here!!! You win funniest and truest comment in a thread award!!! XD

  13. sylenceexposed July 31, 2018 @ 3:19 pm

    “Hahaha I’ll give you my name on the ticket right before I have your vehicle towed away” … amazing

    • Except illegal. His breaking code of conduct that states that he has to identify him self to who ever in public, stating his name, badge number and rank.

    • sylenceexposed August 4, 2018 @ 2:33 pm

      Hellsong89 , of course it’s illegal.. public servants can be filmed and when asked must provide the information that was asked. It still doesn’t take away from the fact that the cops statement was funny and that the vehicle owner was also breaking the law.

    • Andrew Wilson I feel ya

  14. I need a shirt that says “i know how to operate a street.”

  15. metalmurcielago August 1, 2018 @ 5:38 am

    “I’m gonna give you my name I’m going to put it on the ticket after I tow your trailer way” lmao. Easy as that.

  16. You go into a police station strapped with guns and a ski mask. That was very very stupid. 100% siding with the police there.

  17. Who wouldn’t walk into a police station with a rifle?????

  18. I’m an adult sir!.
    Ok here’s your adult ticket!

  19. VICTOR GILBERT August 3, 2018 @ 6:29 pm

    “Who comes into a police office fully armed?” “But it’s legal”
    Just cause it’s legal doesn’t make it practical

    • VICTOR GILBERT I know right, face covered and carrying weapons, they’re lucky they wasn’t killed

    • Actually, it is illegal to carry any firearm into any federal building whether it be a school, bank, fire station or police station… They need to check the laws instead of well, I heard it from some guy that said he did it…

    • Not in this state unless judicial proceedings are in progress.

    • Ig2212 Kravenchenko August 11, 2018 @ 12:10 pm

      VICTOR GILBERT It’s not legal, but covering the head on a ski mask wasn’t his smartest idea

    • Johnathan Ellis August 11, 2018 @ 4:14 pm

      White guys with ski masks walk into police station with weapons and nobody shot. Black guy selling cigarettes gets killed , 10 yr black kid on playground gets killed , c.f. permit citizen informs police where weapon is gets killed. I wonder what the difference was ? This is why men are kneeling at football games not because we aren’t patriotic

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