“AM I BEING DETAINED?” – Cop Baiters Get OWNED Compilation [#1]


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Intro Song Name: Seqzy X JoX – Tropical Cincinnati
Intro Song Link: …

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Readers Comments (51)

  1. In the 2nd clip, what in the astronomical hell was that guy thinking?

    • tekitron so a person who appears to be in “full tactical gear” can be “perceived as a threat”.. and your asserting that a reasonable person can reacted to “full tactical gear” as a threat? An expression: whats good for the goose is good for the gander.

      If you understand the word Brandishing. Then you might get a better understanding of what point having an object in your possession matched with action… create an offence.

    • It is Michigan after all. What do you expect from a Michigoonian?

    • you have the same right as anyone else chatting here, but you may wanna do some research, or educate yourself a bit before commenting if you want to be taken seriously.

    • call it how you see it, brother… the beauty of free speech

  2. 9:00 When you know you’re dealing with an incompetent uncultured swine

  3. Morons enter a police station armed and wearing a mask. Sounds like the beginning of a bad joke

  4. Cop shows up at his house and asks for registration for vehicle that’s parked then abruptly walks away? Somethings not right there

  5. Captain Hellfire June 11, 2018 @ 3:28 pm

    …….I don’t even know where to begin with wearing a mask and two firearms into a police station….

    • Pal you can spin it anyway you wish, but their little stunt was ridiculously stupid!!!

    • And now, let’s look at your comment in a different, yet accurate and truthful way… “They are lucky to still be breathing for being legally right. The law notwithstanding, to someone’s personal idea of common sense, it was way beyond criminal, and that’s way more important than what is actually written, established law or what is considered legal in a court of law”. Really? Is that what you want you want cops doing on a regular basis; chucking the law and making personal “guesses” on how they would like the law to be? REALLY?

    • Pal there is no way to justify that kinda stupidity!! Ok great buddy they were within their rights, all legal like etc etc etc ohhhh goody for them!! But a very very poor personal choice- nuff said!!

    • The reason its important, is represented by Almos Park, Leon Valley, and many places like where I live in Ohio. It’s becoming quite common for law enforcement and local municipalities to openly flaunt state and federal law, including the Constitution. They write laws they know are unConstitutional, but without challenge, will stand. It’s happened with many illegal CCW ordinances in Ohio, and the others I’ve mentioned and many more that took patriots going in and getting physically arrested to start the legal process. In the case of Almos Park, after A LOT of arrests, seized property and broken heads, the pressure was too great and the local municipality finally rescinded the illegal ordinance. Same with many of the illegal ordinances in Ohio. We’re slowly turning into a police state. A “show me your papers” at the whim of law enforcement nation. Given technology, the right to privacy and our 4th amendment rights have already been all but negated.
      Now I grant you; I doubt I would walk in with a mask on either, though I see no problem with the vest or rifle. But again; They were waiting for them. They knew EXACTLY who was walking up there with GoPros on their shoulders and camcorders in their hands.
      This department has had LEGION complaints of unconstitutional actions against them from preachers, speakers, citizens and many others. The take the side of Islam every time. They ban street preaching on city streets for a 1/4 mile all around the Islamic festival there. THEY BAN THE 1st AMENDMENT FOR 1/4 MILE IN PUBLIC IN VIOLATION OF THE CONSTITUTION. Not to protect the preachers who have been beaten many times before by the muslims, but to protect the true victims; All Islam according to their Muslim mayor and police chief. How you can defend that, I have no idea.

    • yeah,DUH…..

  6. Sir I’m an adult, I know how to operate a street LMAO!

  7. Str8 to the cell from there

  8. What were they thinking, walking into a cop station with a mask and guns.

    • spiffcats You see, that’s the thing. They weren’t thinking.

    • They are legit cop baiters and after that incident they were gonna start getting even more stupid like black face arab robes ak’s it was only a matter of time

  9. “I’m an adult I know how to operate a street.” XD

  10. The first guy expecting an argument and didn’t get one. Instead he got an officer that knew his job and performed his job well. And now the guy has to walk away eating humble pie.

  11. Those first cops must have been the coolest cops on the planet!

  12. I’ve gotta say though Roads of Mayhem….I don’t like the direction you’re turning with your channel. I liked the car accident videos, now it’s turning into some weird police channel.

    • eldangeroso68 yes. Maybe they should show what a bad cop looks like too.

    • AwokenCitizen unless the cop is on the road, I see no point on posting these vids period. Start a new channel.

    • Slapping Socialists June 12, 2018 @ 5:49 am

      You have two options: cry and unsub, or be a big girl and pull your panties up.

    • Commie Killer ya or you constructively give feedback to channels so they know what some of their viewers want. I assume you’re about 12 years old with a childish comment like that….

    • eldangeroso68 well you know what they say about people who assume

  13. Slapping Socialists June 12, 2018 @ 5:40 am

    Shoulda shot the masked moron.

  14. Slapping Socialists June 12, 2018 @ 5:45 am

    “I’m gonna give you my name. It’ll be on the parking ticket when I tow your truck away.” That’s how you handle a bigmouthed suburban law scholar.

  15. The 2nd guy that went into the police station wearing a mask and packing heat is a USDA Grade A idiot

  16. Masked armed man enters police station = one of the only times a cop can go ahead and open fire.

    • Sal S its actually legal they can and the arresting officer admitted it also said he didnt care….although I agree the mask made it worse…and concede that he was stupid.

  17. Mattias Lindberg June 19, 2018 @ 12:39 pm

    What were they thinking, walking into a cop station with a mask and guns

  18. Enter a police station with masks on, wearing visible body armor while carrying long guns…. Did ya’ll really expect the police to not react to that ?? Cmon dude….

  19. DiamondCripple June 23, 2018 @ 3:31 pm

    *Enters police station with mask and gun*

    “Now just hear me out…”

  20. The first officers inter personal skills were seriously good

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